
Eggs may be eaten every day, Kok!

Egg yolks are rich in essential nutrients important for health. One of them is choline. Choline is important to maintain the smooth functioning of the body's metabolism. Many myths say that eating an egg yolk can cause heart disease risk. In fact, research results are published in the American Journal of Clinic Nutrition, says that eggs have little saturated fat content so as not to interfere with heart health.

The problem is if the eggs are fried, then consumed every day for more than a grain of patients with heart disease or people with heart disease trend. Said Dr. Dewi Wijono Lany, SpGK, a nutritionist from the RS Mitra Kemayoran.

In fact, continued Dr. Lany, someone will be a need for nutrients, including protein and vitamins in the eggs, vary depending on the conditions and their respective activities.

One egg yolk contains 25 percent of the daily choline requirement. For patients with heart disease, adequate consumption of two egg yolks per week. If you do not have a history of heart disease, we should consume boiled egg every day.

advocate, but also withholding. phosphatidil choline was actually protect the heart and lower blood tekananan (and very important for the brain) Notice also the intake of vitamin C, E, magnesium, amino acids carnitine for heart health. So 2-3 egg not OK.

Smart-Select Sort Fresh Seafood

Seafood practically almost become a hobby for everyone. Besides it tastes delicious, protein sources are also more than those of freshwater fish. But if we are wrong choose to enjoy seafood, healthy food can be transformed into a boomerang for us.

That's why Dr. John C Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, clinical nutrition specialist from Melinda's Hospital, Bandung, give us a guide choose fresh seafood, namely:

Buy in a trusted: Sellers who understands will keep seafood in cold temperatures between 0 and 80 degrees celsius in the container filled with ice. These containers must also be able to drain the melted ice to reduce the risk of decay.

Check the quality and cleanliness: Seafood fresh look clean and free of insects. The seller was using disposable gloves and can answer questions about the freshness of the seafood he sells.

Kiss fragrance: has the aroma of fresh fish such as sea, smelling not sting. If pressed, the meat feels springy, with fins and scales intact skin clung tightly fixed on the metallic-colored, shiny (not dull),. Ingsang pink or bright red, free of slime or mud. Fish eyes look clear, bright, and prominent.

A good fillet of fish meat is not too fishy aroma. The meat moist and chewy. The color is clear, without a brownish color at the edges. If fillets packaged wrapped, the packaging should be meeting and was not damaged.

Hold the shell and slide in opposite directions: This rule applies to select fresh shellfish. If the shells move, it means no longer fresh. Just like fish, shrimp or shellfish that have been peeled, no fishy smell. Sometimes there is little clear liquid on top. Make sure the liquid is not white or greenish.

Frozen seafood should be completely frozen and free from ice crystals or freezer burn (food conditions which were damaged by oxidation and dehydration). Characteristics of the affected food freezer burn is the color changed from its original color. Check if the packaging is intact and no sign of wet bottom line result is stored in a freezer.

Moist, not fishy sting, and the color characteristic: This is the sign of a good cooked seafood. The meaning of color is the color that describes the typical freshness. For example, shells of shrimp should be pink. For lobsters or crabs, shells must be bright red. Before you buy, check beforehand, lest a seafood cooked is placed next to a seafood raw. Also check the packaging and expiration date.

Becoming Vegetarian Without Malnutrition

Choose to become vegetarians or vegans need more vigorous efforts coupled meet nutritional intake. However, the body requires a balanced composition of nutrients, namely carbohydrates (50-60 percent), protein (15-20 percent), fat (30 percent), and vitamins.

Because only eat whole grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruits, vegan adherents did not consume animal products or derivatives, including gelatin, cheese, and yogurt. They also avoid honey, royal-jelly, and derivative products insects. Even some adherents of vegans avoid using animal products such as animal skins or cosmetics that contain animal products.

Clinical nutritionist Dr. Witjaksono Fiastuti, MS, SpGK, said, vegans need to add more variations of protein each day. Since people who lead a vegan only meet the needs of protein from vegetable sources, like tofu, tempeh, soybeans, and beans.

"For vegans, the consumption of vegetable protein had more variations of each portion per day. If you do not, then the incomplete intake and the body's needs are not met," explained Dr. Female Fiastuti to Compass some time ago.

