
Seed Increase Endurance Body Melinjo

We call melinjo, most people probably know him as the raw material chips with his trademark sense of bitterness. There are people who abstain because of fear of melinjo uric acid. But, you know, beans rich in antioxidants and can melinjo increase endurance?

Researchers from the University of Jember, Tri Agus Siswoyo, considered that the antioxidant activity of seeds is equivalent to vitamin C. melinjo This antioxidant activity obtained from the high protein concentrations, 90-10 percent, within each seed melinjo.

The main protein is very effective in eliminating free radicals causes various diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol, a narrowing of blood vessels, and premature aging.

Great potential contained in a seed or Gnetum gnemon melinjo made sure melinjo Tri is a suitable source of functional protein used as a food supplement nutrasetikal (efficacious for healthy food), including to prevent and treat disease. Moreover melinjo seeds are easy to obtain.

Cheap Supplements
Recognized until recently had no formal studies on the use of seed proteins as sources of antioxidants melinjo. In fact, if the use of antioxidant peptides from hydrolysis gnemon Gnetum seed was successful, will be available nutrasetikal supplements can be cheap and safe alternative.

Unlike in the country, Japan has already looked at the potential of antioxidant from the seeds of this Gnetaceae family. Tri The results on isolation and characterization of antioxidant peptide from the seeds of this melinjo making it one recipient of research funds from the Indonesia Toray Science Foundation, a foundation established textile company and Japan's largest synthetic fiber.

Similar ginkgo
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) revealed, melinjo including the evolution of ancient plants close to plants ginkgo biloba in Japan. This reason is also what makes Japanese people are interested to develop it.

Ginkgo is the oldest tree species that has grown over 150-200 million years and is trusted as a brain tonic for strengthening the memory. Ginkgo leaves also have strong antioxidant properties and plays an important role in the oxidation of free radicals cause premature aging and senile dementia.

However, not merely an ancient plant that makes the Tri interested in researching the plant that grows in Southeast Asia, but melinjo resistance to disease, good bacteria, fungi, and pests. For two years studying melinjo, Tri has examines the interaction between starch and lipids in seeds melinjo, protein stability to heat and melinjo phenolic content, as well as the source of flavonoid antioxidants.

Natural antimicrobials
Until now, biochemistry doctorate from Osaka Prefecture University, Japan, that have isolated two types of proteins that show high antioxidant activity. From all parts of the plant melinjo diekstraknya ever, ranging from leaves, bark, roots, until seeds, Tri find the greatest potential of seed proteins. Research shows this is equivalent to the antioxidant activity of synthetic antioxidant BHT (Butylated Hydroxytolune).

Of the two protein fractions that, found another function melinjo as a natural antimicrobial. That means melinjo protein can also be used as a natural food preservative as well as new drugs for diseases caused by bacteria. Gg-AMP peptide isolated from the seeds have the potential to be indicated melinjo actively inhibit some types of positive and gram negative bacteria.

Healthy snacks
To obtain its benefits, can be eaten directly melinjo by boiling and used as a snack, or as a mixture of vegetables. It was also recognized activist medicinal plants, Pudji Rahayu, from Bekasi. He often utilizes melinjo seeds as ingredients to add endurance.

"The trick is to boil it, like a boiled peanut or vegetable mixture made with tamarind leaves. People are not many people know that if melinjo have antioxidant functions, which are generally known to a new high purinnya content and can cause uric acid," he explained.

Simply boil or disayur
No complicated actually utilize melinjo seeds. Simply boil it, such as boiling beans, or make mixed vegetable or vegetable acids ve. Because that is used is the seeds, how to eat them is also quite easy. Can be eaten immediately (used as snack or dessert) after the skin peeled.

Choosing melinjo actually no specific benchmarks. All types can basically be used. If you do not want to get seeds that are still very soft, young people can choose melinjo with green skin. Conversely, old melinjo aeneous, seeded a little strong.

If you have a high purine content or at risk of uric acid (gout), should not consume too much melinjo. The recommended dose of normal consumption quite a handful of beans boiled in a day melinjo. Remember, before boiling, melinjo seeds should be washed until completely clean.

15 Food Immunity booster...

When weather conditions are extreme and uncertain as it is, your body may become more vulnerable to minor disturbances, such as the flu or a cold. In order not easy to get sick, you certainly have to maintain the condition and stamina with a variety of ways, including increased resiliency and immunity or immunity through intake of nutritious food.

Here are some healthy foods that you can choose to boost immunity. By taking them properly and balanced, your body will be prime condition and protected from disease.

1. Oyster
Really oysters contain substances that stimulate desire, or increase the body's immune? Perhaps both are true. Oysters contain the mineral zinc (zinc). Research has shown that low zinc intake is associated with male infertility. In addition, the mineral content of zinc in oysters have antiviral effects. Although research has not been able to explain the process, the minerals zinc proved to play a major role in the immune system, including the healing of wounds.

