
Green leaf vegetables Also Protect Eyes

Carrots have long been considered efficacious improve vision. In fact, recent evidence indicates, green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits have the same efficacy for the eyes.

The results of research by experts from the University of Georgia, published in the Journal of Food Science mentioning green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits can improve visual ability and prevent disease macular degeneration (age-related eye disease).

According to study leader, Billy R. Hammond, PhD, vegetables and fruits contain carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which play an important role in vision and has positive benefits for the health of the retina. Lutein and zeaxanthin can be found in spinach and other green vegetables.

"Lutein and zeaxanthin reduce the discomfort due to too blinding light, increasing contrast, and even improve eyesight sharp," said Hammond. He added that 20 kinds of carotenoids found in the body, but only lutein and zeaxanthin in the visual system. That's why these pigments play an important role in the function of human vision.

A study conducted in 2008 also mentioned the pigment that protects the retina and lens of the eye and protect from eye diseases due to aging such as macular degeneration or cataracts.

7 Food repellent Disease

According to health experts with a natural holistic approach, keeping the body's immune actually can be started with care and maintain a healthy digestive system.

With the condition of good digestion, absorption of nutrients from each food that is digested more easily. A healthy digestive tract can also neutralize toxins as well as against bacteria and viruses that harm the body.

In order for the digestive system still okay, there are many ways to do but eat regularly with a balanced nutrition. One of them is eating the kinds of foods that boost immunity. Here are seven types of food that makes your body is naturally able to resist disease.

1. Garlic: active material, allicin, act as antiviral and antibacterial. This substance can clean the liver so that in turn will clean the blood and stimulates the production of white blood cells.

2. Ginger: This plant contains a number of important substances that can warm the body, making the body sweat, overcoming fever, and neutralize toxins. Ginger also trigger the release of mucus and effective way to relieve respiratory and lung channels. Ginger is often used for an upset stomach because of its function as a cleaner.

3. Honey: This dye is a natural antibiotic and as an antiseptic. Honey also contains immune boosters and a variety of vitamins and minerals like B-complex, vitamin C, D, E, and propolis. Honey also can solve problems of the throat, allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems because of its ability to overcome irritation.

4. Cayenne: Foods that one has levels of vitamin C, A, B, calcium, and high potassium. In addition, cayenne can also stimulate blood circulation and is known to treat several gastrointestinal diseases.

5. Acidophilus and bifidus: Known as the good bacteria, these microbes play suppress bad bacteria growth in the intestine, improve immune function and stimulates the production of vitamin K. Two types of bacteria can be found in yogurt or kefir.

6. Green vegetables: dark green vegetables like kale, swiss chard, and spinach contain vitamin B12, folic acid, potassium, vitamins A, C, and K, all of which are known to boost immunity.

7. Acid and alkaline: Mixed acid or alkaline balance claimed to improve digestion and help healing. For example, you can make a drink lemon juice mixed with warm water.

Benefits to Being Vegetarian

In general, those who have a vegetarian diet to avoid consumption of foods derived from animals, and eating only plant foods, like whole grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. Specifically, there are several types of vegetarians. The difference between the one with the other groups related to food consumption patterns of animal and processed products. Please note, it's been a little number of vegetarians who consume no animal foods at all.

The division of types of vegetarians are as follows;
Lacto-ovo vegetarian. vegetarians who still eat eggs, milk and milk products (like cheese and yogurt), but do not eat meat, poultry, and fish.

Lacto-vegetarian. The only consume milk and dairy products, but avoid other animal foods.

Vegan. Only eat vegetable food sources, do not eat all types of animal products.

Fruitarian. The main food of these fruits, nuts, honey, and vegetable oils.

Semivegetarian. These people usually follow a vegetarian diet, but occasionally still eat red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and milk.

Several studies have shown, the followers of vegetarians have a reduced risk of death from some specific diseases. For example, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, various cancers, type 2 diabetes, and obesity (overweight). The level of risk reduction is obtained when compared with non-vegetarians. In short, the more vegetarian longevity. Especially considering a vegetarian lifestyle is often accompanied by other healthy lifestyle, such as not smoking, exercising regularly, not drinking alcohol, or drugs.

Guest speaker: Dr. John C Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, clinical nutrition specialist from Melinda's Hospital, Bandung.

The disease Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a threat in Indonesia.

Around 80,000 people die each year at risk for the disease.

Standards and Section Chief Tuberculosis Partnership Sub Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Ministry of Health, Nadia, said Tuesday (24/11), the number of new patients with tuberculosis (TB) within one year based on a 2004 survey of about 538,000 people.

Estimated numbers are not much different from year to year due to tuberculosis (TB) is highly infectious and the population continues to increase, he said on the sidelines of the National Workshop on Rights and Obligations of Patients Tb.

Moreover with the increasing number of cases continued to HIV / AIDS. In the vulnerable body condition, tuberculosis became a major threat to people living with HIV / AIDS. Most of them later also suffered from tuberculosis.

Chairman of the Patients Association and the Community Tuberculosis Care Indonesia (pamali), Retnowati WD Tuti said, stigma is a constraint in advocating the eradication of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis sufferers fear and shame that are reluctant to seek treatment. Moreover, people with HIV / AIDS who later suffered from tuberculosis. The burden of disease and the stigma they bear more weight.

Reducing the Negative Impact of Cooking Oil

In our culture, fried foods, including favorite foods. It was a tasty, crunchy, plus low price makes many popular fried. However, eating fried food can be harmful to health.

Fried food fried in oil containing saturated fatty acids would be metabolized when consumed, will eventually increase in blood lipid profile. The higher the intake of saturated fat, higher cholesterol. This will eventually lead to degenerative diseases, such as coronary heart disease or stroke.

To prevent these undesirable due to consumption of fried foods, Prof.Dr.Ir.Made Astawan, food technologists, Bogor Agricultural University, share tricks.

1. When you choose to buy cooking oil in accordance with the needs, how to read labels and packaging, with good care. Select which include cooking oil complete information on the label.

2. For high cholesterol, choose oils that contains unsaturated fatty acids (such as peanut oil and corn oil).

3. Do not choose cooking oil just by color and appearance. A clear oil is not necessarily better than the yellow oil concentrated. Color is influenced by the content of carotenoids and other components in the oil. In some cases the very beneficial carotenoids to health.

