
ARTICLES Carbohydrate Sources Mi So Many People in Indonesia

In addition to rice, there are many people in Indonesia got the carbohydrate source of noodle consumption. Individual Food Consumption Survey (SKMI) 2014, a source of carbohydrates of noodles as many as 32.6 grams per person per day. Most are of rice about 197.1 grams per person per day.

Meanwhile, the rest is from refined flour (9.6 g), wheat (9.4 grams), processed rice (4.2 grams), and corn and dairy (4.1 grams).

Results SKMI 2014 submitted by the Head of Applied Technology Center Health and Clinical Epidemiology Parade Siswanto in Health Research in Building Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Monday (12/29/2014).

"Consumption of food as a source of carbohydrates are mostly from cereals (257.7 grams) and tubers (27.1 grams). In the group of cereals, rice consumption is highest, followed noodles, "said Siswanto.

Siswanto explained, the survey was conducted in 497 districts / cities of 34 provinces in Indonesia. Samples were taken from 46 238 households and retrieved the data for analysis as much as 45 802 households.

The members of the household (ART) who were interviewed and made as much as 145 360 ART analysis. Respondents consisted of men and women of various ages. Survey method is to interview the 24-hour food intake.

The survey also looked at the source of protein obtained society. For a source of protein, most people get from fish (78.4 grams), nuts (56.7 grams), meat (42.8 grams), eggs (19.7 grams), and milk (6.4 grams) .

The survey also shows the nutritional adequacy of the community in Indonesia. As a result, the province where people are less calories and protein is moderately high in East Nusa Tenggara, Papua, and Lampung. Meanwhile, the province most people enough calories and protein, namely, Riau Islands, Pacific Islands, and Jakarta.

Looking at the results of this survey, Siswanto said the need to strengthen the program of balanced nutrition. Additionally, penganekragaman food, especially the empowerment of local food also needs to be improved.

"Looking at the nutritional adequacy, both calories and protein, the government needs to increase back food security and nutrition programs. On the other hand, also need penyulusan related to excess calorie intake to prevent obesity, a risk factor for degenerative diseases, "said Siswanto.

Siswanto also asking the public to ensure the consumption of healthy and nutritious foods.

Herbal Medicine Herbal medicine is hoped So Identity Indonesia

Utilization of herbal ingredients locally as a treatment in the traditional way, or which is known as herbal medicine has been done a long time in this country. Therefore, herbal medicine is expected to be the identity of Indonesian herbal medicine.

"Herb is a native Indonesian culture, so the development of herbal medicine was supposed to be still uses the term herbal medicine," said Dr. Arijanto Jonosewojo, herbal medicine expert from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga, Thursday (08/22/2013) in Jakarta.

The development of herbal medicines made from all over the world allows people to use it into the type of treatment that is efficacious and safe. So according Arijanto, herbal medicine in Indonesia needs to have an identity.

Arijanto mention, herbal medicine is currently divided into three groups, namely herbs, standardized herbal medicine (OHT), and fitofarmaka. "In the future expected his name to OHT or medicinal herbs phytopharmaca," he said.

To get there, he said, needed saintifikasi or verification process safety and efficacy of herbs for health scientifically. By doing so, herbs can be used as a trusted physician treatment.

"So far, most of the herbal ingredients used for traditional herbal medicine then departed from the empirical evidence, not scientific. So it has not been able to be trusted," he explained.

Nevertheless, the process is not easy saintifikasi. It takes quite a long time to declare a formulation proven to be safe and efficacious. Saintifikasi process includes standardized testing, toxicity in experimental animals, preclinical testing and clinical trials.

Why People Should Limit salt diet? This reason!

If you want to be successful when dieting, not just any sweet foods that you should limit their consumption. Salty foods you must also reduce the portions.

From this statement many of which eventually questioned whether salt can make you fat? According to a study, salt is not good for heart health, but it does not mean eating high salt foods can make your body fat directly.

