
Vitamin A Help Fight Cancer Cells

Vitamin A is identical with the eyes, but the link between vitamin A and cancer, particularly prostate cancer no less closely.

Retinoic acid deficiency which is a derivative of vitamin A, will cause prostate cancer cells to become stronger. "If the levels of vitamin A in the body is low, cancer stem cells more powerful and easier to divide. When vitamin A is fulfilled then the cancer cells easily killed by chemotherapy," said Norman Maitland of the University of York.

Maitland and his team now continues to examine the benefits of vitamin A in the treatment of cancer. He said the use of low-dose vitamin A has a stronger impact.

"The doctors have been using vitamin A to kill cancer cells, but what we need is to use vitamins to transform cancer cells so that they are easier to kill," he said.

Although the study does not related to the intake of vitamin A from the daily diet, but observed that high levels of vitamin A in the body could help cancer treatment therapies.

Spices Weight Loss

Choosing rich cuisine spices can be a way to enjoy the hobby without worrying snack foods increased weight. Some types of spices known to have a thermogenic effect, which can increase your metabolism so that calories are burned faster.
Here are some types of herbs that can upload your appetite as well as accelerate metabolism.
Using cinnamon in cooking is a natural way to get a taste of sweet without using sugar. Several studies have shown cinnamon help weight loss process.
The benefits of preventing obesity cinnamon comes from the ability of these ingredients keep blood sugar levels under control and lower levels of insulin are produced after a meal. As is known, high insulin levels can also lead to excess fat. Cinnamon also will slow in emptying the gut works, so that satiety can be preserved longer.
Cayenne pepper
Content capcaisin in chili is known as a good fat burner. Cayenne pepper has thermogenic effects that increase calorie burning. Moreover, spicy foods can also make you refrain from taking too large portions. In addition, the chili will also increase fat oxidation.
Black pepper
Herbs that are used in a variety of culinary cultures. Not only can flavor dishes, black pepper also contains piperine which can increase your metabolism up to 8 percent. Seasoning is also known to enhance healthy digestion and nutrient absorption.
Mustard seed
Such as cayenne pepper, mustard seeds also have a thermogenic effect. According to the Canadian study, eating spicy foods, including those containing mustard seed, can burn 1000 calories in a day. Adding these ingredients as much as one teaspoon will increase your metabolism up to 25 percent.
Spice this one is not only used as a spice but also classified as efficacious medicinal plants. According to the research of the New York Obesity Research Center, put a teaspoon of dried ginger in cooking or drinking a glass of ginger tea at breakfast can burn more calories after a meal.

Nutritious Corn Not Lose

Corn is one of the true source of carbohydrates that contain a variety of essential nutrients. One is a carotenoid that helps lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

When most of the vegetables and fruits have nutritional value will drop after cooking, not the case with corn.

According to researchers from Cornell University, cooked corn had higher levels of carotenoids (vitamin A) is better. In addition, the cooking process will increase the antioxidants in corn to 53 percent. There's more content is not less important, namely ferulic acid.

Phytonutrients that ferulic acid is found in many grains, but low levels in vegetables and fruits. Ferulic acid in corn most. When cooked, ferulic acid in corn will increase significantly.

Although yellow because carotene, but contains very little beta-carotene maize. Carotene alone will prevent oxidation reactions that trigger cancer.

Beside rich in carbohydrates, corn also contains minerals and vitamins such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, and thiamine. Corn oil contains 55 per cent poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 25 per cent mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), and 12 percent saturates. Either PUFA or MUFA help lower bad cholesterol.

Because the protein in corn does not contain the essential amino acids, it is advisable to add it to other protein sources such as milk or animal protein contains amino acids that do not exist.

Another advantage of eating corn fiber content of 15 percent and about 9 percent are good soluble fiber to lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

Because corn is high glycemic index alias rapid increase in blood sugar, diabetics and people who are overweight should consume corn belong only in moderation.