4. As far as possible gorenglah food gangsa system (less oil) to prevent excessive oil absorption in fried foods, and repeated use of oil.

5. Cooking oil so that is not easily damaged, should not use too high heat. Control the size of the flame.

6. Save the cooking oil in a sealed container, cool, and avoid sunlight to prevent oxidation and rancidity was not easy.

7. Clean the frying pan or wok with a detergent that is free from the crust or other dirt.

8. Do not get used to using used oil that has been used repeatedly to fry.

9. Drain the oil in fried food before eating. If necessary use a tissue or paper to reduce the oil layer on the surface of the food.
In our culture, fried foods, including favorite foods. It was a tasty, crunchy, plus low price makes many popular fried. However, eating fried food can be harmful to health.

Fried food fried in oil containing saturated fatty acids would be metabolized when consumed, will eventually increase in blood lipid profile. The higher the intake of saturated fat, higher cholesterol. This will eventually lead to degenerative diseases, such as coronary heart disease or stroke.

To prevent these undesirable due to consumption of fried foods, Prof.Dr.Ir.Made Astawan, food technologists, Bogor Agricultural University, share tricks.

1. When you choose to buy cooking oil in accordance with the needs, how to read labels and packaging, with good care. Select which include cooking oil complete information on the label.

2. For high cholesterol, choose oils that contains unsaturated fatty acids (such as peanut oil and corn oil).

3. Do not choose cooking oil just by color and appearance. A clear oil is not necessarily better than the yellow oil concentrated. Color is influenced by the content of carotenoids and other components in the oil. In some cases the very beneficial carotenoids to health.

4. As far as possible gorenglah food gangsa system (less oil) to prevent excessive oil absorption in fried foods, and repeated use of oil.

5. Cooking oil so that is not easily damaged, should not use too high heat. Control the size of the flame.

6. Save the cooking oil in a sealed container, cool, and avoid sunlight to prevent oxidation and rancidity was not easy.

7. Clean the frying pan or wok with a detergent that is free from the crust or other dirt.

8. Do not get used to using used oil that has been used repeatedly to fry.

9. Drain the oil in fried food before eating. If necessary use a tissue or paper to reduce the oil layer on the surface of the food.

Five Benefits of Tempe

There have been many studies that prove that tempe is a healthy food. Compared to other foods made from soy, tempeh is made from whole soybeans. That's what makes tempeh so unique with the following benefits:

1. High fiber
One serving of tempeh contains a very high fiber. Fiber is needed for digestive health and prevent various chronic diseases in the future.

2. Easily digested
Tempe is a good food choice for people who have trouble digesting high protein foods of plant origin such as nuts. Tempe fermentation process to make soybean in tempe become tender because the enzymes produced by yeast previously been digested nutrients in soybean seeds.

Tempe fungus Rhizopus in producing phytase enzyme that digests phytates, which increases the absorption of minerals such as zinc, iron, and calcium. The fermentation process also reduces the oligosaccharide that makes soybeans difficult to digest. Research shows, tempeh not cause bloating.

3. Good for low-salt diet
Unlike food fermented soy products like miso which tend to be very salty, tempeh is very low in salt, so safe to eat, people who need to reduce the salt.

4. Containing a natural antibiotic
Rhizopus fungi to produce natural antibiotic substances against a number of harmful organisms. Natural antibiotic substances in Tempe can be a cure for dysentery if taken every day.

5. Good for diabetes
The protein in tempeh is good for diabetic patients who often have problems with sources of animal protein. Protein and fiber in tempeh can also prevent an increase in blood sugar and keep blood sugar levels remain uncontrolled.

Food Saving Tips

Because the technique is not proper storage, waste is estimated to each family for more than 50 pounds of food each month and spend approximately USD 400 thousand for food that eventually rot and must be discarded.

Raw foods such as vegetables, fruits, milk, until the spices are included in the goods that could not last long and easily rot. Therefore, the appropriate storage system is essential to the food not wasted.

Consider the following storage tips:

1. Eggs
Store eggs in the egg-like containers that are sold in the market and then stored in the refrigerator shelves. In this way the eggs can survive up to 4 weeks from date of purchase.

2. Meat
Keep the meat in a special container in the refrigerator closed to be used up to 3-4 days. If the new will be processed in a time long enough to freeze the meat in the freezer.

3. Hard cheese
Cheese in plastic wrap or airtight foil so the cheese can be used 2-4 months from the date of purchase.

4. Milk and yoghurt
Store yogurt in the refrigerator to keep the good bacteria remain alive until they reach the digestive tract and can consume up to 2 weeks post-purchase. In the meantime, you should not store milk in the fridge because the air temperature here tends to be warmer. This will shorten the life of milk.

5. Vegetables
Make sure the vegetables dry when stored. The remaining water in the stems or leaves can be speed up decay. You can also wrap the vegetables with dry paper.

6. Fruits
We recommend that you keep the fruit in a plastic container with ventilation. Separate the fruit that was rotten with the conditions. Especially for a peeled apple, you can sprinkle a little lemon juice to prevent rust. Avoid storing near vegetable apple because apple produces ethylene, a chemical compound that can make quick vegetable rot.

Is Main Factor Activity and Sports

Calcium is only 10 percent influence as a determinant of bone strength back. The main factor is the human habit of activism, whether or not inconveniences bone, also sports. Unfortunately, people rarely comforting bones and rarely exercising.

This was stated Tedjo Rukmoyo, a specialist orthopedic (spine surgery), on the sidelines of Events Seminar handling Spinal Pain, at the University Club Building, University of Gadjah Mada.

"Do not believe the ad explained that by drinking enough milk, then the bones and spine We'll be strong. Akitivitas determined bone strength of human small impact since the new look when the old," said Tedjo.

Activities and habits that do not make pleasant one bone, especially spine, easily observed from a sleeping position. The position of the spine is not straight and not parallel with the neck bones, certainly not the ideal position.

"That's because the mattress foam or uneven, use a pillow is too thick or too thin. In other words, is not okay we have a habit of sleeping on your back, stomach, or side. But do not let your spine tortured," he said.

In addition to these examples, many other activities that are wrong. For example habit when riding bent and bowed as he sat. Too bent and forced himself when lifting heavy objects on the floor, also the wrong activities.

