
G Index is titled Test Glikemik Different Light Food

Recently published results of research on the IG Index is titled Test Glikemik Different Light Food circulating in Indonesia by Made and colleagues. This is the first research in Indonesia.

In research, food is grouped into three, namely food with IG low (less than 55), moderate (between 55-70), IG, and high (more than 70) based on a scale of 0-100. Food that quickly raise blood sugar shortly after consumption means having a high value IG.

Of the four snack types tested, ie, wafer chocolate, biscuits, chocolate batangan, and fruit snack bars soy (soybean flour and dried fruit), known stem chocolate and fruit soy bar has a low degree IG, ie, 42 and 25. While the biscuits have a high degree IG (62), as well as potato chips (70).

However, chocolate also contains fat and sugar content is high. Instead of fruit soy bar the womb sugar will rich but low-fiber and vegetable protein.

"Besides kadar IG, note should also support the composition of a product. Find out the calories, sugar and dry fat," said Made. Because, some type of snack that has a low degree IG generally contain a high sugar. If consumed excessively it can affect bad for health.

IG is very useful information for diabetes patients and those who are maintaining body weight. However, not many products that include IG degree in composition in the packaging material. "In some countries, such as Japan and Australia, already have a logo that says IG a degree of food.

Xilitol positive impact on dental health of perforated teeth

Three main causes of perforated teeth, ie, Mutans streptococci bacteria, saliva, and the remaining food.

Leftover food (especially sugar), which left behind in between the teeth will stimulate the growth of bacteria Mutans streptococci growing so koloninya plaque layer on teeth. The bacteria can ferment the sugar left in the teeth and produce acid compound will decrease the pH of the mouth to less than 5.5. Acid compound layer akan erase email form so that the tooth surface of the hole in the tooth.

Xilitol positive impact on dental health because it can hinder metabolism and growth by the formation of dental plaque bacteria Mutans streptococci. Xilitol believed to support the process remineralisasi on karies teeth. This will be Prof Jason Tanzer, the Connecticut School of Dental Medicine.

Xilitol considered as a sweetener are friends with the dentist. So called because xilitol not only prevent damage to the teeth with the changing role of regular sugar, but also because it can repair damage to the small karies teeth. Stated Xilitol can reduce dental plaque that can not afford diurai by microorganisms that live in the mouth cause tooth so hollow.

Xilitol votes as the second greatest invention compound for dental health after fluoride, as acknowledged Dr Nigel Carter of the International Dental Health Foundation. Because xilitol are empty-calorie sweetener, Mutans streptococci bacteria can not use it as a source of energy, and even threaten the continuance of his life.

Info about Understanding Sport Drink Variety

Sport drink of isotonic sport drink, sport drink hypertonic, and hypotonic sports drink. The most widely sold type of isotonik.

Isotonic sports drink containing electrolyte and 5-8 g karbohidrat/100 ml. Mengonsumsi isotonic sport drink after sports to help improve the body's resistance glikogen speed. Consumed when the sports match lasted more than an hour. Can be consumed before, during, and after sports.

Hypotonic sports drink karbohidratnya uterus less than 3 g/100 ml. Is the type of beverage that is suitable for people who have experienced dehydration and require Feed liquid quickly. Drink is good for the sport in the low intensity or less than one hour.

Hypertonic sport drink carbohidrat the uterus characterized by more than 10 g/100 ml. Absorbed the body longer than ordinary water, so it is suitable for those who need energy quickly.

Sport drink with a different stimulant drink or energy drink. To drink in the sport are usually added ion-ion electrolyte, while the energy drink form pemacu power components such as spices, caffeine, ginseng, taurin, karnitin, and so forth.

Info about Recognize Variety Benefit vinegar

Vinegar that has been known since thousands of years ago appeared to save a number of benefits. In addition to add a savory taste in cooking, vinegar can also be overcome various health disturbances. Traditionally, vinegar is made through a process enzimatik with the help of bacteria and fermented into alcohol acid acetate. Result, the usual table vinegar we use in the kitchen. Here are several types of vinegar that can be added to our list of ingredients.

Rice vinegar (rice vinegar)
Results from the fermentation of rice. Is a type of vinegar is often used on the east cuisine, such as sushi. Aroma rice vinegar sharp enough so that is also used to remove the smell of food.

Apple vinegar (Cider vinegar)
Apple vinegar into popular usage in the household as many benefits. In addition penambah as penyedap and natural feeling in the cuisine, this type of vinegar can also be used to preserve food, such as meat, vegetables, and pickle.

Red wine vinegar (red wine vinegar)
As the name suggests, the basic ingredients of making vinegar is red wine. Quality red wine vinegar can also vary, depending on the quality of the vineyards and old pembuatannya. The long process of making vinegar, will be the better quality. Keasamannya level tend to be lower than the apple vinegar. Red wine vinegar is perfect used as a salad dressing and seasoning penyedap on meat dishes.