14 Healthy Foods Taste

Healthy foods are usually less tempting. This is what causes most people prefer to eat fast food, junk food or foods containing additives, which feels good on the tongue, but not necessarily good for the body. Not always considered healthy foods taste bland. Here is a list of different types of healthy foods that can also spoil your appetite: 1. Eggs Despite recent bad eggs are often labeled, but did you know that eggs are foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Myriad health benefits you can get by eating an egg them, improve concentration, maintaining healthy weight, developing brain, strengthen eyesight and prevent birth defects and breast cancer. 2. Yoghurt Yoghurt is actually one of many dairy products that contain good bacteria. Additionally, yogurt with active cultures can help treat gastrointestinal conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, colon cancer, bowel disease and to prevent osteoporosis and regulate blood pressure. 3. Blueberries Blueberry is a fruit that has the highest antioxidant capacity compared to other fruits, as well as rich in Vitamin A, B complex, C and E as well as in anthocyanin, copper, selenium, zinc and iron. This is one of the best sources of antioxidants are believed to fight aging, heart disease and belly fat. 4. Broccoli As a diet rich in nutrients, broccoli can help overcome many health issues such as blood pressure, osteoporosis and flu. Even some studies believe, broccoli contribute to the control and prevention of eye cataracts, stomach, colon cancer, arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer's, tumors, diabetes and aging. 5. Oats If you want to get the best to fight high cholesterol, heart disease, regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, bowel movements, as well as reducing the risk of cancer or weight control, it is recommended to eat more oats. 6. Orange As is known, the orange is a rich food source of vitamin C. In addition to easily obtainable, this fruit is also believed to be able to cope with various diseases such as asthma, kidney stones, hypertension and arthritis. Even some studies say, the consumption of orange juice every day can help you to lower cholesterol and prevention of diseases such as diabetes. 7. Flask Pumpkin is a fruit rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, K and E and is a rich source of magnesium, potassium and iron. Even a number of research showing the benefits of pumpkin seeds for treating osteoporosis, prostate, depression and prevent cancer. 8. Salmon The salmon fishing is a source of Omega-3 fatty acids are best and unbeatable. The benefits of salmon have been widely known, especially in the fight against heart disease, reduce cancer risk, protect joints, improve mood and cognition and treat eye problems such as dry eye. 9. Spinach Spinach is a nutrient-dense foods and sources of various vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Vegetables helpful to protect cardiovascular health, improve digestion and keep your brain stay young and active. 10. Green tea Green tea could be the best option for you to promote general health. As is known, this drink has many benefits including helping reduce cancer risk, reduce joint pain, regulate cholesterol, prevent heart disease, boost immunity, maintain healthy teeth, prevent allergies and infections, sertamengurangi or prevent acne. 11. Tomatoes Benefits of tomato goodness has dikiatkan to prevent cancer, heart disease and lowering cholesterol. 12. Walnuts Walnuts have been known to do wonders for heart health, bones, weight loss and help combat insomnia, gallstones, diabetes and even cancer. 13. Banana Bananas are a rich source of potassium and fiber. This fruit works in lowering blood pressure, bone health, gastrointestinal tract, and prevent the development of cancer. 14. Strawberries In addition to its attractive red fruit also offers several advantages. Among other things, improve cardiovascular health, regulate blood sugar levels (which play a role in curing and treating diabetes) and against dangerous diseases such as cancer.

Is Orange "Grapefruit" Make Slim?

Many people consume grapefruit at breakfast lunch and dinner. They argued that this fruit diet can help. However, what is the fruit of this really make you slim?
A study showed that grapefruit juice is one of the foods that can help weight-loss program. According to study data from the years 2003-2008, the average woman who ate a certain portion grapefruit or grapefruit juice decreased weight up to 4.5 kg, and body mass index or BMI 6 percent lower than those who did not consume grapefruit

The researchers are still not sure what to make grapefruit lovers slimmer. However, according to one of the researchers from the University of Florida, Gail Rampersaud, the reason is simply the consumption of fruits and vegetables with high water content such as grapefruit will help you feel full so that helps get fewer calories. The fruit is also a source of vitamin C, rich in potassium, and magnesium.