Vegan nutrition can balance, by increasing the variation of protein each day. While fat can be obtained from almonds that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Organic Label Be Eating Excess Reasons

The label "organic" on food turned out to make someone eat more. This caused a lot of people think organic means containing fewer calories, so no problem if eating more servings.

Previous study also showed various food labels often creates misperceptions. For example, the label "low fat" is considered to have fewer calories. While foods labeled "low cholesterol" means that many people believed to contain less fat.

Foods that are labeled organic by the most people are used as health insurance. "Organic food is considered healthy foods low in calories, when in fact not so," said Johanthan P. Schuldt, researchers from the University of Michigan, USA.

Because it is considered low in calories, as a result many people eat more than they should. The perception that organic food is identical to the exchange of health also makes people healthy habits, like exercise to reduce weight, with organic food.

Increase in public awareness of health make organic food became popular. Sales of organic food in the U.S. showed a rapid increase in the last two decades, up from one billion dollars in 1990 to 25 billion U.S. dollars in the year 2009.

Choosing carefully Yogurt!

Constipation problems should not be underestimated. Not only because it makes the stomach discomfort such as receive waste in the intestine, digestive problems can also cause complications such as ulcers, hemorrhoids and even colon cancer. For that you need to set up with lots of fiber diet and regular exercise. Eating yogurt can also help overcome constipation.

But do not arbitrarily choose yogurt to overcome constipation. One chose the yogurt to make efforts to prevent, let alone treatment, becomes not optimal.

Regina Dr. Karim, Health Marketing Director of Danone, advised to choose yogurt with two criteria, namely:

1. Period of less than three months outdated
Good yogurt containing live bacteria. These bacteria will work to overcome the problem of constipation. Long live good bacteria is not more than three months. So if you see outdated yogurt with a period of more than three months, the good bacteria in it are not working optimally, or not the live bacteria is needed to overcome digestive problems.

2. Not UHT products
Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) is heated products, or foods that pass through high temperature sterilization process within a certain timeframe. UHT products will cause the good bacteria are dead. In fact, it takes a live bacteria to overcome constipation.

"We recommend that regular consumption of yogurt twice a day for two weeks, as the treatment of constipation. Better yet, as a precaution, to regularly eat them every day. Yogurt with live bacteria safely consumed every day," explained Dr. Regina told Compass Female, in the event listing MURI for "1000 Women Eat Yogurt Together" organized by Activia some time ago.

According to Dr Regina, regularly consuming yogurt also will not cause diarrhea. In fact, he said, people suffering from lactose intolerance safe to eat yogurt. People who experience lactose intolerance tend to have diarrhea when drinking milk, because her body can not absorb lactose.

Making Local Food Equipment Tighten Skin

The sun radiates its rays increasingly sadistic lately. Are you aware that sun exposure can accelerate the aging process of our skin? What if we are not diligent enough to treatment to protect the skin? Appearances not only looks older than actual age, we will also experience a variety of damage to the skin.

Ultraviolet rays, especially UVA, is the main factor that causes premature aging, because it can penetrate the skin more deeply and damage the skin cells that is not visible from behind the burning of your skin. What's worse, the production of proteins that maintain the collagen-tightness, moisture, and skin elasticity begins to decrease when your new age in the 20s.

To protect the skin, you should not just take care of him from the outside, by wearing cosmetics products. Treat your skin well from the inside, by consuming a variety of foods that will make your skin stay young. Do not worry, lots of local food kok able to do so. Include the following:

Strawberry, papaya, broccoli, oranges. The fruit is the favorite of these children contain much vitamin C, and vitamin C rich foods that help rid fine lines on the face and drought caused by aging. This is the result of research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007.

Effect of vitamin C in smoothing the skin may be caused by free radicals to stop kamampuannya generated by ultraviolet light, and also its role in producing collagen. Therefore, many cosmetic products that use Vitamin C in the formula. But if you can get it in natural ingredients such as strawberry, papaya, broccoli, red peppers, and oranges, not better?

Tomatoes, watermelon, carrots. Red color from lycopene in tomatoes, carotenoids material that helps keep skin soft. In a study published in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics in 2008, showed that of 20 people surveyed, those with higher concentrations of lycopene appeared to have a softer skin. To get the same result, increase the intake of lycopene in fresh fruits and vegetables such as watermelons and carrots.