Balsam vinegar (balsamic vinegar)
Is a type of vinegar made from the grape. However, that distinguish it from the wine vinegar is a process and materials used. In addition, Balsam vinegar blackish brown, while the reddish-colored wine vinegar. Usually, Balsam vinegar is used to add taste to the European cuisine, especially French cuisine. It's a bit of sour and savory vinegar make this work more as a condiment rather than vinegar.

Swine flu virus (swine flu)

Swine flu virus (swine flu), which has created panic when the world is a genetic mix between eight different influenza virus, not flu virus H1N1 genetic usual.

"There was a reassortment in flu viruses, the flu where the pork comes from this new pigs exposed to swine flu, bird flu and human flu," said the doctor tuberculosis experts from Sita Andarini PhD, SPP after the Dialog Pig Flu held in the lab Kyoai Jakarta.

Sita says, pigs in the farm always fell ill flu each year, for example the end of every autumn, but the swine flu virus is different from the swine flu virus H1N1 is new.

"In the new swine flu virus has been a combination of genes, so that the virus changed to a new H1N1 virus genes," he said.

Flu virus itself, he explained, many type. In the human flu virus is H3N2, H3N1, H1N1, and H1N1 in pigs and H5N1 in birds.

He also reminded that the swine flu can occur not only in the subtropical regions, cold, or high latitude, because the flu virus that pigs live in the optimal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

"Now this is the spread of swine flu are to the tropical region," he said while people ask cautious about this.

To anticipate the possibility of infected swine flu cases, he asks for, so that people refuse contact with an infected bird flu, using a special mask, always wash hands, and the rest at home if exposed to flu.

Flu patients who suspect (suspected) swine flu, he said, diisolasi for seven days after symptoms start. After seven days, and stated the total recovery is not infectious and can return beraktivitas.

Swine flu virus (swine flu) flu virus H1N1

Swine flu virus (swine flu), which has created panic when the world is a genetic mix between eight different influenza virus, not flu virus H1N1 genetic usual.

"There was a reassortment in flu viruses, the flu where the pork comes from this new pigs exposed to swine flu, bird flu and human flu," said the doctor tuberculosis experts from Sita Andarini PhD, SPP after the Dialog Pig Flu held in the lab Kyoai Jakarta.

Sita says, pigs in the farm always fell ill flu each year, for example the end of every autumn, but the swine flu virus is different from the swine flu virus H1N1 is new.

"In the new swine flu virus has been a combination of genes, so that the virus changed to a new H1N1 virus genes," he said.

Flu virus itself, he explained, many type. In the human flu virus is H3N2, H3N1, H1N1, and H1N1 in pigs and H5N1 in birds.

He also reminded that the swine flu can occur not only in the subtropical regions, cold, or high latitude, because the flu virus that pigs live in the optimal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

"Now this is the spread of swine flu are to the tropical region," he said while people ask cautious about this.

To anticipate the possibility of infected swine flu cases, he asks for, so that people refuse contact with an infected bird flu, using a special mask, always wash hands, and the rest at home if exposed to flu.

Flu patients who suspect (suspected) swine flu, he said, diisolasi for seven days after symptoms start. After seven days, and stated the total recovery is not infectious and can return beraktivitas.

However, until now swine flu vaccine as well as bird flu that has not already have a clinical test phase, while Tamiflu is only an antiviral drug.

"The problem is difficult to design a vaccine and a vaccine difficult to produce so many at the time of pandemic occurs when thousands of people already infected," he said.

Coffee is a favorite drink a lot of people

Coffee is a favorite drink a lot of people. Start from the roadside stall to five-star hotel provides beverages that taste delicious and so this. Gynecology caffeine in coffee can raise trusted freshness and fitness. But on the other hand many people are still afraid to drink the coffee because of health reasons.

For the controversy at this time is to hold a variety of research done to know the benefits of coffee and savor the body. As one of the main coffee exporter in the world, Indonesia's coffee famous high quality. Plus other reasons below, it seems if I have to skip a cup of coffee.

Against obesity
People who drink coffee are often known more stable body weight for 12 years compared with those who stop drinking coffee. Therefore according to research conducted by a team from the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA.

Drinking coffee disela time work that can help us stay in shape and concentrate. Research shows that athletes mengonsumsi drink that contains carbohydrate cafein after cycling have more glikogen (energy reserves) in ototnya when compared to athletes who do not mengonsumsi. Glikogen will help us more nimble and quick in the next session.

Reducing the risk of disease
Increase consumption of coffee according to research The National Institute of Environmental Medicine in Sweden, we can avoid the risk of liver cancer. Self-two cups per day coffee and cancer risk will be reduced 43 percent. Another study showed women who drink coffee is exposed to the risk of heart attack decreased by 24 percent. Antioxidants found in coffee supposedly protect us from diseases that.