However, Rampersaud said there was no evidence to reveal that any food works "magical" to burn fat. As a suggestion to support diet, the consumption of grapefruit daily menu section Andda highly recommended.

What if you are not a lover of grapefruit? Do not worry about already. As disclosed Christine Gerbstadt, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, according to the results of other studies, eating foods naturally rich in water content, such as cucumbers and watermelon, will also give the same results as the grapefruit diet to help the success of the program.

Ular Diselimuti Optimus Prime

To attract consumers, Roy Andrew Hanjaya want to create an icon to be displayed in the hall sits. To that end, he sacrificed Honda CBR 250 with an aggressive appearance. The selected figures Optimus Prime from the movie Transformers.

Having overhauled and dilabuir with airbrush, the result is not even similar to the most respected figures in the film. Male 25 years old that was surrendered and still align the mount with a friend who idolized Bumblebee debris.

"There's pengennya transparent shades, the inside of the machine looks and lots of wires visible. Happens to even look like a snake," he explained with a laugh.

However, the changes made it seem gahar Roy. The results paint a transparent look, combined with a lot of variety to support the initial concept that smells techno. One is to install the projector lamp III, as if it had eyes and a mouth. Rims are also filled with LED lights that light up when the bike dibesut.

To look like MOGE, Roy installed upside down front suspension and swing arm Honda CBR 1000. Rims widened using a brand R1 3.5 inches in front and 6 inches in the rear. Master brakes and calipers should be replaced with specifications that support. For these selected Brembo commonly mounted on CBR 1000.

The rest, play with accessories. Roy adopt new single seater made ​​Motorsport (BMS). Exhaust muffler uses two brothers black edition which is claimed to increase power. other, handlebar grips, brake tube, footrest and for hydraulic clutch. For the final touch (finishing), fitted tank and deltaboks condoms.

Fair, Japanese anime turned into an American hero. For this, Roy had issued a "filthy lucre" Rp 70 million. Now, the Optimus Prime is covered with snake mejeng proudly in the showroom Delta Sari Court, Sidoarjo.

Protein supplements are often a mainstay

for those who crave a muscular body with sixpack strokes. But be aware that supplements are sold at fitness centers that have harmful side effects.The British Dietetic Association (BDA) said additional protein in high doses can cause various health problems just as kidney and liver damage. 

The content of protein supplement itself is still unclear. Manufacturers say the past 11 years their product is safe, evidence is only 11 consumers who reported side effects.Jane Griffin, a former British Olympic athlete nutrition experts say, the more protein consumed, the more the body must be removed."People who take high doses of protein many who suffer kidney failure because of the high amount of protein they need to get rid of," 

Griffin said.The body does need protein for muscle formation and muscular body shape enthusiast using high doses of protein that form muscle faster.Euromonitor, who conducted research on the marketing of sports supplement industry estimated to grow 15 percent a year ago.Approximately one in five people who go to the gym more than twice a week is also known to use a supplement, be it in the form of powder or snack bars.The Department of Health recommends adults to avoid the consumption of protein is higher than recommended (55.5 grams for men and 45 grams for women).One of the ingredients in sports supplements that are considered dangerous are DMAA. Stimulants are sold in the form of a drink shake (shake) fat burner.Richard Cook (22) claimed for four years of always taking supplements regularly drank protein shakes and fat burning between 4-7 glasses of water every day. He also experienced the unpleasant side effects."I feel like taking medicine. 

Often feel shaky and irritable," he said. Although today he is still taking protein supplements and creatine, but he was no longer drinking shakes.Health Food Manufacturers Association, which represents the supplement industry, said fitness supplement products are safe and are recognized by consumers. In a Facebook page they write, as long as the manufacturer adhered to, there should be no side effects that can be detrimental to health.