Know. Tofu and other soybean processing products such as edamame and soy milk, also helps protect collagen, because the material is rich in isoflavones. The trial results on mice, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition said, the rats who consumed isoflavones and exposed to ultraviolet radiation turns to experience fewer wrinkles and smoother skin than mice exposed to ultraviolet light but have received no isoflavone intake. The researchers believe that isoflavones help prevent damage to the collagen in the skin.

Tuna. Tuna is one fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to salmon, sardines, and a few other freshwater fish. Eating fish rich in omega-3 like this helps keep skin supple. Fat content of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) on these fish proved able to protect collagen.

Kiwi, The Super Fruit???

Until now there was not a magic pill that could ward off deadly diseases as well as making slim. But there is another solution, something that not only create a healthy and slimming, but also taste good, namely a kiwi fruit.

Elisa Zied, MS, nutritionist and author of Feed Your Family Right, says kiwis are included in one of the 10 super foods (super food). Kiwi include multitasking fruit because they contain disease-fighting nutrients, taste good, contain fewer calories, plus making the skin young. Really super!

Kiwi fruit is often identified with New Zealand. In fact, the fruit skin and looks like a brown fur is actually originated from China and the new into New Zealand early 1990s.

The success of the kiwi fruit industry in New Zealand could not be separated from services Isabel Fraser, a teacher who brought home the seeds of the kiwi after visiting relatives in China. Kiwi seeds were then given to families Allison, who was wrestling in the field of horticulture. Since then farming in New Zealand kiwi fruit begins.

The original name is The Tao of kiwi fruit. New Zealanders think the fruit has a flavor called Chinese gooseberry and gooseberry. New fruit around the year 1959 was given the name "kiwi fruit" after setting the kiwi bird as a symbol of New Zealand.

Two types

In the world market today, there are two types of kiwi fruit, ie, green (green) and gold (gold). green kiwi Actinidia deliciosa using botanical names and kiwi called Actinidia chinensis gold. Slightly sour flavor of green kiwi and fresh. Medium gold kiwi taste sweeter on the tongue.

Vitamin C content in green kiwi 92.7 mg vitamin C per 100 grams, slightly below the vitamin C content of the gold kiwi reached 105.4 mg per 100 grams.

Nevertheless, according Fiastuti vitamin C content in kiwi kiwi green and gold more than oranges and papaya. Meanwhile its vitamin E content than mangoes and papayas.

In addition to vitamins, these two types of kiwi fruit is also rich in fiber is good for the health of the digestive tract. Not only that, the fibers can also be enough to keep blood sugar levels and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood.

Rich in nutrients and antioxidants
One of the benefits of kiwi fruit is a soft texture, delicious taste and aroma are distinctive and fresh. Yet beneath the hairy brown skin, kiwi is the most nutrient-rich fruit.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition showed that of 27 types of commonly consumed fruits such as papaya, mango, and avocado, kiwi apparently has the highest nutrient density.

Size nutrient density (nutrient density) is usually used to measure the dietitian nutritional value of certain food ingredients compared with other food ingredients in equal portions. Higher nutrient density, the better the quality of the material.

Kiwi is also known as the fruit that is rich in viamin C, A and E. The content of vitamin C in the kiwi fruit two times more than oranges. While the amount of vitamin E in kiwi twice more than the mango.

Vitamins C and E so we need as a source of antioxidants. According to nutritionists Witjaksono dr.Fiastuti, Sp.GK, one or two grains every day was enough kiwis to meet the requirement of vitamin C per day. "Women aged 19-30 years need about 45 mg of vitamin C per day. Meanwhile, in pregnant women increased to 60 mg / day during lactation and in need 85 mg / day," he explained.

According Prof.Made Astawan, in the book Nutrient Content of Various Foods, in addition to vitamins C and E, another antioxidant found in fruits such as kiwi-carotene, lutein, xanthophyll, flavonoids, and so forth.

Eat foods that contain antioxidants are believed to prevent dangerous illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and premature aging. One theory why someone might be old is due to free radicals. Oxidation process will also cause DNA damage that led to the emergence of cancer.

Antidote to free radicals that are known at this time is an antioxidant. Antioxidant capacity of the kiwi against free radical compounds ranked third highest after the orange and red wine.

Antioxidants contained in the kiwi fruit is the most easily metabolized and absorbed into the body's blood vessels. That's why the food sources of antioxidants such as the kiwi is strongly recommended for those who want to be healthy naturally.