"When lifting heavy objects off the floor, so do not jump up. But first straighten your body position to the upright, a new lift. If too heavy, so do not be forced. Spine, ligaments (bone bonding), or muscle, can be broken," he said .

Tedjo added, estuaries bone problem solving, is to change habits so that activities do not suffer the spine, plus regular exercise. If it was done early, saving humanity's future health investment.

Gecko from enzyme that is used for HIV-AIDS drug

Gecko is the animal that is currently being sought enough by some people. Because the type of reptile in a big lizard tribal groups that have Gekkonidae high prices in the market. Price geckos who weighs 4 ounces to more than Rp 500 million.

No wonder it makes a number of communities vying to catch it. However, do you know now many brokers from Malaysia and Korea on the loose in Indonesia in order to get an animal that reportedly can cure HIV AIDS?

The arrival of the foreign financiers, according to Ade, because the business sale gecko was tempting. In addition, the brokers can get geckos in Indonesia with cheap price and then resold at a good price. "Since I heard from my boss, he said that geckos studied abroad for HIV-AIDS drugs and said the study abroad was 90 percent (geckos can cure HIV-AIDS)," said residents Kapuk, North Jakarta, this.

Ade is a seller and buyer geckos. Business is already one of this year digelutinya. Gecko, gecko's, he said, are sold by way of export to some countries, like China, Japan, Hong Kong, and France.

However, not all geckos worth of exports. Only geckos who weighs over 3.5 ounces worth of exports. "Because, getting older and large size of a gecko, the enzyme levels will have more and more. And, he said enzyme that is used for HIV-AIDS drug," said Ade.

marine fish food

Mediterranean food is rich in fish, olive oil, a type of beans, vegetables for healthy heart, but not well made bag, or maybe it's how it is, according to new research from Spain.

Therefore, the measurement of "upstream" - like a tax on unhealthy foods and / or subsidies on healthy foods - perhaps needs to be done to "increase the possibility of choosing a healthy diet that leads to disease prevention and better health among the people", said dr. Maira Bes-rastollo.

Researchers from the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Navarra, and colleagues were studying the cost of the Western diet and the Mediterranean Sea at more than 11,000 Spanish university graduates with the same level of results.

They all participated in the long-term studies conducted in 1999 to assess the relationship between diet and obesity and long-term health problems.

Their analysis revealed that the stronger the younger generation's hold on the Mediterranean diet, a healthy, the more money they spend each day to buy food.

Conversely, the more powerful they follow food "Western" - which has a high content of saturated acids, sugar and red meat - the less money they spend every day to buy food.

Studies in Spain, said Bes-Rastollo, shows that the "Mediterranean diet, a healthy, more expensive to follow than the Western diet and I am sure that similar studies conducted in the United States will find the same results or even differences higher in cost between the two patterns of these foods ".

"Economic barrier" that must be considered when counseling was given to the community about choosing healthy foods "because the cost may be prohibitive factor," he said.

The researchers also reported that 31 percent of the objects of study gained weight during the study they lasted - just over half a kilogram, or 1.1 pounds, per year. And, after adjusting for several factors that appear to affect the outcome, people who spend most money on food 20 percent more likely to increase their weight, no matter what diet they choose.

Those who have bills that are more expensive foods are more inclined older, more likely to have quit smoking, tend to drink more fruit juice that contains calories, cold drinks, and alcohol and generally increased their body.

All this shows that they are more inclined to put on weight due to lifestyle or genetic factors, the researchers said.

Do not Forget Your Diet Watch

Of the eight departments in the Emergency Unit Mangkusumo Cipto Hospital (ER-RSCM), usually the department dalamlah disease when entering the busiest +2 H Lebaran. The problem, chronic disease sufferers do not maintain the diet when to celebrate Eid.

Thus revealed Dr. Gurmeet Singh, head of the department keep the disease in the ER-RSCM. "Today is a quiet but tomorrow is usually returned to normal," he said in his office, Sunday (20 / 9).

Chronic disease is a disease that can not be cured, but can only be controlled. Namely by controlling diet and lifestyle related. Which include the type of disease is diabetes, kidney, and heart. "At the moment they usually celebrate Lebaran victory but not controlled. They should not limit the consumption of sugar, water or meat is high in cholesterol," said Singh.

Today, he continued, the patient only two people. However, tomorrow is expected to return to normal, which can reach 50-60 people. This means that there are 30-40 patients stagnant, being treated in corridors because they do not miss out rooms. "For that, we hope that even though the day of victory, please keep away, keep eating. Do not let tomorrow 'land' in here," said Singh.

Healthy pregnant women with Seaweed

So that the birth and the baby was born healthy future, prospective mothers must comsumtion health food support in the pregnancy, such as seaweed.

When talking about the seaweed, which is meant the type of alga brown and red alga. Alga brown living in the cold, while the red alga in the tropics. During this seaweed is known more for the gelatin or pudding. Nutrient composition of seaweed is a very complete match for pregnant women and breastfeeding.

Food technology experts from the IPB, Prof Dr Astawan Made in Gynecology Nutrition Aneka Food Ingredients said that seaweed nutrient composition varies depending on the species, growing place, and season.

Gynecology main seaweed is fresh water that reaches 80-90 percent, while the protein content and lemaknya is very small. Although the degree lemaknya low, the order lemaknya acid is essential for health.

Fat-rich seaweed akan omega-3 and omega-6. Second fatty acid is a fat that are important to the body, especially as the membrane forming the network brain, nerve, eye retina, blood plasma, and reproductive organs.

Gynecology calories in seaweed is very low. Karbohidratnya womb of the total, less than seperempatnya body that can be absorbed. Therefore, both seaweed and agar-agar is very good for those who want to reduce body weight.

Seaweed is very rich also known element iodine. Gynecology iodine seaweed around 2400-155000 times more iodine than the uterus that grows vegetables in the land.

Lack of iodine will cause various health problems, particularly the incidence of goiter (enlargement tiroid gland). Lack of iodine during pregnancy can result in a defective fetus, the children become deaf and dumb, the brain is less developed, small-minded, constrained growth, and mental backwardness.