3 Things You Need to Know about Protein

Protein is included in a very important nutrient in the human diet. Proteins make up about 40 percent of your body spread on the muscles that attach to bone, muscle, organs, bones, and so on. However, most people consume less protein. 

Though we are advised to eat 8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. During the actual protein diet also has a number of advantages, namely the effect of fuller longer and prevent the loss of muscle mass while dieting. Known sources of protein include meat, fish, poultry or meat products. In fact, nuts are also rich in protein. 

Here are three important things you need to know about protein.
 1. High-protein diets lose weight while Although there were no studies that show a high protein diet to lose weight faster than the low-carb diet, but the diet is usually not survive in the long term. It was one of them demonstrated in a 2007 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that compared dietary patterns 311 overweight and obese women. The final results showed that women who did or high-protein Atkins diet, managed to lose weight by 4 pounds, while women who did another diet only down 1-2 pounds. But the effect of weight loss lasting usually obtained through caloric restriction
."People who eat a high protein intake is more full, so fewer calories overall, but in the long run it is not better in the diet," said Julie Metos, a registered dietitian from the University of Utah.

 2. Protein is not much increase muscle mass Most people who want to increase their muscle mass increase the protein in selecting the plate or even eating a high protein drink. In a 2004 study for the athletes mentioned although most athletes who need muscular strength and endurance, such as soccer athletes and long-distance running, benefiting from an increase in protein intake, but in general the athletes already get enough protein just from their diet usual. In other words, adding more protein is not too much useful. 

3. Too much protein can be dangerous Dangers of eating too much protein or not really depends on the type of protein that we eat. Some high protein foods are also usually loaded with saturated fats that can increase the risk of heart disease. "It's okay to add a little protein in the diet, but also note the overall calorie intake. Protein also contains calories, so if you are mengasup proteins but do not exercise, your body will store it as fat," said Metos. Research has also shown a diet high in protein contribute to increased levels of cholesterol, uric acid, and renal disease, particularly those who are already suffering from kidney disorders.

3 Things You Need to Know about Protein

Protein is included in a very important nutrient in the human diet. Proteins make up about 40 percent of your body spread on the muscles that attach to bone, muscle, organs, bones, and so on.
However, most people consume less protein. Though we are advised to eat 8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. During the actual protein diet also has a number of advantages, namely the effect of fuller longer and prevent the loss of muscle mass while dieting.
Known sources of protein include meat, fish, poultry or meat products. In fact, nuts are also rich in protein.
Here are three important things you need to know about protein.
1. High-protein diets lose weight while
Although there were no studies that show a high protein diet to lose weight faster than the low-carb diet, but the diet is usually not survive in the long term.
It was one of them demonstrated in a 2007 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that compared dietary patterns 311 overweight and obese women.
The final results showed that women who did or high-protein Atkins diet, managed to lose weight by 4 pounds, while women who did another diet only down 1-2 pounds.
But the effect of weight loss lasting usually obtained through caloric restriction diasup. "People who eat a high protein intake is more full, so fewer calories overall, but in the long run it is not better in the diet," said Julie Metos, a registered dietitian from the University of Utah.
2. Protein is not much increase muscle mass
Most people who want to increase their muscle mass increase the protein in selecting the plate or even eating a high protein drink.
In a 2004 study for the athletes mentioned although most athletes who need muscular strength and endurance, such as soccer athletes and long-distance running, benefiting from an increase in protein intake, but in general the athletes already get enough protein just from their diet usual. In other words, adding more protein is not too much useful.
3. Too much protein can be dangerous
Dangers of eating too much protein or not really depends on the type of protein that we eat. Some high protein foods are also usually loaded with saturated fats that can increase the risk of heart disease.
"It's okay to add a little protein in the diet, but also note the overall calorie intake. Protein also contains calories, so if you are mengasup proteins but do not exercise, your body will store it as fat," said Metos.
Research has also shown a diet high in protein contribute to increased levels of cholesterol, uric acid, and renal disease, particularly those who are already suffering from kidney disorders.

