
Okay Resistance to Organic Meals

These days, eating healthy foods is increasingly becoming a trend, especially in big cities. One of them eat organic food. Many people considered it a healthy food because the process of planting until harvest is done naturally, aka do not use chemicals. Because of that, our food is safe for consumption.

Along this trend, now increasingly easy to find organic food. Many shopping malls and outlets to market certain foods free of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, growth hormones, and these transgenic seeds. Because of increasing consumption, the foods are now also increasingly diverse. Besides vegetables and fruits, later also appeared chicken, eggs, and organic milk.

Organic foods do have many properties for health. Quite a lot of research which concluded that fruits, vegetables, and beans are grown organically contains many nutrients, including vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. In contrast, very little of these foods contain nitrates and deposition of pesticides than non-organic.

"Therefore, eating organic foods regularly make the body is not easy to get sick," said Susianto, Chief Operating Indonesia Vegetarian Society (IVS).

Immune system become stronger because organic foods contain more antioxidants than non-organic materials. The benefits of antioxidants for the body quite a lot. In addition to cleaning the blood, also can help prevent many diseases, like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, and degenerative diseases or other descent.

Organic foods contain high antioxidant because it does not use chemicals. Fertilizers, for example, only using compost fertilizer. That way, foods contain more nutrients than the content of substances that are harmful to health.

On the contrary. non-organic food can be bad for health. Because these foods contain chemicals such as fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides up. Well. chemical substances that are usually kept attached to the vegetables and fruits such.

"Moreover, the fruit is shipped from outside the island or the results would need to import additional preservatives to prevent rot quickly, so the content of chemical substances will be even bigger," said Trini Sudarti, nutritionist, University of Indonesia Faculty of Public Health (FKM-UI).

The negative impact of non-organic foods is not going directly visible. Usually, the impact will be seen in the long term. In that period, there will be a buildup of toxic chemical substances (toxic) in the body. Consequently. liver or liver must work hard to neutralize the poison. Only, the liver will not be able to neutralize the poison forever in the body.

If we mengomsumsi everyday foods like this, of course, the impact will be felt sooner. You see, every day there is a chemical into the body. As a result, there are toxins in the body that can not be neutralized and turned into fat.

"The more toxins that enter, the more fat will accumulate," said Adi Sasongko, Director of Yayasan Kusuma National Health Service.

Bad fats in the body can become sources of disease. Some of them are obese, heart, gallbladder disease, stroke, to diabetes mellitus. Hence, for this evil lemat mengihindari buildup, many medical circles suggest people who were on a diet to organic foods.

In addition to helping the performance of the heart, these foods are also high in fiber. In this way, can help dissolve fat. The fats will be issued along with the remnants of digestion, "said Trini.

Prevent stroke and heart
Another benefit of organic foods is relatively high flavonoid content. Just so you know, flavonoids are substances that can reduce the potential for stroke and heart disease. Flavonoid content of organic crops is higher because organic foods are not fertilized with chemicals.

That way, the plant must work harder to get nitrogen in the soil. That's when the plant is able to produce our heart healthy flavonoids.

As with the plants that use chemical fertilizers. These plants do not need to work harder to get nitrogen. The problem of synthetic chemical fertilizers already contain heavy metals such as lead and mercury.

Forbidden Food for Breastfeeding Mother

Some of the food or beverages below should not be consumed by breastfeeding mothers. Why? Here's why.

- Isotonic drinks
These drinks usually contain sodium, calcium, potassium and substances the body needs more. But if consumed when the body was not doing heavy physical activity, then the ion content in these drinks does not give a positive effect.

- Softdrink
Sugar content is very high in softdrink that can increase blood sugar levels in the body.

- Alcohol
Alcohol was the kind of unhealthy drinks that are not recommended for consumption, either pregnant or lactating mothers. Alcohol proved negative effect on the body.

In some countries the consumption of MSG is still tolerated is 0,3-1 grams / day. An exaggeration to say the consumption of MSG has more than 30 mg / kg per day. The problem is not easy to calculate how much MSG is mixed in each meal or snack is included in the body.

MSG is thought to cause a collection of symptoms called Chinese Restaurant Syndrome (CRS). Symptoms include numbness in the back of the neck, arms and whole body feels weak and the pulse increased. MSG is also associated with the outbreak of various allergic disorders such as asthma, itching, skin infections, heart rhythm disorders, neurological disorders and indigestion side.