To prevent problems due to iodine deficiency, the recommended consumption of iodine is 150 mikrogram for adults, 175 mikrogram for pregnant women, and 200 mikrogram for breastfeeding women.

Vegetables colour in Mood

While feeling less tired and the spirit, try consumtion food groups from the rich red color of energy. Conversely, avoid red food groups, if negative emotions are high or moderate relaks want. Sample food groups are red strawberry, tomato, paprika red, and bit.

While lack of energy, depressed, distracted or obstacles encountered, consumtion food groups that cause orange aura joy.
Sample food groups is the yellow banana, naans, faint cucumber, blewah, kesemek, pumpkin, yellow, paprika, butter and cassava.

When anxious, nervous, and worried, tenangkan themselves with food consumtion green. Sample food groups is a green green apples, kiwi, avokad, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, and lettuce.

Usir feeling tired and concerned with the food color blue that you can restore the sense of comfort. Mengonsumsi blue food do the same with relaxation.

Sample food is a bit blue, of which spirulina. Green spirulina in the womb caused by a pigment klorofil, while the blue color of the pigment phycocyanin.

When need motivation and want to realize a desire, choose the food because the purple color of this spirit can burn.

Sample food groups is the purple wine, jamblang, various types of beri, Markisa medan, purple eggplant, purple cabbage, purple paprika, and onion.

Papaya fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Papaya fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to direct consumption, papaya is usually used as a mixture rujak, juice, fruit and ice. Papaya also frequently consumed to overcome the obstruction.

Fruit or papaya called Carica papaya L has known since hundreds of years ago. Christopher Columbus called the fruit as "the fruit of the angels", the fruit of the angels. According to VN Villegas in his writings that was published in Natural Resources Nabati Southeast Asia 2, each 100 grams of papaya are vitamin A 450 milligram, 74 milligram vitamin C, 86.6 grams water, 0.5 grams protein and 0.7 grams of fiber.

Various vitamins and minerals that are in it, among others, potasium, electrolyte is important for the body, and calcium is beneficial for bones. Other minerals such as potassium and magnesium, also in the papaya. Meanwhile, the enzyme papain to its functions split fiber foods so that the remaining ease defecate. Papaya is also useful to treat stomach and reduce body heat.

In addition to meat fruit, papaya leaves are also nutritious. In addition to vegetables and lalap, papaya leaf useful to treat malaria, worms, colic, improve appetite, and mince meat. Bijinya can treat worms. Meanwhile, the sap and the root can treat bladder pain, and even bitten by snakes.

The Benefits of the Soybean

In fact there are many things that have not been revealed about the benefits of the soybean. So far, evidence has been found out most of the positive-side.

For example, Japanese women who eat more soy-based foods have a very small risk of breast cancer: 20 percent are women compared to the United States origin.

In addition, the review of 18 studies conducted in 2006 and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute shows a close relationship between soybean Feed with decreasing risk of breast cancer.

Soybean isoflavon or contain estrogen derived from plants, which are considered by some researchers can reduce the risk of breast cancer, because it can bind reseptor decreases estrogen in the body.

Soybean can provide the best protection in most women who mengonsumsinya regularly since before puberty.

If you intend to reproduce Feed soybean in the daily menu, choose, and soybean milk, and edamame in the form of a whole, rather than the form of processed food. In addition, avoid supplements containing soy, because it can contain isoflavon can be dangerous for the health.

Persons: Andrew Weil, MD, pioneer in the field of holistic health, and the founder and director of integrated Medicine Program at College of Medicine, University of Arizona.

Drink Berkalori Highest

Chat with friends on the day of more fun accompanied fruit juice or a glass of iced coffee. For those who want to eliminate fat, this habit is one of the tricks.

Iced coffee drinks included in berkalori high. This sweet drink is a combination of sugar, high fat milk and cream, plus coffee cold. Calories in a glass of iced coffee or equivalent to approximately 450-550 with a brass large size pizza.

"Amount of calories (400-500) should be obtained from the dinner, not a glass of water," said Dr Rachel Thomson, Science Program Manager at The World Cancer Research Fund.

To menyiasatinya, Thomson suggested that choose coffee without sweetener or low-fat milk that kalorinya less. "In addition to sugar, cream or syrup is added in water to create high value kalorinya," said Thomson.

Fruit juice or milk also contains high calories. Therefore, the snack with drinks berkalori high that is not recommended for those who do not want fat. As a benchmark, the needs of the calories an average adult per day is 2000-2200 calories of carbohydrate with 60-75 percent, 10-15 percent protein, fat and 10-25 percent.

Choosing Fitness Food Friends

In addition to the polish teeth at least twice a day, healthy eating patterns is a protective dental and gum. Of course things are not easy to choose healthy eating patterns for life in the modern era many foods such as chocolate, sinker, hard candy, which contains sugar. Not bersona drinks, various snacks are all sweet and seduce.

However, all the temptations that we can actually increase consumption talisman with various fruits and vegetables. Many benefits of vegetables and fruits one can stimulate saliva production (saliva), which is important for the process mineralisasi and keep the bacteria in the mouth cavity remains stable.

Vegetables and fruits are generally rich orange color akan antioxidants, especially vitamin C. In addition to help absorption of iron, improve circulation, vitamin C is also important to prevent inflammation, as well as maintaining the teeth and gum remain healthy.

Vegetables and fruit among beefy orange citrus, pineapple, paprika, corn, and potatoes. While fruit and green indicate the actual fitokimia sulforafane and indoles, which is good to prevent cancer and to help improve the circulation system.

Green vegetables are also important for maintaining the power of vision, maintaining the strength of bones and teeth, such as apple, pear, broccoli, lettuce, asparagus, mustard greens, and so forth.

Apple is often referred to as natural toothbrushes for stimulating gum, increase saliva production, and reduce the formation of bacterial causes of perforated teeth.

Balanced eating pattern, nutrient rich, with fruit and vegetables in addition to wash the teeth also give the body minerals, vitamins, and other important nutrients for health and dental gum.

Fluoride yagn found naturally in food and water or in water added is also a substance that can protect email teeth so strong against acid attacks.

Food Packaging designation will be required

The government plans to require manufacturers of packaged food or do make label on their products which have been declared in accordance with the standards.

