
7 Super Foods for Women's Health

Several types of specific foods known to have the ability to ward off disease. Nutritionists call it a superfood. Here is a 7 (seven) best foods that should be included in your diet program, especially for the women to prevent the risk of diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, cervical cancer, and breast cancer.

1. Tomatoes

As is known, the red fruit is rich in lycopene which plays an important role in warding off breast and cervical cancer. In fact, a study showed the consumption of tomato can be heart healthy. After looking at nearly 40,000 women, researchers from Boston, concluded, lycopene also protects the heart. To raise the levels of antioxidants and lycopene, are advised to eat tomatoes after cooking.

2. Flax

Flax seed (a type of hemp, such as sesame, Linum usitatissimum) is a food rich in benefits. Basically divided into two varieties of flax, which is brown and golden flax. Flax is usually processed for industrial linen and linseed oil.

Experts from the Mayo Clinic found that 40 grams of flaxseed can reduce the symptoms of heat stroke are often experienced by menopausal women. Some reports indicate hemp can lower "bad" cholesterol or LDL and triglycerides. In a study in China known to benefit the more obvious in women. Meanwhile, in brown or golden flax, plays a role in the fight against breast cancer.

Warning: Pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised not to consume flaxseed.

3. Cabbage

Many health benefits can be obtained from vegetable this one, especially for women. Cabbage contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeazanthin that serves to protect the eyes. In addition, cabbage is also a good mengadung vitamin K in bone builder. The researchers found that women who ate a diet rich in vitamin K, had a lower risk of hip fracture.

4. Salmon

Salmon are included in omega-3 smber best. In pregnant women, studies show that fish oil (omega-3) helped in overcoming postpartum sadness. Other benefits include improving the function of neural connections in the fetal brain.

5. Cranberry juice

Cranberry is a natural remedy that is believed to cure UTI urinary tract infection in women and has been widely recommended by experts. These fruits contain antioxidants that prevents bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall, which is a breeding ground for bacteria and cause infection. The findings are based on results of recent studies that examined the concentration of cranberry extract.

Appropriate dose: Varies. But you should drink cranberry juice that is 100 percent fresh (60 calories per cup) to avoid excess sugar.

6. Greek Yogurt

Most of you might not know much about Greek Yogurt. Yogurt is indeed different from the yogurt in general. Greek yogurt offers twice the protein is better (than other types of yogurt) with a little sugar.

The low level of carbohydrate also helps us keep the blood sugar remains stable. In addition, studies show that foods with high protein level (30 percent of calories) to help women in losing weight and maintaining muscle.

7. Walnuts

Recent studies have shown, only eating two ounces of walnuts per day to help slow the progression of breast cancer and slow tumor growth (results of testing on mice). Walnuts contain antioxidants called phytosterols, which have an important role in the fight against cancer. In fact, omega-3 fats in walnuts effective in preventing excessive bone turnover that makes bones strong and healthy.

Vaccine Safety Back asserted

Scientists re-affirm the safety of vaccination. Some mild side effects can indeed occur after immunization, but they claim to date there is no evidence that the vaccine will cause autism or type 1 diabetes.

The report was submitted by a panel of scientists in the United States after an exhaustive review of 1,000 studies. Research is regarded as a side effect of vaccine research's most comprehensive since 1994.

Fear of vaccine side effects has led many parents to spend her child immunization schedule. It also makes some of the reformulated vaccine.

"We have studied more than 1,000 evaluation reports from epidemiological and biological evidence about vaccine side effects. The result is clear that the majority of side effects are mild and self limiting. Few serious side effects," said Ellen Wright Clayton, professor of pediatrics and chairman of the panel of scientists.

The panel of scientists that examined eight types of vaccine, ie MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis), varicella, influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal, tetanus and HPV vaccine.

These vaccines protect the host from diseases such as smallpox, mumps, whooping cough, hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, smallpox fire, and pneumococcal meningitis and cervical cancer.

Sekaligi again, the scientists found no evidence MMR vaccine causes autism or type 1 diabetes.

"DTaP vaccine does not cause type 1 diabetes and the flu vaccine does not cause Bell's palsy (temporary paralysis in the face) and does not cause asthma worse," said Clayton.