2. Watermelon
Besides containing plenty of fluids and refreshing, ripe watermelon also contain high antioxidant and glutathione. Glutathione is known to help strengthen the immune system so it can fight infection. Glutathione itself is found in watermelon fruit is red meat.

3. Cabbage
In addition to watermelon, cabbage is also one useful source of glutathione which strengthens the immune system. Cabbage is easy to find in every season and it's cheap. Try adding some type cabbage (white, red, china) in the soup and beverages to enhance the nutritional value and source of antioxidants in your food.

4. Peanuts "almonds"
You know, when experiencing stress, it is synonymous with lowered immunity? Try a handful of almonds to overcome them. You are advised to consume 1 / 4 cup almonds because the dose was already contains 50 percent of the amount of vitamin E needed by the body to help boost the immune system. Almonds also contain riboflavin and niacin, vitamin B that can help you recover from the effects of stress.

5. Oranges "grapefruit"
The content of vitamin C in grapefruit is very high and good for the body. However, until recently, research has not been able to prove that you can easily meet the need of vitamin C through diet alone, without supplements, to help treat the flu or a cold. However, grapefruit may be an option because it contains flavonoids (natural chemical compound that is useful to improve the immune system). Do not like grapefruit? You can try oranges or tangerines (tangerines).

6. "Wheat germ"
Wheat germ is a core part of the wheat seeds are rich in nutrients. The content contained in wheat germ of which is the mineral zinc, antioxidants, and vitamin B; as well as other essential vitamins and minerals. Wheat germ also contains a mixture of fiber, protein, and some good fats.

7. Low-fat yogurt
Cup yogurt each day can prevent your body from cold. Look for yogurt that wrote the label "bacteria live and active cultures." Some researchers believe that yogurt may stimulate the immune system to fight disease. In addition, recent studies about the latest vitamin D has found an association between low vitamin D levels and increased risk of cold and flu.

8. Garlic
Garlic contains a number of antioxidants that are useful in the immune system against H pylori, the bacterium that causes ulcers and stomach cancer. Cooking tips include: peeled garlic, cut, and allow 15 to 20 minutes before cooking to activate an enzyme that works to increase immunity.

9. Spinach
Spinach is known as super foods because of rich nutrients. This is because the spinach contain folate which helps your body produce new cells and repair of DNA. Spinach also contains fiber, antioxidants, like vitamin C, and more. Spinach nutrients most spinach is obtained when eaten raw or lightly cooked.

10. Tea
Do you like green tea or black tea? No need to hesitate because they both contain polyphenols and flavonoids that can fight disease. Antioxidants are contained in both types of tea can destroy free radicals.

11. Sweet potato
Like carrots, sweet potatoes also have antioxidant beta-carotene that fight free radicals. Sweet potatoes also contain vitamin A which is useful to slow the aging process and can reduce the risk of some cancers.

12. Broccoli
Vegetables are easily found in supermarkets is in fact contain substances that can enhance the body's immune basis. A study showed that natural chemicals in broccoli helps stimulate the immune system. Plus, nutrients that protect your body from damage. In addition, broccoli also has vitamin A, vitamin C, and glutathione. Cooking Tips: You can add a side dish with cheese broccoli low-fat fed so as to obtain vitamin B and vitamin D that is useful to boost immunity.

13. Button mushrooms
When you think of mushrooms as a low-nutrient foods, you are wrong! Mushrooms have a mineral selenium and antioxidants. According to the study, low levels of selenium in the body can increase the risk of contracting a more severe flu. In addition, riboflavin and niacin content contained in button mushrooms play an important role in the immune system. Animal studies indicate that the fungus also has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-tumor effects.

14. "Acai berry"
Known by the term "super food", acai berry also produces antioxidants like blueberries. Only, the acai berry antioxidant content is higher and is often called anthocyanins. Although the acai berry can not be specified for certain disease-fighting, antioxidant believed to help your body fight aging and disease. Acai berry most often ditemukkan in juices or smoothies or dried and mixed granular (cereal).

15. "Elderberry"
In a study conducted found that the herb made from elderberry extract is able to block the flu virus. Several small studies conducted in humans showed that this material can help you recover faster from the flu. However, scientists cautioned that further study is still needed. Antioxidant-rich elderberry own and have the ability to relieve inflammation.

Chrysophyllum Fruit Good for Heart

In addition to a rich sugar, brown also contain other nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. The fruit is also good for heart health and blood vessels.

Sapodilla fruit (Achras sapota L) is quite well known people of Indonesia. Sweet fragrance and taste delicious. In English, known as sapodilla sapodilla, chikoo, or sapota. In India, brown is called chikoo, in the Philippines known as tsiko, and in Malaysia ciku. Tionghoa called sapodilla fruit as hong xiêm.