- Food berpengawet / dye
Hazardous substances commonly used in foods such as textile dyes rhodamin B, the effect of yellow methanyl cause liver function to cancer.

Artificial sweeteners are consumed to excess in the long term can cause bladder cancer. Dangerous preservatives such as formaldehyde and borax are used in meatballs, noodles, tofu. Once chloramphenicol to preserve shrimp.

Soursop has many benefits.

Soursop has many benefits. Inside are substances that can ward off gout, hypertension, osteoporosis, and can make young. Other benefits, increase endurance, heal hemorrhoids, and facilitate the digestion of food.

To live healthy, we are advised to consume 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables per day. Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber food is very good. In addition, soursop is also a source of phytochemical compounds that are highly experienced recent health benefits.

We need to give thanks for our region overflowing with a variety of tropical fruits. Fruits are full of nutrients and nongizi components that are necessary to optimize the body's health.

One type of tropical fruit which is very popular due to the sharp aroma and the taste is sweet acidity is soursop. This fruit is very easy to find, ranging from traditional fruit market to the supermarket. In restaurants and hotels, soursop fruit is generally presented in the form of cold juice.

It was a sweet acidity that gives the sensation of its own for the fans. For those who like breakfast with bread, fruit soursop are also often added in the form of jam. Whatever the form of processed, soursop flavor remains strongly attached to the product so that it easily recognizable.

Fruit worldwide
Soursop (Anona muricata Linn) is a close relative srikaya (Anona squamosa Linn). Soursop plants came from the American tropics, which is about Peru, Mexico, and Argentina. In the place of origin, soursop fruit is an important and prestigious.

This fruit tree is one of the first fruits introduced into the world long after Columbus discovered the American continent. Soon after that, the Spanish brought to the Philippines and soursop proved this crop can be grown in most tropical countries, including Indonesia. These plants grow well in all over Indonesia, from the lowlands to an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level.

Soursop word comes from Dutch language, which is zuurzak. The word means zuur acid, zak means bag. So, literally translated as sour bag. In Malaysia, the soursop is durian Dutch (Dutch durian).

Another term for soursop is corossol / cachiman epincux (France), saucrapfel (Germany), guanabana / zapote agrio (Spain), thu-rian-rhaek (Thailand), seetha (Tamil), guayabano (Philippines), ciguofan lizhi (China) , togebanreishi (Japan), and seremania (Fiji). In English, the fruit known as soursop soursop because it tastes sweet acidity.

In Indonesia, the plant also known as soursop Dutch or jackfruit jackfruit across. Plants can adapt and grow well in all areas. However, soursop plants not cultivated on a large scale, limited generally planted in the yard or garden house.

Make Apples Down Weight Fast?

Kelly Osbourne, daughter of rocker Ozzy Osbourne geeks, recently performed with the body much more slender. He could say, slim secret is to eat an apple before bed because it helps keep metabolism working. This seems in accordance with the adage, "An apple a day may keep the doctor away". However, did say Kelly tips?

An apple snack, according to Amanda Ursell, a nutritionist who is also a columnist in the magazine-Wellbeing will actually make you awake because of indigestion. Apples contain fiber which is soluble in water (called pectin) and natural sugars in fruit that make it quite filling. These natural sugars increase blood sugar slowly and low in calories when compared with the biscuit.

You may have heard, calories consumed late at night is more fat than those consumed earlier. However, most researchers insist that the amount of total calories consumed during the 24 hours that made him fat, not when the food is eaten.

A small study recently showed that this theory is valid to say that snacked on an apple is better than other fatty snack foods. In fact, if the total calories you are still under control.

If you want to eat apples as Kelly tips, this does not make any difference. Because really, any hour you want to snacking apple, this fruit provides many health benefits. For example, quercetin, super nutrition mentioned fighting the virus. Then, too glukarik acid D, which can reduce bad cholesterol. However, the apple does not have the ability to increase a great metabolism.

Amanda added, according to the study, if there are foods that actually have the leverage to increase your metabolism, it is the chili sauce and mustard. Both help to accelerate the process of burning calories.

Scientists at Oxford Brookes University showed that the metabolic rate increased 15 percent within two hours after eating this chili. While drinking 6 cups of green tea every day proved to help you burn 100 calories every day.