He added that the side effects that occur are usually temporary, such as spasms in the MMR vaccine but only in children who are suffering from high fever and then vaccinated. But the side effects briefly.

"The side effects are not long term and not a sign that the child will suffer from epilepsy," he said.

Meanwhile, the MMR vaccine is also known to cause inflammation in the brain when given to people who suffer from severe immune disorders.

In the varicella vaccine to prevent smallpox fire, some side effects that can arise include pneumonia, hepatitis, meningitis, or swelling in the brain but rarely and is found only in people with impaired immune systems.

Six types of vaccines (MMR, varicella, influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal and tetanus) can also cause an allergic reaction after the injection. Therefore patients are advised not to immediately leave the doctor 15 minutes after immunization to ensure there is no reaction to al

15 Signs of Cancer

Cancer is a scourge for anyone. This disease sometimes appear at any time and can affect anyone, without giving any symptoms or signs of anything.

Among the many types of cancer, there are no symptoms early in its development. Signs usually appear just after the cancer is growing rapidly. In fact, with alert and find the cancer early symptoms, course of treatment will be relatively easier.

If it's too late, the cancer can spread to various organs and complicate the healing process. Therefore, it helps us recognize some of the following symptoms of cancer. Symptoms of cancer are extremely diverse and can vary in every state and every patient. At least 15 cancer symptoms you need to watch out for:

1. Changes in the breast

In women in particular, the breast is one of the most private organ. It is important to check the condition of the breast regularly. Lumps, thickening and discoloration of the skin becomes red warrant concern as an indication of cancer. Itching, peeling skin, or rash on the breast for weeks also should be aware. Other changes such as swelling of the breast skin, the skin is drawn into or contract should also be suspected as a symptom.

For men, vigilance must be applied because breast cancer can strike even though this is rare. Any lumps in the breast should have to watch out for, especially if the discharge from the nipple.

2. Unusual pain

As age increases, the more often you feel the aches and pains. The pain is constant and the unusual can be a sign of cancer. Moreover, pain is not caused injury or illness has ever felt before.

3. Changes in the testis

Testicular cancer / testes often appear in men aged 20-39. Any changes to the size of the testis, either enlarged or reduced, should still watch out. Similarly, if there is swelling or feeling of heaviness in the scrotum. Sometimes testicular cancer can grow extremely fast, so it would be better if you know them as early as possible.

4. Changes in lymph nodes

If you notice any lumps or swelling in the armpit or neck or anywhere else, beware! Especially if the bump is growing from day to day and long lasting even up to more than a month.

5. Fever

In addition to marking a variety of diseases such as pneumonia, throat infections, fever can also indicate cancer. The American Cancer Society stated fever is one symptom that occurs in early-stage blood cancer, particularly leukemia or lymphoma. Often, fever occurs when the cancer has spread to other organs.

6. Drastic weight loss sudden

Weight loss is sudden (more than 10 percent of body weight) and beyond expectations without its own efforts in a short time should be aware. Usually drastic weight reduction is associated with colon cancer or cancer of other digestive organs.

7. Abdominal pain disorders and depression

Every man who suffered depression accompanied by abdominal pain disorders need to be examined further, since the experts found no relationship between depression and pancreatic cancer.

8. Excessively tired

Like a fever, excessive fatigue that does not improve with rest can also be one of the symptoms of cancer. This condition usually arises after developing cancer although it can occur also in the early phase as in leukemia or colon cancer.

9. Cough not go away

Cough is always associated with the flu and allergies. However, persistent cough in a long period, about three or four weeks should be considered because it could be a symptom of cancer or a sign of other problems like pneumonia - chronic pulmonary.

10. It is hard to swallow

Never underestimate this condition. Difficulty swallowing food or always felt something stuck in the esophagus may indicate cancer of the digestive tract, such as esophageal cancer.

11. Changes in skin

You must pay attention not only on changes in a mole, but note also the pigmentation of the skin. Bleeding in the skin or skin peeling off great in a few weeks and can not be lost is one sign of skin cancer.

12. Bleeding in places that should not be

Whenever you see any blood from the body parts that should not be such as coughing or vomiting blood, bleeding in the feces and urine, it's time to see a doctor and find out the cause as soon as possible because it could cause cancer.