Indeed not the salt that makes you gain weight. A study done students of University of North Carolina found that salty food packaging most also contain a lot of fat and sugar. Well, the combination of salt, sugar and fat is what makes you gain weight.

A wide variety of fast food, chips, sausages, corned beef, and so it does contain a lot of sodium, but also contain simple sugars and saturated and trans fats which of course will increase your weight. Salt or salty foods cause an increase in weight of water in the body.

When eating salty foods, you will easily make a lot of thirst and drinking. Eating salt will not directly increase body fat, but it can increase water retention or water retention in the body, which of course will increase your weight. But keep in mind that it is not fat, but water.

Various health organizations ranging from the American Heart Association to the National Academy of Science in the United States recommends salt intake limited to no more than 2,400 mg a day. Not completely eliminated because the salt is also useful in maintaining nerve function.

Article 5 Advantages of Organic Food

Concerns about the dangers of pesticides in food makes a lot of people are turning to organic vegetable or fruit. Ahmad Sulaeman, Headmaster of Food Safety and Nutrition Institute Pertanian Bogor, featuring five profit if we consume products that are grown organically.

1 more securely chemical

Organic food does not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the cultivation process. However, Ahmad suggests that consumers remain cautious. "If you rely on organic vegetable manure is composted improperly, will be a lot of salmonella, pathogens and others," he recalls. So it should still be washed clean. But viewed from the side chemicals, organic products much safer than nonorganik product.

2 More healthy body

According to the study, organic products contain more fitokemikal, which has the function to increase the activity of enzymes that play a role in destroying the carcinogenic agent.

3 It has more nutrients

With the growing process, organic, nutrient elements belonging to the richer soil. "Because it is a state research on organic products, iron, carotene, vitamin C and more," says Ahmad.

4 Taste the rich

Fruits and organic vegetables taste more delicious and crispy. Some people who have sensitive senses of taste berpestisida still say that vegetables contain a bitter taste even after being washed, while feeling more delicious organic vegetables.

5 Generally more durable

"This may be because the organic vegetables and fruits, perfect maturity," said Ahmad. Moreover, without human intervention, organic crops has its own natural defenses against pests as well as good weather. It is also acknowledged by Albert Setiawan, from the nutritional Hospital ST Carolus serving organic food to all his patients.

It is the general opinion that organic products have a high enough price. Really so? True, organic spinach and chili can be recovered only one step away from our door.

Bread Cause Obesity?


Namun, jika sedang mengontrol berat badan Anda perlu juga mengurangi konsumsi roti tawar. Sebuah studi baru menemukan, roti tawar juga bisa jadi "biang kerok" kegemukan hingga obesitas.

Studi menemukan, orang lebih mungkin untuk mengalami kegemukan dan obesitas saat makan roti tawar dibandingkan dengan roti gandum utuh. Peneliti melacak kebiasaan makan dan berat badan lebih dari 9.200 orang selama kurang lebih lima tahun.

Peserta yang makan kedua jenis roti, tawar dan gandum utuh tidak mengalami risiko penambahan berat badan. Namun mereka yang makan hanya roti tawar saja atau makan roti tawar dengan porsi lebih banyak setiap hari berisiko 40 persen lebih tinggi mengalami kegemukan atau obesitas. Ini dibandingkan dengan mereka yang makan roti kurang dari satu porsi roti tawar per minggunya.

Peneliti menyebutkan, tidak hanya kaitan signifikan antara makan roti gandum utuh dengan kegemukan dan obesitas. Ini karena tipe karbohidrat, serat, dan kandungan lain dalam roti gandum utuh cenderung untuk menjaga berat badan tetap stabil.

"Konsumsi roti tawar dua porsi sehari atau lebih menunjukkan hubungan langsung yang signifikan dengan peningkatan risiko kegemukan dan obesitas," kata Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez, salah seorang peneliti studi sekaligus prosefor dari University of Navarra di Spanyol.

