
Behavior Change If You Want Healthy Eating

How often do you forget about handwashing with soap before eating ? Try checking your kitchen , whether the trash is located adjacent to the cooking utensil ? When cooking or storing food in the fridge , if you ignore the rules separate raw materials with materials to prevent cross-contamination of cooked food ?

Various habits and behavior determines the quality of the food you consume daily . Simple behavior at home , healthy , also will produce safe and healthy food .Determine behavioral changes more than the food quality concerns such as borax chemical contaminants in foodstuffs .

" People's perceptions about food safety is still relevant even though the challenge lies in the chemical behavior , " said Head of Food and Drug Information Center ( BPOM ) Roy Sparingga during a press conference Chefmanship Academy seminar in Jakarta , some time ago .According to Roy , the community needs to get education related behavioral changes in food processing . Because , how to process food that is not right cause cross-contamination risk from unsafe materials , from the environment , the less appropriate cookware functions , also from the man himself .

Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health , Tjandra Yoga Aditama said cross-contamination can also occur as a result of human behavior . Healthy Behavior Clean like Handwashing ( CTPS ) for example , also have an impact on food safety .

" If the food is good but not CTPS run before eating , food is so not safe , " said Tjandra .With further implement healthy behaviors in the management of food , microbial contamination at the time of cross-contamination of food occurs can also be avoided .

Data BPOM on Extraordinary Events ( KLB ) of food poisoning in 2012, the most common among food snacks , food catering and household cooking . Food sources are referred to as the Food BPOM Ineligible ( TMS ) is mostly contaminated microbes , from 66 percent in 2012 and increased to 76 percent in 2013 . TMS due to contamination of food chemicals such as borax percentage is actually small .

This is How It Can Better Nutrition of Almonds

Almond is one kind of nut who received the title of healthy snacks . This is because almonds are a good source of nutrients , such as protein , vitamins , and minerals .
However, to obtain optimal benefits , there are ways that you can do , which is chewed well as eat it . The more you chew , the smaller the particles produced almonds , and the easier it is to absorb the body's nutritional content .
The conclusions derived from a panel discussion at the annual meeting the Institute of Food Technologists held in Chicago , USA in July .
" Before swallowed , chewed almonds should be used to smooth , " the expert advice .
Jacob Teitelbaum , Medical Director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue and author of From Fatigued to Fantastic says , almonds contain magnesium which can help easily sleep and muscle relaxation . In addition, the almond has the added benefit of providing the protein that helps keep blood sugar levels stable during sleep . " Almonds are a winner , " says Teitelbaum .
Almonds also contain protein and fiber , so that almonds can help the body to become more full . Almond also a source of vitamin E and magnesium .
In fact , according to a recent study published in the journal BMC Medicine , people who ate more than three servings of almonds every week have a lower risk of death than those who do not . The study said the risk of death from heart disease declined by 55 percent and cancer by 40 percent for those who make a habit of it .
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found almonds have 20 percent fewer calories than previously thought . So , one serving of almonds , amounting to 28 or 23 grams of nuts a previously calculated 160 calories , actually only has 129 calories .
" One dish that has nine grams of monounsaturated fat and three grams of polyunsaturated fats that are needed for heart health , " said the researchers .

Watermelon, sore Postwar Sports Medicine

After a workout, especially after so long vacuum, we often feel stiff and sore in some parts of the body. The condition is actually normal. This occurs because muscle tissue is stretched beyond normal.

But the feeling of pain is often felt uncomfortable so we had to make efforts to promptly eliminate, such as massage or gentle exercise. More recently, a study found an effective way to help reduce the soreness that is by drinking watermelon juice.

The study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry involves seven male participants. They were asked to cycling routine in three different days.

In two days, the participants were asked to drink watermelon juice an hour before exercising. While in the third day, they were only given a placebo drink pink as watermelon juice.

Twenty-four hours after a workout at the third day, many participants reported experiencing soreness. Whereas in the previous two days, when they drink watermelon juice, they pleaded not too sore after exercise.