"We have study with the Ministry of Trade and Industry Department, they do not mind. The plan began to apply in November to come," said Board of Supervisors Chief Food and Drugs (BPOM) Husniah Rubiana Akib Thamrin in Jakarta.

Designation for the type of food packaging, he said, is that consumers can identify the types of food packaging that is used safely.

"If we are given a code, people will know, which is safe to use. On the outside of the country, every type of packaging marked peruntukannya," he said.

He said, marking food packaging should be required for this considering most of the food packaging sold in the market allotment is not labeled, so consumers do not get basic information on the packaging material and security.

While these types of food packaging, he said, not everything is safe to use for food ready.

He cite, food packaging based on "polystirene" or "styrofoam" can deliver a certain type of stirene when used for mewadahi and fatty food and beralkohol summer.

"Residues stirene more than 5000 parts per million is dangerous for health," he said.

Plastic packaging based polyvinil klorida (PVC) can also release the monomer vinil klorida to food in the oily / fatty or alcoholic.

The making of PVC plastic, he said, sometimes uses such as reciprocal penstabil (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and white tin (Sn) to prevent damage and ptalat ester compound and ester adipat to deflect.

"If it does not pembuatannya process, additional materials can also be separated into food during use. If the amount exceeds the maximum threshold, ie, one part per million, residue materials can be dangerous to health," he said.

He further explained, the plastic packaging of food is generally safe to be marked / labeled.

Packaging polietilen tereftalat based plastic (PET) labeled number 01 in the Triangle, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) labeled number 02 in the triangle, labeled PVC number in the triangle 03, Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) labeled number 04 in the triangle, PP labeled number 05 in triangle and polistiren labeled number 06 in the Triangle.

drinking water in gallon packages suspected of causing a child experiencing indigestion.

Central Monitoring of Drugs and Food (BPOM) West Java found coliform bacteria level to reach 24 per mililiter in drinking water in gallon packages suspected of causing a child experiencing indigestion.

"Threshold limit of coliform bacteria 2.0 per mililiter. The bacteria can cause diarrhea," said Head of (Kabid) Drugs and Food Control Office of Health (Dinkes) Kota Depok, Herjubinartien in Depok.

BPOM Jabar research example of the packaging gallons of water taken from Polsek Sawangan submitted by Sugiarti, parents Fauzi Easter Agutono (7 years) who have experienced indigestion after mengonsumsi gallon water packaging in the 26 May.

He said that the test conducted on the three indicators that test the metal, the level of pH, acid basa, testing and bacteriology.

According Herjubinartien, laboratory test results for the uterus to E coli bacteria is zero, while negative bacteria salmonella. To measure ph, basa acid, and metal is still normal.

Sample pH value recorded 7.45, and the water level reached 65.17 basa. While the actual metal, such as nitrate, aluminum, iron, sulphate, arsen, cyanide, reciprocal, and the copper negative results.

Kresek Berwarna dangerous to Health

Based on the results of the research Drugs and Food Control, kresek colored plastic bags are very dangerous for health if used for place dishes.

"Especially plastic kresek black," says Dr. Head of POM. Husniah Rubiana Thamrin Akib at a press meet in the Board office BOM Jakarta, Selasa (14 / 7).

Husniah disclose, colored plastic bags are recycled products of the use of previous history is not known. "Can be used pesticide container, hospital waste, animal or human sewage, heavy metals waste, and so forth," he said.

Badan POM, he explained, was monitored directly in the process of recycling plastic bags, colored the sterilization process is not done. "Trash is collected in plastic Bantar Gebang ago chopped chopped trus-washed with a little soap that does not smell. Then added substance-chemical substances. The process is not very clean," specifically.

Long-term consequences from the use of these bags platik, plus Husniah, can lead to various diseases such as cancer, kidney, and others.

G Index is titled Test Glikemik Different Light Food

Recently published results of research on the IG Index is titled Test Glikemik Different Light Food circulating in Indonesia by Made and colleagues. This is the first research in Indonesia.

In research, food is grouped into three, namely food with IG low (less than 55), moderate (between 55-70), IG, and high (more than 70) based on a scale of 0-100. Food that quickly raise blood sugar shortly after consumption means having a high value IG.

Of the four snack types tested, ie, wafer chocolate, biscuits, chocolate batangan, and fruit snack bars soy (soybean flour and dried fruit), known stem chocolate and fruit soy bar has a low degree IG, ie, 42 and 25. While the biscuits have a high degree IG (62), as well as potato chips (70).

However, chocolate also contains fat and sugar content is high. Instead of fruit soy bar the womb sugar will rich but low-fiber and vegetable protein.

"Besides kadar IG, note should also support the composition of a product. Find out the calories, sugar and dry fat," said Made. Because, some type of snack that has a low degree IG generally contain a high sugar. If consumed excessively it can affect bad for health.

IG is very useful information for diabetes patients and those who are maintaining body weight. However, not many products that include IG degree in composition in the packaging material. "In some countries, such as Japan and Australia, already have a logo that says IG a degree of food.

Xilitol positive impact on dental health of perforated teeth

Three main causes of perforated teeth, ie, Mutans streptococci bacteria, saliva, and the remaining food.

Leftover food (especially sugar), which left behind in between the teeth will stimulate the growth of bacteria Mutans streptococci growing so koloninya plaque layer on teeth. The bacteria can ferment the sugar left in the teeth and produce acid compound will decrease the pH of the mouth to less than 5.5. Acid compound layer akan erase email form so that the tooth surface of the hole in the tooth.

Xilitol positive impact on dental health because it can hinder metabolism and growth by the formation of dental plaque bacteria Mutans streptococci. Xilitol believed to support the process remineralisasi on karies teeth. This will be Prof Jason Tanzer, the Connecticut School of Dental Medicine.

Xilitol considered as a sweetener are friends with the dentist. So called because xilitol not only prevent damage to the teeth with the changing role of regular sugar, but also because it can repair damage to the small karies teeth. Stated Xilitol can reduce dental plaque that can not afford diurai by microorganisms that live in the mouth cause tooth so hollow.

Xilitol votes as the second greatest invention compound for dental health after fluoride, as acknowledged Dr Nigel Carter of the International Dental Health Foundation. Because xilitol are empty-calorie sweetener, Mutans streptococci bacteria can not use it as a source of energy, and even threaten the continuance of his life.