Eating Patterns Change For Free Stomach Fat

Not confident wearing clothes fit the body because the fat to accumulate in the abdomen and waist? Overcome with how easy and inexpensive. Simply set the pattern of eating right. Belly bulge caused by the fat which accumulates in the abdominal cavity. This is because the excess energy intake cumulatively dumped as energy reserves in the form of body fat. Change your diet to get a beautiful belly craving following ways:

Food Chew Slowly
Eating habits quickly, it can create more body fat. New satiety felt after 15-20 minutes after the initial chew, occurs after the stomach to process food in the stomach. After working the stomach begins to decline, began to feel a sense of satiety. Because of that, try chewing food longer. That way, bribe for bribe is not too soon come to your mouth.

Reduce Portion Rice
Apparently one serving of rice on the plate is not always enough for you. To menganggulangi this habit, start to reduce the portion of rice at the dinner table. Conversely, the portion of vegetables reproduced. So, if you're still hungry, but the rice was gone, the choice to stay two. Stop eating or eating vegetables. Win-win solution, right?

Walking 30 Minutes
If you want to belly fat "deflate", do not quickly get bored of exercise. But, why the fat in your stomach does not quickly "shrink", despite regular exercise? Because the most fat to accumulate in the abdomen, then the capacity to burn fat even greater. Automatic, so lean back takes more time. So, naturally you're dong when the arm more than once to deflate the stomach. Effectively streamline the type of abdominal exercise is walking or running. Do 30 minutes a day, as much as 2-3 times a week.

Do not Jump Sleeping After Eating
Try not to sleep immediately after eating. Because, during sleep the body becomes very relaxed, so that bowel movement was slow. Because there is no wasted calories, so fat that can go directly accumulate in the body. As a result, there are overweight. In order to smooth the digestion process, so there should be a pause between the time after eating and sleeping. At least at least 30 minutes. Perform other activities, such as washing pirign or watching television.

Eat Salad
Cut carrots, celery, zucchini, or other vegetables for a salad dikudap. This step can make you spend more effort to chew pieces of all types of large-sized vegetables. So you will chew more and eat less when eating Main menu.

Road Before Drinking Green Tea
The caffeine in tea free fatty acids, which can help you burn fat more easily. Polyphenols (antioxidant compounds) found in green tea can work effectively with caffeine that burns calories.

Replace Butter with Olive Oil
This is much healthier and can help you eat less. Recent studies show, add the olive oil in intake can reduce at least 52 calories than those who used butter.

Quite a spoonful of Iodized Salt

Consumption of iodine deficiency can cause disturbances in thyroid. So how the hell is that supposed to measure the consumption of iodine we consume?

Based on international standards used in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the maximum iodine intake for someone of about 150 mikogram (mg) per day. Now, to meet, according to Mulyadi Tedjapranata, Medizone Clinic Director of South Jakarta, can be obtained from consuming one to one and a half tablespoons of iodized salt.

But it turns out, though just need to consume less, there are still many people suffering from disorders caused by iodine deficiency. Mulyadi said, this deficiency usually occurs in people who lived in the mountains. "Based on international statistics, currently there are still 2.3 billion people around the world experience a lack of iodine," said Mulyadi. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, there are no supporting data.

Now, to meet the iodine intake, you do not have to fill it with salt consumption. You can get iodine from other foods such as seafood example fish, squid, and shellfish. Iodine can also diternukan on other foods such as eggs, milk, and meat. Only, the content of iodine in the diet is not as much as iodized salt.

But keep in mind is, salt or any material that foods containing iodine should not be carelessly cooked. You see, if carelessly cooked it, the content of iodine can be reduced or lost. As a result, even if you eat salt or food containing a lot of iodine, you will still lack this substance. Finally, you get even just taste salty, without substance that benefit the body.

You need to remember, iodine is a substance that quickly evaporates. If exposed to sunlight, iodine in salt content of fast evaporating. Similarly, if the tangent to the other heat when cooked, iodine also evaporates quickly. In addition to cook correctly, iodine should be consumed early. Iodine intake is needed since I was in the womb because iodine is closely related to intelligence.

A child is potentially suffering from mental disabilities, if the mother during pregnancy and iodine deficiency. Just for information only, iodine is associated with the growth of the brain-forming cells, namely neurons. "Because of the lack of iodine, the growth of brain cells and causes stunted children are also mentally handicapped,"

Tea Healthier than Water?