This is the World's Healthiest Fruit 24

Be thoughtful about choosing foods that the body remain healthy and protected from disease. Similarly, selecting fruits. Nutritional experts have grouped some of the fruit that is considered a "super fruit". Keri Glassman, founder and author of the book NutritiousLifeMeals.com Slim Calm Sexy Diet, says, that the fruits of "super" is very beneficial it should be consumed directly, not processed.  

When you have finished buying, get to eat fruit that is still in fresh condition. Experts advise, eat fruit as a super following 5-9 servings a day. 1. Acai berry fruit has a high content of antioxidants than other berries. However, fruit is hard to find in good health because it's from Brazil. For that, suggestions Glassman, you can use the processed acai berry powder form and then mixed in a smoothie.

 2. Apples Apples are the fruit rich in fiber. On the skin either red or green apple contains quercetin, which helps protect you from heart disease and allergies. A study of the St George's Hospital Medical School in London found that people who ate five or more apples have lung function better.  

3. Avocado Avocado contains unsaturated fat that can help lower bad cholesterol in the body, while increasing the amount of good cholesterol. Healthy fats in avocados help the absorption of beta-carotene and lycopene are important for heart health.  

4. Banana Bananas contains potassium which helps lower your blood pressure. Bananas are a good source of healthy carbs helps increase metabolism.  

5. Blackberry Blackberry is a fruit rich in antioxidants. According to the USDA, the fruit is rich in polyphenols that may help prevent heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. 

 6. Blueberries According to the study, high levels of flavonoids in blueberries help maintain brain function as age growth. Of course, if consumed regularly. Women who eat blueberries slowed aging 2.5 years. The fruit is also rich in manganese which is important in the process of metabolism that makes you stay slim and energetic.

 7. Cantaloupe To get skin brighter and younger, consider the fruit of this one. In the category of super fruit, because cantaloupe has the following derivatives of vitamin A that can improve the reproduction of cells in the body.

 8. Fruit Cherries Cherries are rich in antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, lower triglycerides and reduce cholesterol. In a recent study at the University of Michigan, found that cherries can reduce inflammation of blood vessels by 50 percent. Cherries are also good for weight loss and cholesterol levels.

 9. Both lime and tangerine orange juice is full of vitamin C. The fruit Vitamin C is able to repair damage to the body caused by sun exposure, set the oil glands and prevent signs of aging spots.

 10. Cranberry fruit is very friendly, especially for women. Cranberry can prevent kecing tract infection and help fight the disease that much more frightening, ovarian cancer. This fruit, according to Rutgers University study, is used to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice every day is good for body fat gain.  

11. Dragon fruit Four years ago, a study at the University Putra Malaysia found that our bodies need essential fatty acids. Unfortunately, these fatty acids can not be manufactured by the body. The dragon fruit contains. In addition to essential acids, some oleic acid that helps lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.  

12. Wine Grapes in as a super fruit because of its rich antioxidant called resveratrol. The content of this will make your heart healthier. The researchers found that compounds in grape seed extract will slow down Alzheimer's disease, beating the cancer cells in the head and neck.  

13. Consumption of grapefruit juice can nourish your heart. This fruit also helps lower bad cholesterol. The latest study, grapefruit may inhibit the enzyme in the intestinal wall that slow the entry of the drug into the bloodstream.  

14. Kiwi If you have a complaint about digestion, the kiwi is the answer. In one study, people who have irritable bowel syndrome experienced a reduction in symptoms by eating two kiwis a day for six weeks. For the skin, kiwi also good because it is rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates have prebiotic.

 15. Orange fruit is highly recommended for the immune system. This fruit is a source of fiber, potassium, calcium, folate and vitamin B 6.