Aguayo Encarna study author, professor of food technology at the Technical University of Cartagena, say, watermelon juice can reduce stiffness because they contain an amino acid called L-sitrulin.

"These compounds improve blood flow, so drink it before a workout can help your muscles get more oxygen," he explained.

Consumption of sugar and salt in a Safe Amount

Sugar and salt are two important additional flavorings. However, when consumed in excess both seem harmless herbs that can increase the risk of heart disease and obesity.

The literature recommends that we reduce the consumption of sugar and salt. But not many people know how safe limits.

recommendations sodium
The U.S. government recommends sodium no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. If divided by three big meals and two snack times, this means that in one meal constrained maximum 460 mg sodium. Too much sodium is bad for your blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease.

recommendations sugar
The Institute of Medicine recommends that added sugars are not more than 25 percent of total calories. for a 2,000-calorie diet, eating sugar is allowable only 200 calories or the equivalent of 12.5 teaspoons.

The Heart Association recommends 6 teaspoons of added sugar for women and 9 teaspoons for men. If sugar is consumed together with sodium, it must be considered again sharing portion.

Also sugar naturally found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Sugar binds to vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and in the dish. Added sugars found in processed foods such as soda, candy, and cookies. At this dish sugar binds with calories.

Too much sugar causes weight gain, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome.

Before eating, check the nutrition label on the packaging. How much sugar and salt is contained can be seen there. Unfortunately, the label does not mention natural and added sugars.

When food is consumed vegetables and dried fruit, the sugar that is a combination of natural and added. But if it is consumed sweets or cakes, the extra sugar is fully contained.

4 Myths and Facts About Egg Consumption

Eggs are an important source of animal protein that is relatively easy to obtain and inexpensive. The content of protein, fat and minerals contained in the egg can meet the needs of a variety of essential nutrients.Fat content and high cholesterol makes some people hesitate because of fear of eating eggs raises the risk of various degenerative diseases. As a result, some negative myths circulating about the consumption of eggs. For example, the myth that regular consumption raises the risk factor of obesity and degenerative diseases. But is it possible?

The following are the myths and facts about egg consumption.1. Myth: fat makes the egg. Fact: Eggs good for weight lossMungin you've heard that eggs contain 60 percent of calories from fat. However, egg consumption was not going to make fat. Because the egg is a food that can be used for weight loss bdan. One egg contains only 70 calories, which is balanced with 6 grams protein 5 grams fat dam.The combination of protein and fat may increase the production of "satiety hormone". The protein in eggs also cause the body to release glucagon, which stimulates the body to release and use the reserves of carbohydrates and fats.

2. Myth: eggs increase cholesterol, Fact: Egg did not affect cholesterol levelsThis problem could lead to debate, because eggs can contain up to 200 milligrams of cholesterol in one serving. Excessive intake of cholesterol could harm heart health.But the fact is, the consumption of cholesterol foods will not necessarily raise cholesterol levels as high as imagined. According to the study, only about 30 percent of people will experience a rise in cholesterol levels after eating cholesterol foods.

It is also supported by research experts from Harvard to 100 thousand respondents. Research shows egg consumption does not increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Even research from the University of Connecticut found that eating 3 eggs per day to be part of the effort to limit carbohydrate intake and increase the intake of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.

3. Myth: should only eat egg whites, Fact: enjoy the white and yolkEgg white contains only 3.5 grams of protein. Other nutrients such as protein and fat, is in the yolk. So that the egg yolks are the most nutritious part. Egg yolk contains 240 milligrams of leucine, an amino acid single-chain affecting genetic muscle builder.Egg yolks also contain choline, which is useful for cell membrane function. In addition, there are cholesterol, which is a constituent of many hormones, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Egg yolks are also rich in omega 3, especially if the chickens were given food containing the same amino acid. Eggs will produce 150 milligrams of DHA omega-3-rich.

4. Myth: raw eggs give more nutrients, Fact: Eggs cooked to give access to more nutrientsEating raw eggs is believed to benefit more because they have not been oxidized forms of cholesterol. In fact, the oxidation of cholesterol eggs sealma sebenanya minimal cooking process - and would be much reduced if cooked at a low temperature.