Brown fruit is usually consumed in fresh condition. Taste the sap is still often attached to the mouth. Under conditions ripe, this fruit can be made into a beverage or as a mixture of ice cream. However, it has not been commercially cultivated.

Chrysophyllum originated from Central America and Mexico. In India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala, and Central America, sapodilla fruit is cultivated commercially. In Indonesia, the sapodilla is generally cultivated as garden plants to be enjoyed by men, especially in areas of West Sumatra, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java and West Nusa Tenggara.

Seeds brown or black, shiny blackish brown. Flattened shape and large. Brown seeds contain saponins, quercetin, and oil as much as 23 percent. Sapodilla seeds should not be consumed because hidrosianik acid content high enough to be toxic. Meanwhile, interest sapodilla is a key ingredient in parem, namely traditional medicine powder rubbed on the body in new mothers.

Sapodilla fruit, sweet flavor makes the fruit's many fans. Sweet taste is due to sugar content in fruit flesh content of 16-20 percent.

Not only sugar, the brown fruit also contained fat, protein, vitamins A, B, and C, minerals iron, calcium, and phosphorus. Sapodilla fruit nutrient composition can be seen in the table.

Sapodilla fruit has good mineral content. This fruit is a good source of potassium, ie 193 mg/100 g. On the other hand, sapodilla also has low sodium content, 12 mg/100 g. Comparison of potassium and sodium content reaches brown 16:1 makes very good for the heart and blood vessels.

Apart from potassium-rich, brown also contains a number of other important minerals.
Other mineral content per 100 grams of sawo are: calcium (21 mg), magnesium (12 mg), phosphorus (12 mg), selenium (0.6 mg), zinc (0.1 mg) and copper (0.09 mg).

Chrysophyllum also rich in vitamin C, which is 14.7 mg/100 g. Consumption of 100 grams of brown can meet 24.5 percent of the body's need for vitamin C every day. Vitamin C can react with a variety of minerals in the body. Vitamin C plays an important role in the metabolism of copper.

In addition, consumption of adequate amounts of vitamin C can help increase iron absorption. Vitamin C can also interact with a variety of other vitamins such as vitamin E which functions as an antioxidant.

Sapodilla fruits also contain folic acid, 14 g. mkg/100 Folic acid is needed for the body's red blood cell formation. Folic acid also helps prevent the formation of homocysteine which is very harmful for health.

Other vitamins are also contained in brown fruit is: riboflavin, niacin, B6, and vitamin A. While it can be used as a source of vitamins and minerals, sapodilla should not be given to infants because of the sap are feared to disturb the digestive tract.

Sapodilla fruit also contains a lot of sugar so good for use as an energy source. However, this fruit is not recommended for people with diabetes mellitus because it can improve blood sugar levels quickly.

Soft and Smooth
Chrysophyllum who are ready to eat is brown. Raw fruit is not good to eat because of the hard. Bitter chocolate and caused by high tannin content and caustic. Sapodilla sapodilla good quality is soft and dark brown.

Shape and magnitude of the problem is not a problem, the most important skin must be smooth. Do not choose an existing sapodilla wounds, scratches, or even the slightest hole. Also, do not choose that have brown marks on the leather sap. Chrysophyllum whose skin had flesh bottom of the defect or faulty hardware.

Ripe fruit can be stored at low temperatures to prolong shelf life. Ripe fruit is stored at a temperature of 0 degrees celsius can last 12-13 days. Unripe fruit when stored at a temperature of 15 degrees celsius can survive in good condition for 17 days. Crude sapodilla fruit stored at lower temperatures more than 10 days will not mature normally.

To stimulate so precocious, sapodilla need diperam, after washing to remove dead skin. There are several ways of curing. The fruit is placed in a closed container (eg in the chest or bag) for a few days. However, how this will make the fruit ripening is not ripe at the same time. In order to get the ripe sapodilla simultaneously, fruit put in place a sealed, then given a carbide or smoked.

Sapodilla Fruit is very susceptible microbial contamination due to moisture content and high nutrients. Geotrichum candidum, Cladosporum oxysporium, and Penicillium italicum are examples of microorganisms that are often found on the fruit brown.

To keep the ripe sapodilla not attacked microbial pathogens, we recommend using the fungicide Benlate. Treatment naturally, without using chemicals, it was hard to get the best results. Therefore, to maintain the security, sapodilla fruit should be washed before being eaten

Severe ulcer Already, Keep intake Fucoidan

Many people assume, heartburn can be abated if the stomach is filled with food. Assuming that's not quite true. Although he has filled the stomach with food, not necessarily in the stomach pain was gone. In fact, sometimes can even be worse.