A study reported in the Journal of Nutrition says that teenage girls often drank coffee daily the risk of breast cancer affected 40 percent decrease. Gynecology polipenhol caffeine in coffee and protect the body against breast cancer.

Consumption "Softdrink" excessive muscle

The fans drink seems to need to pay attention to comsumsi measure. According to research, softdrink consumption of more than one liter per day can cause depletion potasium in the body that can make the muscles become weak, and even paralysis.

"There are people who mengonsumsi softdrink excessive. We have some facts," said Dr. Moses Elisaf of the University of Ioannina, Greece, in the International Journal of Clinical Practice. Elisaf and colleagues noted in six cases due to depletion potasium drinks bersoda. In such cases, the drink softdrink varied, ranging from 2-9 liters a day.

"Fortunately all the patients can recover after they stop and get a softdrink consumption potasium supplements to replace those lost," write Elisaf. Potasium ion is part of the mineral. In the body, potasium, and there are cells in the network.

Albeit very rarely found there consumsi people drink to more than one liter per day, but the producers should give drink to education customers.

"Industry should promote the rule softdrink beverage consumption in the normal limit in order to reduce the number of consumers according to the rules of health," said Dr Clifford D. Packer from Stoke Louis Cleveland Medical Center.

Traditional medicine is dangerous

Board of Supervisors Food and Drugs (BPOM) interesting circumgyration 60 brand drugs and traditional food supplements contain chemicals that if drugs are used without the doctor may be dangerous to health.

"Based on the results of supervision, sampling and laboratory testing since June 2008 to May 2009, the POM circulation has 60 items and traditional medicine supplements that contain chemicals sibutramin hidroklorida, citric sildenafil, tadalafil, deksametason, fenilbutason, mefenamat acid, paracetamol and metamfiron, "said the Head of BPOM Husniah Rubiana Akib Thamrin in Jakarta, Thursday (04/06).

Use of chemicals for drug inappropriately, he said, can cause health level light interference to health that can result in death.

Interference between health is another headache, chest and stomach pain, stomach tukak, diarrhea, kidney disturbances, disturbances of vision, glaucoma, porous bones, infark miokard, heart disturbances, the formation of harmful blood cells (anemia aplastik and agranulositosis), and liver damage .

Husniah said, in addition ordered a product recall and destruction of local production of traditional medicines and China, the government will also make the legal process (proyustisia) against manufacturers and importers of the product.

"Accordingly, we also call to the public not to buy or mengonsumsi traditional medicines and food supplements containing the chemical drug," he said and added products that are mostly not listed in the BPOM or permit has been canceled edarnya.

He also mengimbau people who do not believe the security of a traditional medicine for information about the product to the Consumer Complaints Service Unit BPOM through 021-4263333/32199000 phone number or electronic mail to ulpk@pom.go.id.

"As may be difficult to differentiate a product that is safe and not safe for the registration number BPOM also have a doctor. We only know love, if the image name and exotic, khasiatnya excessive claims, may not be safe because we will not accept the registration," said Husniah.

Choice Oil

Oil is the source of the most high-energy, which is 9 calories per gram. Compare with other nutritional substances, such as carbohydrate and protein, which accounts for only 4 calories per gramnya. Oil is also a media source and vitamins in the fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, and also karotenoid.

Some types of fat can not be made by the human body so that the absolute obtained from food. For example linoleat fatty acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenat (omega-3). Omega-3 is required to keep the body functioning of the brain and nervous system our bodies.

In the market, there are various types of oil for cooking circulating. Based on the shape, we know margarine, butter, oil and solid. Of origin, the oil more varied. For example only, palm oil, coconut, canola, corn, sunflower, safflower, olive, and animal fat.

However, it is important that we know to maintain health is actually making oil based golongannya. Oil that is saturated, the oil is not saturated single, oil ganda not saturated, and trans oil. Each oil has the effect of different health care for our heart.

Oil can be simply classified in 5 groups:

1. Saturated oil (saturated fatty acids / SFA)
Oil lemaknya the acid is fully charged by hydrogen atom. Main sources: animal food such as meat, chicken, butter (butter), milk, pure, and the oil from coconuts and palm oil.

2. Not a single saturated oil (monounsaturated fatty acids / FA MU)
Acid lemaknya lack of a hydrogen atom. Example: peanut oil (peanut), canola, and olive (olive).

3. Ganda not saturated oil (polyunsaturated fatty acids / PUFA)
Fatty acid deficiency of 2 or more hydrogen atoms. Example: corn oil, sunflower, soybean, sesame, and safflower.

4. Oil trans (trans fatty acids)
Type of oil that the oil in the process hidrogenasi liquid oil into solid. As at the time of the making of margarine. Oil of this type is also found in natural food.

5. Omega-3 oil
Similar PUFA oil comes on the fish, like tuna, salmon, sardine, and also from nuts, canola, soybean, and flaxseed oil.

6. Omega-6 oil
Oil PUFA found in vegetable oils such as soybean oil, corn, and safflower.