Eating raw eggs is also believed to help prevent a decline in hormone lutein and zeaxanthin are important for health. But research published "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" and "Journal of Nutrition" shows that eating cooked eggs can also increase the levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in the blood.In addition, raw eggs mengadung avidin. This protein can bind to and prevent the absorption of essential nutrients in the body, such as biotin. Cooking eggs will disable avidin, and ensure perfect absorption of nutrients.

Although only 1 of 10 thousand eggs contaminated salmonnella, the process of cooking can kill any germs that may be present in the egg. With the cooking process, the egg would be more healthy and safe to eat.

Food What You Need First Introduced in Infants?

Breast milk (ASI) is the only food that contains all the nutrients needed for the growth of infants aged 0-6 months. However, after the age of 6 months, the nutritional needs of growing babies and can not be fully satisfied by breast milk.
After reaching the age of 6 months, in addition to breastfeeding infants should also get complementary feeding (solids). At this age the baby's digestive system is also ready to receive food other than breast milk. Babies also have a reflex chewing.
Giving Weaning done gradually, from soft textured foods (milk porridge, and porridge strain), soft (regular porridge, rice and team), to solid foods (plain rice), according to the age of the baby.
About what foods should be introduced first time in infants, dr.I Gusti Ayu Pratama, dr.Tiwi Sp.A or familiarly called, actually can be anything, depending on the child's response.
"May the fruit first or carbohydrates first. Important thing was introduced first in children. If children do not like do not immediately stop because children need to adapt to the new food flavors," said pediatrician from RS.Bunda Jakarta.
Dr.Tiwi added, the type of food that is introduced should also be adjusted with the baby's weight. "If you weigh less, you should choose foods that are high in calories," he said.
Cultural influences also affect the type of food being introduced. For example Japanese family, usually they will introduce the first fish to their infants.
What about the risk of allergies? According dr.Tiwi dangerous allergy is not something that parents should not be afraid to try.
"But if there is a history of allergies in a parent, you should not give foods that trigger allergies, such as sources of protein such as beans, fish, or eggs," he said.
For the fruit itself is basically all be introduced. Choose fruit that is fresh and not overcooked so it was sour. Serve fresh fruit in the form of vitamin C that it is not reduced.
Fruit should be given as much as two tablespoons of one meal and two times a day. Each type of fruit is given 2-3 days in a row so that children can get to know it. After that introduced other fruits.

7 Ways Inserting Eat Vegetables on the Menu

Regularly eat vegetables is one way to avoid various chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. Unfortunately, not all of us are able to meet the recommendation to eat three to five servings of vegetables per day. But not to worry, there are a few simple ways that can help us to eat more vegetables.

1. Start in the morning
Started inserting vegetables in breakfast menu allows us to meet the recommended servings. Try to include a piece of spinach, onions, peppers, and mushrooms into the omelets at breakfast. If you want to reduce cholesterol, then do not include egg yolks into a meal.

2. drinking vegetable
Try to make a drink that is made from vegetables, such as vegetable juices or smoothies. Combine with fruit so it is not too bitter.

3. Replace snacks
If used to snacking crackers or chips, try to replace it with vegetables such as carrot sticks, celery, cucumber and even peanuts. Mix with low-fat yogurt or lemon juice to make it more palatable.

4. Multiply
Each incorporate vegetables into the diet, then fold Take a copy numbers. In addition, a salad can be a good choice to consume enough vegetables in the midst.

5. vegetable sauce
When making the sauce, the meat is generally selected as a mixture in order to add rich texture and taste. But it turns out vegetables can also have the same role as the meat. Try using eggplant and mushroom pasta sauce to the mix, and feel the benefits.

6. More messages
while eating at a restaurant, try to order more vegetables in the diet. Even if you can, ask to substitute some of the ingredients on the menu with vegetables.

7. Days without meat
Although not choose to be vegetarian, but we can strive for one meatless day we increase the consumption of vegetables. Replace meat with vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and other vegetables.

Info Vitamin C Immune Ability to Kill Bacteria TB Drugs

Increasing number of bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB) drug resistant seen as a serious problem by experts. Fortunately, an emerging expectation of vitamin C.