Well, you do not have to believe it with tips from Kelly. With the money he had, he might also employ personal trainers and nutritionists to lose weight significantly.

Why Cabbage Can Prevent Cancer?

In America, 1 in 5 deaths caused by cancer. Based on data from the American Cancer Society, cancer deaths in women with breast cancer is dominated by as much as 19 percent, 16 percent of lung cancer, and colon and rectal cancer 15 percent. Ali Khomsan

Meanwhile, the dominant male cancer as the cause of death was lung cancer (34 percent), cancer of the colon and rectum (12 percent), and prostate (10 percent).

Fat-rich diet in epidemiological studies indicate a close connection with the appearance of colon cancer or breast cancer. Low-fat and high fiber consumption as the vegetarian diet is known to cause the low incidence of cancer.

Certain hormones may be partly responsible for the appearance of tumors. This hormone is triggered by consumption expenditure, high fat. For example, the hormone prolactin (serum) that stimulate tumor growth was increased when our diet is rich in fat.

Foods contain substances causing substances (promoters) and prevention (inhibitors) and cancer. The extent to which achieved a balance between these two components will determine whether we are at risk of cancer or not.

Alcohol may act as a cause of cancer through various channels. First, alcohol is directly toxic to cells. Second, alcohol can become a vehicle for kokarsinogen boarded. Third, alcohol causes the immune system disorders. Alcohol as a direct cause of the emergence of cancer is still questionable scientific evidence. However, it seems no doubt that alcohol can be a promoter of tumorigenesis.

Direct cause of cancer seems to remain difficult to detect. This is considering the emergence of cancer that requires a relatively long time after a certain diet is applied. However, given the epidemiological evidence linking eating habits (food habits) of a group of people with cancer incidence, lessons can be drawn about the need to watch intake of nutrients from natural foods, and eat enough your body needs.

All cabbage crucifera belong to the group, this group is known as sulforaphane and indoles content of his merit as anticancer. Research on indoles mendeaktivasi prove estrogen metabolites that cause tumors, particularly in breast cells. At the same time increase the indoles certain compounds are protective against cancer.

In addition to suppress tumor cell growth, indoles can also reduce the process of metastasis of cancer cells. Metastasis is the movement of cancer cells to other parts of the body resulting in the spread of tumor cells.

Meanwhile, sulforaphane contribute to the role of enzymes responsible for detoxification. With the optimal detoxification, cancer-causing carcinogenic substances more quickly removed. In addition, studies of sulforaphane and its effect on tumors in mice showed that sulforaphane causes tumors to grow more slowly and weighed less. Sulforaphane can cause apoptosis (cancer cell suicide) in leukemia cells and melanoma.

Many people already know the benefits of eating plant-based foods, like vegetables and fruits rich in phytonutrients (plant nutrients). Phytonutrients are able to prevent cancer because it functions as an antioxidant, thus preventing the damage to body cells by free radical attack.

A study at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, U.S., involving human samples of more than 1,000 people revealed that those who are diligent eating vegetables can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 35 percent, while those eating cabbage can reduce the risk of cancer 44 percent. While the study sample in the Netherlands with more than 100,000 people are relatively the same result, namely vegetable consumption may reduce colon cancer risk 25 percent, cabbage can reduce the risk to 49 percent. This confirms that the role of cabbage as a vegetable anticancer reliable.

Cabbage can reduce the risk of lung cancer to 30 percent in the group of non-smokers. In the smokers group, better yet, that is reduce the risk of lung cancer to 69 percent. So, this could be good news for smokers, if it can not stop smoking do not forget to always eat cabbage as a vegetable friend rice.

Until now unknown cause cancer drugs and was quite diverse. Often the very late detection of cancer so that aid becomes more difficult. Therefore, preventive efforts should be prioritized for cancer. This is where nutrition plays an important role to offer prevention process so that the deadly disease can be avoided.

Eating cabbage may not be a guarantee that you will be free of cancer. However, at least risk for the disease becomes smaller due to nutritional elements and other substances in the cabbage has been proven efficacious for the health.

Get used to eating cabbage is 3-5 serving per week is recommended. One serving equals 1 cup. Choosing cabbage grown organically certainly will bring greater benefits for organic vegetables contain phytonutrients higher. In Indonesia, organic vegetables can now be found in supermarket-specific supermarket. It's just that the price is still relatively more expensive and not very wide availability.