Just so you know, ulcer occurs due to flooding in the gastric acid content. Now, to overcome it certainly should be by lowering the acid levels.

This decrease in acid content can be done with the type of antacid drugs. This drug is able to neutralize excess stomach acid as well as relieve pain in the stomach. Antacids containing aluminum salts, magnesium, and simethicone.

How it works, aluminum and magnesium salts will be binding on gastric acid, making the total decrease. While the content of simethicone as assisting gases arising from stomach acid out of the digestive tract. "Thus, acidity (pH) in the stomach to be normal again in the 3-4 range," said Mulyadi Tedjapranata, health experts Medizone clinic. When high levels of gastric acid, the pH in the stomach size can be slid down to the digits 1-2.

Mulyadi suggested that when taking antacids was not accompanied with other drugs. Because could have resulted in different reactions, so as even to make worse. "The drug is also not recommended consumed in the long term," he added.

Because the nature of the hanyamengurangi antacids acid, after the pain disappear, you are encouraged to consume other drugs to reduce excessive stomach acid production.
Proton pump inhibitor type drugs can be a reference. These drugs can control the excessive production of acid in the stomach.

Well, if it is severe and ulcers on mucosal injury that serves to protect the stomach wall, you need other drugs. The doctors recommend that you take the drug type of sucralfate. Sucralfate is a derivative of glucose. Sucralfate works by attaching to the membrane, forming a kind of a useful layer protects gastric mucosal membranes from the friction causes irritation or injury.

"But this only works sucralfate coating only, not heal wounds," said Anastacia Japri, health experts from Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories ..

In order to heal, you need to consume drugs of fucoidan. The function of this drug, other than lining the stomach can also lead to accelerated degeneration of injured cells in the stomach to eat it all at once with deadly bacteria. "So the bacteria will come out of the digestive system," he explained.

6 Reason not be abandoned rice

You are classified as those that can not be separated from the rice? Relax, do not have to force myself eliminate carbs from your diet if you are unable to do so. However, carbohydrates are the nutrients that the macro function is to provide energy for us.

Indeed, what the experts say that carbohydrates cause the fat, they are true. But, that happens when you eat the types that are not recommended, and in copious amounts. If you overeat, without any rice, keep your weight will rise. So, the key is moderation.

To give you rice lovers berlega liver, according to Brierley Wright, MS, RD, Nutrition Communications experts from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, there are six reasons why you should still eat carbohydrates.

1. Carbohydrates help to boost mood. Karbo support the production of serotonin, the chemical in the brain that causes feelings of pleasure. Studies of the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that people who undergo low karbo heavy diet for a year (only ate about 1 / 2 cup cooked rice or a slice of bread), tend to experience depression, anxiety, and irritability. Levels far exceeding those who consume low-fat diet high in carbohydrates, which only eat low-fat dairy products, whole grains, fruits, and nuts.

2. Carbohydrates help to prevent weight gain. In fact, help you lose weight. How is this possible? To be sure, researchers from Brigham Young University in Utah, U.S., found that those who increased intake of fiber in general will lose weight. This occurs in middle-aged woman who monitored his diet for two years. Conversely, women who reduced their food intake of fiber from just gained weight.

3. Carbohydrates good for the heart. By increasing the intake of soluble fiber (which can be found in high carbohydrate foods such as oatmeal and peas) as much as 50-10 grams a day, you will reduce levels of bad cholesterol up to 5 percent. Those who ate whole grains (like brown rice) also tend to have levels lower bad cholesterol, and higher good cholesterol.

4. Carbohydrates help to streamline the waist. Eating whole grains helps reduce body fat and abdominal fat, according to new research published in the Journal of Nutrition. In the study said that adults who ate three servings of whole grains a day, has 2.4 percent body fat a little more, and abdominal fat 3.6 percent less, than those who ate less than one-quarter portion.

5. Carbohydrates help to sharpen the memory. Overweight women who underwent low-karbo diet for a week (really do not eat carbs) apparently worse scores on tests of memory (such as: why did I get into this room?). Their value is diminished in visuospatial memory (remember the location in the map test) than those who follow a low calorie diet. This is an indication the American Dietetic Association, who revealed in a study from Tufts University.

6. Carbohydrates helps break down fat. Breakfast with carbohydrates which nature does not raise blood sugar quickly, such as oatmeal or bran cereal, three hours before exercise, will help you burn more fat, according to a study from the Journal of Nutrition. Both types of these foods, like potatoes with skin, bread wheat, pasta wheat, or peas, do not cause blood sugar soaring as fast as when you eat white bread or white rice. In contrast, insulin levels do not rise quickly, and because the role of insulin signaling that the body store fat, make sure that lower insulin levels will help you burn fat.