A research conducted by a team of Yeshiva University showed a surprising result because vitamin C was able to kill some drug-resistant bacteria.

The research results are expected to be a bright spot in the progress of the treatment of drug-resistant TB disease that currently affects approximately 650,000 people worldwide.

Lab studies show, vitamin C acts as a "reducing agent" is something that triggers the production of reactive oxygen species called free radicals. TB kills free radicals, even drug-resistant types that are not susceptible to common antibiotics.

Lead researcher Dr. William Jacobs, professor of microbiology and immunology, said that this new research-tested on a laboratory scale. "We do not know whether it will be effective in experimental animals and humans," he said.

But he said it was hoped vitamin C could be a new hope in the treatment of TB. "Vitamin C is cheap, available anywhere and is very safe to use. Important thing so far is quite effective to attack the TB germs," he said.

There is the possibility of vitamin C can be used in addition to TB drugs. Alternatively, the scientists will create a new TB drugs that work by generating free radicals in large numbers.

Vitamin C or askorbit acids have many roles in the body, including protecting the cells and keep them healthy. Natural sources of this vitamin include fruits, broccoli, and so on.

Desire Snacking Most Powerful in the Night

Many people are hard to break the habit ngemilnya, especially between dinner and before bed. Turns urge to snack in the hour associated with the body's circadian rhythm.

According to a recent study published in the journal Obesity, the desire to eat something sweet, salty, or too starchy, reaching its peak at night, when hunger was being high.

Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, USA, conducted a study on the matter, involving 12 healthy people. The respondents were placed in a laboratory environment to track the influence of the circadian rhythm or body clock on feeding behavior.

Apparently, no matter what the respondent or the time waking up their morning meal, the urge to snack something sweet, salty, or mealy peaked around 8 pm, as well as their hunger.

The researchers speculate that our body's internal clock has an influence on appetite, so we feel like eating continues at night.

According to Steven Shea, chairman of the researchers, from the point of view of the theory of evolution that makes sense.

"When humans are evolved to face periods of starvation, they are easy to store food as fat has a chance to survive. This causes the body prefers to store food as fat at night than during the day," he said.

Previous studies have also shown that people who eat a big meal in the morning they tend to be easier to lose weight than people who eat big at night, even though they are the same number of calories.

Unfortunately this time eating at night is no longer a survival mechanism. Because the habit of snacking at night can be dangerous due to accumulate body fat at just let obesity.

One way around this is to avoid the habit of sleeping late or replace the snack menu you become healthier.

One of the 5 Habits Worsen Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can threaten the quality of your life. However, diabetes is a disease that can be managed, as long as you can implement healthy habits in your life.
Conversely, habits, unhealthy behaviors can make it worse. Below are some habits you need to consider:
1. Many sit in front of the screen.
Most patients with diabetes are not aware that a lot of sitting in front of the screen (TV) nothing to do with diabetes it bears. Research shows that sitting increases the risk of diabetes. The longer you sit in front of the TV, the greater the risk. 2 hours sitting in front of the TV increased the risk of diabetes 20 percent, let alone your mouth usually also never silent, snacks, unhealthy often be your friend.
Habit of sitting, especially after you've finished eating increases your blood sugar levels 24 percent higher than those who walk slowly after a meal.
2. Avoid eating
I see many patients with diabetes, high blood sugar because of fear, they then do not eat. Avoid eating breakfast, or lunch will lead to unstable blood sugar levels, down abruptly, then can rise again, as well as insulin levels in your blood.
It can push you to consume food, unhealthy snacks, even more than you keep eating as usual. If you are using diabetes medications, avoid eating will make your blood sugar control, and can even lead to acute complications of hypoglycemia.
3. Reduce sleep
Reducing nighttime sleep is also frequently performed of patients with diabetes. Not sleeping also sometimes considered to lower blood sugar, lose weight. In fact, lack of sleep will also cause your blood sugar levels rise, you can have a tendency to unhealthy snacking, excessive, or because you are experiencing dehydration.
Reducing nighttime sleep also often make you sleepy during the day and as much compensation you will sleep that afternoon. Sleep during the day resulting in reduced physical activity, your blood sugar levels to rise.
4. Not taking medication
Many people with diabetes who discontinue medication is consumed. The reason they can not because their blood sugar is normal, no longer feel the symptoms usually complained, or they use traditional medicine, herbal, and they believe the herb is consumed can control their blood sugar well.
My experience, herbs may be helpful, but not necessarily be able to replace the drugs that have been used. Stopping the medication suddenly may also cause blood sugar levels to be high, not well controlled. This situation will accelerate diabetic complications that may occur.
5. Not checking your blood sugar
Blood sugar levels are well controlled is an important factor for people with diabetes. The blood sugar levels will determine the course of your illness. Therefore, check your blood sugar should be done periodically. If you are using insulin therapy, one or two times a day it diperukan examination, should be done the morning before breakfast.
If you people with type 2 diabetes has been controlled and only get oral diabetes medications, checks can be rare. Examination of blood sugar is important, not only reduces the risk of potential complications, but also useful for evaluating the effectiveness of therapies that have been given, including which drugs are consumed, diet, exercise, physical activity is recommended.