Kendati demikian, peneliti studi menegaskan tidak ada hubungan sebab-akibat dari hasil studi ini, melainkan hanya keterkaitan. Studi itu masih dipresentasikan dan belum diterbitkan dalam bentuk jurnal.

Roti tawar atau roti putih kerap menjadi pilihan sebagai menu sarapan atau camilan sehari-hari. Selain praktis, roti putih juga lebih lezat dipadukan dengan sesuatu yang manis atau gurih untuk membuat roti isi.

Chemicals in Food You Need to Watch

As consumers we are required to be more observant and careful in choosing food products . Not just a matter of price and quality , but also its effect on long-term health .
If you want to live a healthy life , you should avoid foods that contain too many preservatives or chemicals . Buying fresh food products and cooking alone is more advisable because the nutrition and safety is more awake than instant products .
Here are 5 types of chemical substances are often added to food products .
1 . sorbic acidThese chemicals included in preservatives and can be found in food packaging . Sorbic acid is actually categorized as safe by the food and drug regulatory agency the U.S. ( FDA ) . Kraft Foods is one of the manufacturers who use these chemicals in their cheese products , but recently they made ​​the announcement preservatives will replace it with a more natural , ie Natamycin . Not clear what the reason , but experts believe a natural preservative clearly healthier .
2 . trans fatsTrans fats are often associated with heart disease because too often eat foods that contain trans fats can raise cholesterol levels . Unfortunately quite difficult to avoid trans fats because it is located on almost all foods , ranging from biscuits , crisps , cakes , frozen makanna and much more .
Trans fats in foods to make food taste better and increase the shelf life of processed foods . The FDA last year banned the use of trans fats in foods , unless the manufacturer can prove that trans fats used are not harmful to health .
3 . MSGMonosodium glutamate ( MSG ) is a flavor and substance to strengthen produces umami ( savory ) on food . Although the data showed a safe MSG , but in sensitive people can trigger migraines and asthma .
4 . food coloringDye is declared safe by the authorities is not harmful to the body . But now awareness of healthy living makes many people turn to natural dyes derived from plants . Artificial dyes are used to make food look more delicious and interesting . If consumed occasionally may be okay, but in the long term should be avoided .
5 . acrylamideAcrylamide is formed when food is heated at high temperatures , whether it be fried , baked , or grilled . Research has shown that the highest concentration of acrylamide in fried foods , especially potato and baked goods ( cereals and breads ) . Although not yet proven harmful to humans , but animal studies indicate these chemicals are carcinogenic ( cause cancer ) .

How to Increase Efficacy of Garlic

Garlic's reputation as a healthy condiment can not be doubted. Regularly eat garlic can protect us from heart disease and cancer.
The experts found that the content of organosulfur garlic has anti-inflammatory effects and also stop the cholesterol synthetic. Research in the laboratory also showed organosulfur can prevent blood clots.
One important enzyme in garlic organosulfur is associated with alliinase which will be released if we slice or crush garlic.
Some studies suggest that the heat will make the alliinase becomes inactive or reduce the efficacy of this enzyme healthy. For example, a study in 2001 which showed that heating garlic in the microwave for 60 seconds or in the oven for 45 minutes will decrease the protective effect of garlic against cancer.
Even so we can keep the anticancer effect of garlic is not lost. How to let the garlic sliced ​​or ground for 10 minutes before cooking on the stove.
Another study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2007 showed, heat the garlic in the form of wholeness for 6 minutes would eliminate the preventive effect of blood freeze.
According Dr.Ernest Hawk, a spokesman for the American Academy for Cancer Research, is too quick to conclude that a few moments to let the garlic before cooking could protect the anticancer effects of these ingredients.
Even so, he thought it could not hurt to wait a while before the heat garlic. "There's no reason not to do it, maybe it will increase the benefits of garlic," he said.