Info about Understanding Sport Drink Variety

Sport drink of isotonic sport drink, sport drink hypertonic, and hypotonic sports drink. The most widely sold type of isotonik.

Isotonic sports drink containing electrolyte and 5-8 g karbohidrat/100 ml. Mengonsumsi isotonic sport drink after sports to help improve the body's resistance glikogen speed. Consumed when the sports match lasted more than an hour. Can be consumed before, during, and after sports.

Hypotonic sports drink karbohidratnya uterus less than 3 g/100 ml. Is the type of beverage that is suitable for people who have experienced dehydration and require Feed liquid quickly. Drink is good for the sport in the low intensity or less than one hour.

Hypertonic sport drink carbohidrat the uterus characterized by more than 10 g/100 ml. Absorbed the body longer than ordinary water, so it is suitable for those who need energy quickly.

Sport drink with a different stimulant drink or energy drink. To drink in the sport are usually added ion-ion electrolyte, while the energy drink form pemacu power components such as spices, caffeine, ginseng, taurin, karnitin, and so forth.

Info about Recognize Variety Benefit vinegar

Vinegar that has been known since thousands of years ago appeared to save a number of benefits. In addition to add a savory taste in cooking, vinegar can also be overcome various health disturbances. Traditionally, vinegar is made through a process enzimatik with the help of bacteria and fermented into alcohol acid acetate. Result, the usual table vinegar we use in the kitchen. Here are several types of vinegar that can be added to our list of ingredients.

Rice vinegar (rice vinegar)
Results from the fermentation of rice. Is a type of vinegar is often used on the east cuisine, such as sushi. Aroma rice vinegar sharp enough so that is also used to remove the smell of food.

Apple vinegar (Cider vinegar)
Apple vinegar into popular usage in the household as many benefits. In addition penambah as penyedap and natural feeling in the cuisine, this type of vinegar can also be used to preserve food, such as meat, vegetables, and pickle.

Red wine vinegar (red wine vinegar)
As the name suggests, the basic ingredients of making vinegar is red wine. Quality red wine vinegar can also vary, depending on the quality of the vineyards and old pembuatannya. The long process of making vinegar, will be the better quality. Keasamannya level tend to be lower than the apple vinegar. Red wine vinegar is perfect used as a salad dressing and seasoning penyedap on meat dishes.

Balsam vinegar (balsamic vinegar)
Is a type of vinegar made from the grape. However, that distinguish it from the wine vinegar is a process and materials used. In addition, Balsam vinegar blackish brown, while the reddish-colored wine vinegar. Usually, Balsam vinegar is used to add taste to the European cuisine, especially French cuisine. It's a bit of sour and savory vinegar make this work more as a condiment rather than vinegar.

Swine flu virus (swine flu)

Swine flu virus (swine flu), which has created panic when the world is a genetic mix between eight different influenza virus, not flu virus H1N1 genetic usual.

"There was a reassortment in flu viruses, the flu where the pork comes from this new pigs exposed to swine flu, bird flu and human flu," said the doctor tuberculosis experts from Sita Andarini PhD, SPP after the Dialog Pig Flu held in the lab Kyoai Jakarta.

Sita says, pigs in the farm always fell ill flu each year, for example the end of every autumn, but the swine flu virus is different from the swine flu virus H1N1 is new.

"In the new swine flu virus has been a combination of genes, so that the virus changed to a new H1N1 virus genes," he said.

Flu virus itself, he explained, many type. In the human flu virus is H3N2, H3N1, H1N1, and H1N1 in pigs and H5N1 in birds.

He also reminded that the swine flu can occur not only in the subtropical regions, cold, or high latitude, because the flu virus that pigs live in the optimal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

"Now this is the spread of swine flu are to the tropical region," he said while people ask cautious about this.

To anticipate the possibility of infected swine flu cases, he asks for, so that people refuse contact with an infected bird flu, using a special mask, always wash hands, and the rest at home if exposed to flu.

Flu patients who suspect (suspected) swine flu, he said, diisolasi for seven days after symptoms start. After seven days, and stated the total recovery is not infectious and can return beraktivitas.

Swine flu virus (swine flu) flu virus H1N1

Swine flu virus (swine flu), which has created panic when the world is a genetic mix between eight different influenza virus, not flu virus H1N1 genetic usual.

"There was a reassortment in flu viruses, the flu where the pork comes from this new pigs exposed to swine flu, bird flu and human flu," said the doctor tuberculosis experts from Sita Andarini PhD, SPP after the Dialog Pig Flu held in the lab Kyoai Jakarta.

Sita says, pigs in the farm always fell ill flu each year, for example the end of every autumn, but the swine flu virus is different from the swine flu virus H1N1 is new.

"In the new swine flu virus has been a combination of genes, so that the virus changed to a new H1N1 virus genes," he said.

Flu virus itself, he explained, many type. In the human flu virus is H3N2, H3N1, H1N1, and H1N1 in pigs and H5N1 in birds.

He also reminded that the swine flu can occur not only in the subtropical regions, cold, or high latitude, because the flu virus that pigs live in the optimal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

"Now this is the spread of swine flu are to the tropical region," he said while people ask cautious about this.

To anticipate the possibility of infected swine flu cases, he asks for, so that people refuse contact with an infected bird flu, using a special mask, always wash hands, and the rest at home if exposed to flu.

Flu patients who suspect (suspected) swine flu, he said, diisolasi for seven days after symptoms start. After seven days, and stated the total recovery is not infectious and can return beraktivitas.

However, until now swine flu vaccine as well as bird flu that has not already have a clinical test phase, while Tamiflu is only an antiviral drug.

"The problem is difficult to design a vaccine and a vaccine difficult to produce so many at the time of pandemic occurs when thousands of people already infected," he said.

Coffee is a favorite drink a lot of people

Coffee is a favorite drink a lot of people. Start from the roadside stall to five-star hotel provides beverages that taste delicious and so this. Gynecology caffeine in coffee can raise trusted freshness and fitness. But on the other hand many people are still afraid to drink the coffee because of health reasons.

For the controversy at this time is to hold a variety of research done to know the benefits of coffee and savor the body. As one of the main coffee exporter in the world, Indonesia's coffee famous high quality. Plus other reasons below, it seems if I have to skip a cup of coffee.