Beware of Calorie Content of Fast Food Menu

Consumer awareness of the health and prevent obesity makes fast food manufacturers to prepare menus that claimed low in calories. But, is there any fast food really healthy?
A group of researchers tried to prove this by comparing the calorie content of the two fast-food restaurants that have extensive networks throughout the world, the McDonald's and Subway.
The study involved 97 adults aged 12 to 21 years. All respondents interviewed after buying and eating fast food. The respondents are consumers who often buy food at the restaurant and bought with their own money without an order from the researchers.
Research using the proof of purchase to record their messages menu and calculate the number of calories contained in the food match the information on the official website of the restaurant.
The study found content of 955 calories in the dish to reach 1,038 in McDonald's and Subway.
"It turns out the calorie content is not much different and the respondents on average consume too many calories at both restaurants," said research leader Dr. Lenard Lesser, from Fielding UCLA School of Public Health.
Adults are recommended to consume an average of about 2000 calories per day, divided into three meals and two snacks or fruit interlude. If for lunch ideally is 662 calories, then buy one menu at fast food restaurants would have been greatly exaggerated.
More details, the researchers explain, sandwiches (sandwiches) were purchased at fast food outlets contain 500-700 calories. Sweet drink around 60-150 kalir. Complementary foods such as potato chips around 35-201 calories.
Overall the food was purchased at fast food outlets contain both high carbohydrate. A salt intake to 1800 mg.
"Indeed we do not keep track of what is eaten after the fast food including sports. However it would be better if one does not eat up to 900 calories," said Lesser.
Caloric intake largest fast-food restaurant is the fried or grilled meat. The second factor is that soft drinks contain high sugar.
The researchers suggest that consumers realize their calorie intake. If you want to fast-food restaurants, choose a menu with smaller portions and thinner meat and more vegetables.
Excessive caloric intake plus all modern lifestyle makes a person less movement can cause an imbalance of energy in and out. The stored energy will be stored as body fat so that there was obesity. Obesity itself is the mother of all diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and many more.

Hooked Heart Disease Risk Eating Eggs?

Healthy eating eggs or not remains controversial. Recent opinion mentions, excessive consumption of eggs will increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Although this time the eggs are considered "evil" because of cholesterol content, but according to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it was not the cholesterol in eggs that increase the risk of heart disease.

Metabolite substance found in egg yolk called Licithin partly to blame. When lecithin is digested, it will be broken down into different components, including chemical compounds choline.

When the bacteria in the intestines metabolize choline, the content of which will be released by the liver is converted into a component called trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO).

"TMAO will accelerate the collection of plaque and cholesterol in the blood vessels so that the risk of heart disease and stroke increases," said Stanley Hazen, head of the department of cell and molecular medicine in Cleveland, USA.

Results were published two weeks after a group of researchers reported on carnitine (found in red meat and energy drinks) and the risk of heart attack.