Drinking three or more cups of tea each day may be healthy by drinking enough water. In addition, there are other additional benefits from tea consumption, which help prevent heart disease and cancer.

Extra benefits of tea come from flavonoids, antioxidants found in many plants, including tea leaves. Various studies indicate flavonoids are effective for preventing cell damage.

RUxton nutrition expert Dr Carrie and her team from Kings College London, analyzed the results of research on the effects of tea consumption on human health. They found evidence that drinking three cups of tea per day may reduce the risk of heart attack.

Another advantage of drinking tea is to prevent cancer, protect teeth from plaque and strengthens bones. "Drinking tea is better than drinking water because the tea does not just replace the body fluids but also contains antioxidants, so that we can be an extra benefit," said Dr.Ruxton.

During the tea has been thought to actually cause dehydration. "Studies on caffeine was shown at very high doses can cause dehydration, but a cup of tea or strong coffee we still get the benefits of replacement fluids," he said.

However, tea can also disturb the absorption of iron from food. Therefore, people who suffer from anemia is not advised to drink tea at meals.

Cucumber pickles Able to Overcome Muscle Cramps

Apparently, not only a tasty dill pickle flavoring used for some types of food. Juice or water from cucumber event also has the ability to heal muscle cramps.

There is a scientific explanation of this extraordinary ability. Brigham Young University has made an examination of how ACR cucumber juice can affect muscle cramps caused by heavy exercise. Research leave from the theory (though not yet confirmed its truth) that some elements of the pickle juice may be more capable of overcoming cramps than water, bananas, or drinks that contain electrolytes. This also answers the question what causes cramps in people who are active, and why this problem so easily happen.

"Muscle cramps caused by exercise physiology is one mystery that continues," said Gretchen Reynolds, a writer in New York Times blog.

Scientists seem to disagree about why people are diligent exercise and how to overcome cramps. Nevertheless, the coaches athletes began mendengungkan success they experienced thanks to the use of dill pickle juice. The trainers were also surveyed, to determine how often they gave it to the client, and what were the results. However, these studies reported a new Brigham Young was the first laboratory tests on these.

This study is only on a small scale only. A total of 10 healthy students were asked to do exercises. After being trained to become dehydrated, the radius of the participants are stimulated electrically. This causes cramping, so participants are then asked to relax until the discomfort is berangsung missing.

After that, participants are stimulated again resulting in a second muscle spasms. This time, they were asked to drink approximately 60 ml of water or juice diionisasi cucumber event. From this experiment showed that participants who drank only water recovered after an average of 2.5 minutes. However, when participants are given a dill pickle juice, cramps can be cured 45 percent faster.

Sure, it's hard to create the conditions in cramps caused by exercise testing, let alone the cramps do not occur in the large muscle groups. Researchers suggest that only the participants to practice the right way and slowly, so that the muscles do not experience fatigue. Another common way to cope is by doing stretching cramps.

Encouraging Metabolism with White Water and Coffee

High metabolic body needs to help the body burn calories and maintain weight. You just need to run a natural way to increase metabolism is better. No need to rely on diet pills or drugs to speed up your metabolism working.

Build muscle
Intensive exercise to maintain weight loss has become the recommended activities of the American Consul for Sport. This was the most natural way to increase your metabolism work, including forming muscle. Muscles must be seen as a machine on the body. So if the bigger engine, more and more energy to burn. Muscles can increase metabolism. Train muscles properly and correctly, for three days a week. But do not just stare at the muscle, doing sports that involve all parts of the body. Build muscle exercise can be done with a focus on the legs and back.

Expand drinking water
White Water has many roles in improving the body's metabolism, including the digestive process, disposal, and body temperature regulation. Mayo Clinic recommends consumption of two liters of water a day. In addition to fighting hunger, water can help the body to work with a higher metabolism. The trick, drink water before eating.

Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardio exercises like walking, jogging, biking, or with the help of tools such as a treadmill, can burn calories and maintain the body's metabolism. Do the exercises gradually, ranging from leisurely bicycle for example. Then increase the intensity of exercise with a higher level.

The content of caffeine in coffee to work metabolism booster natural way, in addition to increasing fat oxidation. Drinking a cup of coffee before exercise can also increase sensitivity and help fight fatigue.