Against obesity
People who drink coffee are often known more stable body weight for 12 years compared with those who stop drinking coffee. Therefore according to research conducted by a team from the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA.

Drinking coffee disela time work that can help us stay in shape and concentrate. Research shows that athletes mengonsumsi drink that contains carbohydrate cafein after cycling have more glikogen (energy reserves) in ototnya when compared to athletes who do not mengonsumsi. Glikogen will help us more nimble and quick in the next session.

Reducing the risk of disease
Increase consumption of coffee according to research The National Institute of Environmental Medicine in Sweden, we can avoid the risk of liver cancer. Self-two cups per day coffee and cancer risk will be reduced 43 percent. Another study showed women who drink coffee is exposed to the risk of heart attack decreased by 24 percent. Antioxidants found in coffee supposedly protect us from diseases that.

A study reported in the Journal of Nutrition says that teenage girls often drank coffee daily the risk of breast cancer affected 40 percent decrease. Gynecology polipenhol caffeine in coffee and protect the body against breast cancer.

Consumption "Softdrink" excessive muscle

The fans drink seems to need to pay attention to comsumsi measure. According to research, softdrink consumption of more than one liter per day can cause depletion potasium in the body that can make the muscles become weak, and even paralysis.

"There are people who mengonsumsi softdrink excessive. We have some facts," said Dr. Moses Elisaf of the University of Ioannina, Greece, in the International Journal of Clinical Practice. Elisaf and colleagues noted in six cases due to depletion potasium drinks bersoda. In such cases, the drink softdrink varied, ranging from 2-9 liters a day.

"Fortunately all the patients can recover after they stop and get a softdrink consumption potasium supplements to replace those lost," write Elisaf. Potasium ion is part of the mineral. In the body, potasium, and there are cells in the network.

Albeit very rarely found there consumsi people drink to more than one liter per day, but the producers should give drink to education customers.

"Industry should promote the rule softdrink beverage consumption in the normal limit in order to reduce the number of consumers according to the rules of health," said Dr Clifford D. Packer from Stoke Louis Cleveland Medical Center.

Traditional medicine is dangerous

Board of Supervisors Food and Drugs (BPOM) interesting circumgyration 60 brand drugs and traditional food supplements contain chemicals that if drugs are used without the doctor may be dangerous to health.

"Based on the results of supervision, sampling and laboratory testing since June 2008 to May 2009, the POM circulation has 60 items and traditional medicine supplements that contain chemicals sibutramin hidroklorida, citric sildenafil, tadalafil, deksametason, fenilbutason, mefenamat acid, paracetamol and metamfiron, "said the Head of BPOM Husniah Rubiana Akib Thamrin in Jakarta, Thursday (04/06).

Use of chemicals for drug inappropriately, he said, can cause health level light interference to health that can result in death.

Interference between health is another headache, chest and stomach pain, stomach tukak, diarrhea, kidney disturbances, disturbances of vision, glaucoma, porous bones, infark miokard, heart disturbances, the formation of harmful blood cells (anemia aplastik and agranulositosis), and liver damage .

Husniah said, in addition ordered a product recall and destruction of local production of traditional medicines and China, the government will also make the legal process (proyustisia) against manufacturers and importers of the product.

"Accordingly, we also call to the public not to buy or mengonsumsi traditional medicines and food supplements containing the chemical drug," he said and added products that are mostly not listed in the BPOM or permit has been canceled edarnya.

He also mengimbau people who do not believe the security of a traditional medicine for information about the product to the Consumer Complaints Service Unit BPOM through 021-4263333/32199000 phone number or electronic mail to ulpk@pom.go.id.

"As may be difficult to differentiate a product that is safe and not safe for the registration number BPOM also have a doctor. We only know love, if the image name and exotic, khasiatnya excessive claims, may not be safe because we will not accept the registration," said Husniah.

Choice Oil

Oil is the source of the most high-energy, which is 9 calories per gram. Compare with other nutritional substances, such as carbohydrate and protein, which accounts for only 4 calories per gramnya. Oil is also a media source and vitamins in the fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, and also karotenoid.

Some types of fat can not be made by the human body so that the absolute obtained from food. For example linoleat fatty acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenat (omega-3). Omega-3 is required to keep the body functioning of the brain and nervous system our bodies.

In the market, there are various types of oil for cooking circulating. Based on the shape, we know margarine, butter, oil and solid. Of origin, the oil more varied. For example only, palm oil, coconut, canola, corn, sunflower, safflower, olive, and animal fat.

However, it is important that we know to maintain health is actually making oil based golongannya. Oil that is saturated, the oil is not saturated single, oil ganda not saturated, and trans oil. Each oil has the effect of different health care for our heart.

Oil can be simply classified in 5 groups:

1. Saturated oil (saturated fatty acids / SFA)
Oil lemaknya the acid is fully charged by hydrogen atom. Main sources: animal food such as meat, chicken, butter (butter), milk, pure, and the oil from coconuts and palm oil.

2. Not a single saturated oil (monounsaturated fatty acids / FA MU)
Acid lemaknya lack of a hydrogen atom. Example: peanut oil (peanut), canola, and olive (olive).

3. Ganda not saturated oil (polyunsaturated fatty acids / PUFA)
Fatty acid deficiency of 2 or more hydrogen atoms. Example: corn oil, sunflower, soybean, sesame, and safflower.

4. Oil trans (trans fatty acids)
Type of oil that the oil in the process hidrogenasi liquid oil into solid. As at the time of the making of margarine. Oil of this type is also found in natural food.

5. Omega-3 oil
Similar PUFA oil comes on the fish, like tuna, salmon, sardine, and also from nuts, canola, soybean, and flaxseed oil.

6. Omega-6 oil
Oil PUFA found in vegetable oils such as soybean oil, corn, and safflower.

Eating Disorders Fewer Women In The Already Becoming Mother

Women have fewer eating disturbances after having children compared with those of the friend who has no children. Mostly because they stop drinking alcoholic beverages, and stop at behave itself, so the new findings from Norway.

Findings that may hold true for women who live in countries with systems that are less friendly to support parents who have young children, said Tilman von Soest of Norwegian Social Research in Oslo, and Dr. Lars Wichstrom from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, the study's author.