 16. Papaya Papaya is a tropical fruit that is full of vitamin C. In addition, the fruit is also a source of vitamins A and E, two powerful antioxidants to protect themselves from heart disease and colon cancer.  

17. Pineapple Pineapple contains bromelain, which is a digestive enzyme that helps break down food to reduce bloating.  

18. Plum Plum contains an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid. According to researchers from France, in a plum antioxidants can decrease anxiety behavior. 19. Pomegranate Pomegranate beat red wine for antioxidants.  

20. Pumpkin pumpkin is actually a fruit that is rich in beta carotene. If combined with potassium, it can help prevent high blood pressure.  

21. Rasberry fruit is rich in fiber, full of vitamin C, and manganese. 

 22. Strawberry fruit is full of vitamin C, folic acid source that can help protect your heart. This fruit also can whiten teeth naturally.

 23. Tomatoes Tomatoes into the super fruit, although many people still consider it a vegetable. Tomatoes have antioxidant called lycopene which is very rarely found in other super fruits. The fruit has a high vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, and low calorie.

 24. Watermelon Watermelon is a fruit with a good source of vitamins A and C. The fruit has two times more lycopene than tomatoes.

Kids Can Probiotics Drinks Consumption?

Probiotic beverage made from fermented milk is known to help increase the good bacteria in the gut. For adults, the consumption of fermented milk may improve digestion and boost immunity. However, whether the benefits of both probiotic drinks can be enjoyed by children aged under 2 years? According to Jimmy Hariantono PhD, a microbiologist from Yakult Indonesia PT Persada, probiotic drinks may be given to children to increase the immune system. 

These drinks can be consumed occasionally as breast milk foods (solids) for children aged 6 months and above. Although as a food companion, Jimmy reminded that these drinks do not replace the function of primary breast milk. Taste the delicious probiotic drink can be beat flavor milk when given to children on a regular basis. Opinions expressed similar spsesialis physician son of UB Women & Children's Hospital, Dr. Atilla Dewanti, Sp.A. According to him, children aged 6-24 months is okay to drink probiotic though not as solid foods. Probiotic drinks, said Atilla, may be taken as an additional baby when they were attacked by diarrhea. The best dose to give to the baby has diarrhea is half to one dose a day. Prompts Atilla reinforced by a research scientists who discovered the benefits of these good bacteria in children, which reduces the duration of diarrhea and prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotic use. Research published in the American Academy of Pediatrics report this finding, children who were given probiotics from the start suffering from diarrhea due to viral infection is healed faster. Probiotics also may prevent diarrhea in children who take antibiotics. However, children who suffer from immune disorders or catheters should not be eating probiotics because it can cause serious infections.

 Dr.Tod Cooperman, researchers who conducted a study on probiotics states, which need to be considered is a new probiotic would benefit if taken alive. "It should be known that the probiotic organisms, either supplement or food and drink, often dead even before the product is labeled," he said. In his research, food and beverage products to children probitok only probiotic containing 7-21 percent of the amount referred to in the label. In order to keep the bacteria alive, the product should be stored in a place protected from heat, light and moisture Meanwhile, a nutritionist from the Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health Jakarta II Anggraeni Dyah Ayu Purbasari have another opinion. 

He suggested that children aged 6-24 months should not be used to take probiotics or drink artificial drinks manufacturer. Parents should provide food and beverage intake as natural as possible in this phase. According to him, basically probiotic drinks can increase the good bacteria in the gut. But in the intestines of infants under 24 months of age were already there, so let the good bacteria is growing perfectly without additional supplements. 

This drink is more appropriate for adults who may need assistance digestive system. "So let the good bacteria is growing naturally. If after two years, children are exposed to other food is okay because his endurance has been perfect," he said. When associated with the function of the digestive system launch, Anggraeni said the baby could get breast milk from his mother. Unfortunately, breastfeeding in Indonesia is still limited to 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding campaign. In fact, WHO has given directives breast-feeding until the child is 24 months of age or older.