"Both of these studies showed a potential new way to identify a patient's risk of heart disease," said Hazen.

So, should we throw away the egg yolk? Not necessary. According to Hazen, more in-depth study is needed to confirm these initial findings.

"Consumption in moderation is the key. Besides reducing foods high in fat and cholesterol because they contain a chemical that is converted to TMAO," he said.

Want Longevity? Limit Processed Meat

Sausage, ham, bacon and other processed meats should stop consumption. According to recent studies, processed meats such mengasup habits contribute to death at a young age.

In a report published in the journal BMC Medicine, the researchers concluded that processed meat, which is closely related to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and death at a young age.

Who need to be aware of processed meat is a high use of salt and chemicals as preservatives.

Research on the effects of diets high in processed meats is done by following people from 10 countries for almost 13 years.

Those who ate more than 160 grams (the equivalent of two sausages and a slice of smoked pork) of processed meat per day, the risk of death during the period of 13 years 44 per cent more than those who only eat 20 grams of processed meat.

"Those who like to eat meat, especially processed meat, usually also have less healthy lifestyles," said Rohrmann Prof.Sabine of the University of Zurich.

Indeed, the people in the study in addition to love eating processed meat is also generally smoking, obesity, and had other bad lifestyle.

"Quitting smoking is actually more important than reducing meat. But I still recommend people to start limiting the consumption of processed meat," he said.

Previous research also links between processed meats, such as bacon, burger, or hot dog, increases the risk of colon cancer.

Dr.Rachel Thompson of the World Cancer Research Fund found that about 4000 cases of bowel cancer could be prevented if consumers limit their intake of processed meat less than 10 grams per day.

Nevertheless meat still advised to be consumed as part of a healthy and balanced diet. In addition to red meat, other good sources of protein are chicken, fish, and nuts.

Chicken Liver Nutrition

Chicken liver are included in processed foods that often by the people of Indonesia. In addition to delicious, chicken liver apparently has a number of good nutrients.

Chicken liver high in protein and rich in folate, which is good for improving fertility and prevent defects in babies. Besides chicken liver has a high content of iron and some B vitamins, especially B12.

Essential nutrients such as chicken livers make the right choice for anemia, pregnant or breastfeeding. Chicken liver is also known to be rich in vitamin A.

You can turn into many different types of chicken liver dish, ranging from a slurry mixture of chicken, sambal goreng, to the delicious satay.

One of the things that must be considered in processing the chicken livers are cooked until done to prevent food poisoning from campylobacter bacteria. To turn off the bacteria, cook in a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Celsius for two minutes.

High fiber foods nourish the Heart

High-fiber diet is believed to be very beneficial for digestion, but the food is also good for heart health, especially as lower cholesterol levels.
Nurse practitioner at the Heart and Vascular Clinic at the University of Alabama Birmingham Jody Gilchrist said, a diet high in fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans have been studied may help to lower cholesterol levels. "Almost all nutritionists say that one needs at least 25 grams of fiber each day as part of a balanced diet," he said.
American Heart Association (AHA) recommends for every 1,000 calories eaten should contain at least 14 grams of fiber consisting of 10 grams of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber that can make you full faster so that it can help control serapa much food you can eat. Research shows that soluble fiber can also help lower bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol by preventing the body absorbs from food.
Gilchrist said, foods with high soluble fiber include oatmeal, nuts, grains, rice, wheat, oranges, strawberries, apples and meat.
While insoluble fiber play a greater role in helping to prevent constipation and keep the digestive tract healthy. Foods with a high insoluble fiber include whole wheat bread, whole grains, cabbage, beets, carrots, turnips, cauliflower and apple skin.
Today many processed foods high in fiber are found, but Gilchrist suggested that more careful in choosing the longer these products. "You must be careful to read the labels of these products, as many products are said to contain oats or wheat, wheat actually contain very little, while the sugar content, sodium, and high in fat, such as muffins and waffles," said Gilchrist.
Another way to increase your fiber intake is to add fiber supplements to beverages, cereal, yogurt, soups, and other foods. "However, please be sure to increase your fiber intake slowly and drink plenty of water," he said.