"In the environment that supports the less, I suspect many parents more open to pressure, such as, psychological and financial condition," said von Soest via electronic mail (email).

"Conditions open to such pressure may prevent the influence of positive lifestyle changes when a mother," she added.

Von Soest and Wichstrom the first 1206 women who do not have children for six years to determine whether a mother has to eat on the pattern.

Women are showing less interference to eat after the children, who according to the researchers due to the reduction of behavior that is only based on their own and a decrease in the use of alcohol. However, although women who have children do not show increased satisfaction with their appearance, women who become mothers do not show these symptoms.

Based on these findings, von Soest said it may be a reduction in the use of alcohol and other actions to create a lifestyle that is more stable may help to overcome the interference eat.

Cancer in Indonesia Penganggulangan The 'Living'

Trends in treatment of cancer developing in Indonesia towards the friendly treatment, that means the only treatment is to kill the cell nucleus kankernya only without killing normal network which is also developing around the cancer cells.

"Treatment of cancer is now often carry side effects on patients," said Chairman of the Doctoral Program Biomedik Science Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) Mohamad Sadikin after Biomedika Forum Seminar on FKUI, Jakarta, Rabu (20 / 5).

He explains that the treatment of cancer, with surgery, elektrokimia, and consumption of drugs to kill the focus to the nucleus of cancer cells.

"So if there are patients who feel sick once when treated, because the cells that normally die also," said Sadikin.

He also added that now the medical treatment of cancer is being put forth that not only focuses on the development of cancer cells with a radical way, but in a way that selectively disrupt the metabolism of cancer cells, avoiding trigger cancer with healthy lifestyles, and is the latest treatment with cell primer.

In Indonesia, including cancer in the five major causes of death as cancer, especially breast and womb cancer more diidap cancer in Australia than most other types of cancer.

Cancer cells in the body in all can not become violent because the cells can be triggered by the violent substance-specific substances. Substance can be derived from what we consume every day.

About the treatment of cancer with traditional plants, Sadikin Mohamad said there is need to further research on traditional medicine is.

"Medicine should it need to be able to be scientifically," said Sadikin.

Sadikin added if the plant material in a traditional material that can be consumed directly, such as garlic, turmeric, ginger, and consumed in a reasonable measure, it will not bring a significant impact on health.


Fisheries, Marine and Food DKI ensure pork is still safe for consumption but only a cut in the animal house cut (RPH) Kapuk, West Jakarta.

"There are three stages of the examination quarantine inspection, antemortem and posmortem. So in general examination pork stricter than the others," said Head of Fisheries, Marine and Food Edi Setiarto in DKI Jakarta, Friday.

Besides, the Edi RPH Kapuk have adequate quarantine facilities and can easily make a case of isolation of cases of disease.

"If we have the disease isolation. If you pass the examination early, go to stage two to the cage in, then checked again before the cut," he said.

Edi explain in Jakarta have not found that pigs carry the H1N1 virus are a source of spread of swine flu and bermutasi has been spreading among humans.

"Until now there has not been," said. so, he says his side will still be overseeing the circulation in pigs, including a cut out for RPH Kapuk.

"Pig-pig small usually shipped from the North Sumatra that is used in traditional ceremonies. But it is also prohibited. Kapuk outside cutting pork is also prohibited," he said.

Two areas have been successful according to the Edi sterilize cutting pork from the region of East Jakarta and West Jakarta while the other areas follow.

Susu Cow Making Baby Allergies

Child specialist doctor immunology expert Dr. Zakiudin Munasir said, milk cattle and beef products derived susu other is the biggest cause of allergies, especially in infants.

Dr Zakiudin Munasir, in the seminar "Are Allergies revealed the genetic" in Jakarta on Tuesday, said, susu cow protein that is a foreign key for the baby in the early months of life can potentially cause allergic reactions the first time, with symptoms of indigestion in the channel such as diarrhea and vomiting.

According to him, the foreign protein in the body of the baby and the added condition that the channel pencernaannya not perfect, so that babies are prone to allergies caused by cow susu this.

"Food that is suitable for a baby is breastfed (breast milk). That is, given the suggested breastfed babies (breast milk) exclusive, at least until age 6 months," said Zakiudin.

ASI function in preventing allergy because it contains more vitamin needed a baby, including protein "Hypo allergenik", DHA, and probiotik colostrum can protect babies from allergies.

Allergies are the body's immune reaction to the change or deviate from the normal symptoms that may cause harmful interference from the body's respiratory, skin and eyes.

Besides milk cow, Zaikudin also mentions other food, such as eggs, seafood, nuts and many more macamnya trigger allergies.

Zakiudin explained that the numbers continue to increase allergic events in line with changes in the pattern of life that the modern society.

He mentions, many substances in the food and beverages, besides the high pollution at this time is the cause of the occurrence of allergy.

Info about laughing Reduce Heart Risk & Diabetes

This has not been long, the research team from Loma Linda University, California, said that laughing can be a therapy for a number of diseases, including heart attack and diabetes.

As is known, a lifestyle can be a trigger the emergence of a disease. However, if someone good psychological condition, the research team believes all kinds of diseases can be.

"Most medical experts understand that the psychology of someone in good condition can be established that positive emotions are also, for example, with the cheery laugh, be optimistic and have hope that can help the process of healing a disease," said Lee Berk, who is involved in research.

In this research, the research team analyzed 20 patients who contract the disease, and diabetes also have hypertension and high cholesterol. Then the research team share in the two groups, where each group given standard treatment of diabetes the same.

But the difference, in the first group were given routine therapy such as stimulation humor. They are required to watch a comedy program or film that deems funny for 30 minutes every day.

While the second group, laughing therapy is not given. The twenty patients are then monitored and supervised its development for 12 months.

For one year after they undergo therapy, the research team found that patients in the first group showed an increase both cholesterol (HDL) of 26%. Whereas in the second group, the increase in cholesterol increased only about three percent.

Not only that, patients who were laughing therapy also decreased levels of C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation of a heart disease up to 66%. Proportionate to the distance the second group, where levels of infection diseases are only down 26%.

Results of research that has been presented in the Experimental Biology conference in New Orleans also found that this therapy can also reduce the laugh level stress on the patient