13. Changes in the mouth

If you smoke or chew tobacco, be warned if there are white patches inside the mouth, or white dots are not lost on the tongue, because this is a sign of leukoplakia (an area where cancer was before it appears), which may be oral cancer if continuous irritation.

14. Problems during urination

Age of a man, then the problem becomes more frequent micturition experienced. Could occur lampias feeling when urinating, inability to hold urine, even the frequency of urination is more frequent. But beware if the situation is not improving and getting worse, because it could be a sign of cancer although an enlarged prostate in old age can also cause it.

15. Indigestion

Indigestion is continuously and repeatedly can be an indication of cancer of the esophagus, throat or stomach. Especially in women, an unusual sense of bloating accompanied by abdominal bloating that often feel full and can not eat should be wary of as symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Give a little of your time to observe and love yourself. Would not it be nice if your health problems resolved as early as possible? Hopefully this guide can make you more alert in recognizing the symptoms of cancer before it's too late.

Eat Make You Sick

"Healthy or sick it is a choice", so the response I received from a note that I have ever written. "Yes, I agree with you", my answer to that comment. Indeed we ourselves are responsible for determining and even terhadapp our health status, want healthy or ill will. Unfortunately, if you look at the lifestyle now, consciously or not, we choose to hurt more than healthy

As an example, that we choose to be sick is to eat our own behavior. As I observed when it was breakfast at a restaurant in Kuta Beach area, most of the guests are foreign tourists. More than 80 percent of those who were having breakfast at that time, clearly only, which can be seen from their physical appearance that fat, big belly, bloated, both men and women are overweight and obesity.

And, yag more interesting to me is that eating behavior. In my heart murmur, here's an example of feeding behavior of their own choice that the result is pain.

To my child participating breakfast that morning, I said, "You see bule-bule that?", What is your comment about the doings of food they see themselves like that? ".." Yes sir ", replied my son. "They chose ill with eating behavior," my comments. "Then, look at that super fat Caucasians Pak", pointing to a Caucasian woman, aged approximately 40 years. I see, that Caucasians carrying two plates filled with a variety of food to the table to eat. Maybe all the food presented at breakfast that morning there were also in the two plate it.

While continuing to observe the bule-bule are again having breakfast, I accidentally saw three Caucasian people in the pool which was just outside the breakfast room that morning. One person was swimming breaststroke surrounding the pool side. I do not know how many times he mengelilnginya, I do not know. Two more people swim freestyle as a race from one edge to another edge of the pool was fairly large. "Hmmm, it's those who choose healthy, I muttered to myself." They swim while other friends vent their appetite.

I still had not moved from his seat, their behavior becomes interesting breakfast for me. Guests are super obese Caucasians use the term child-me-I look back to take food. One plate right hands full with a variety of bread, and in his left hand almost spilled a bowl with "coco-crunch".

Seeing the feeding behavior of Caucasians that morning, I remembered the joke of a speaker in a seminar that said, if you want to be sick, tirulah western lifestyle, live to the west, westerlies ... ... And, indeed, now that's what we do, our example and our select menu of western food, we forget the traditional food that much healthier. Not surprisingly, Indomesia population is overweight and obesity has begun to rise. Our children will too.

I then remember, the behavior of unhealthy eating, not only I saw in the restaurant at breakfast that morning. In a wedding, a similar phenomenon also occurs. Let us observe mealtime behavior in the invitation. First came the dinner table sought is our pleasure. Before the event started we sometimes are standing nearby. When it comes time to eat, we'll attack these foods.

We move from one table to another table. If we had Mersa bored or uncomfortable with our dipiring food, or we are seeing food on the table suartu better, according to our tastes, the food will we throw away and we will take another maknanan, yag seems more comfortable-we forget with our brothers who are still a lot of hunger and malnutrition-Before you leave, all the tables we visited, and the latter is usually a table fruit. We just remember to eat fruit when our stomachs are full, eat fruit alone was eventually only modest.

After long enough to sit in the breakfast room that morning, while bule-bule is still continuing his breakfast while chatting with her friends, I pull my child's hand, "let's go to the beach boy, our morning walk on the beach, we'll swim as well, such as the three Caucasian people who look healthy and vibrant it! ".

On the way to the beach, I imagine also by the doings of eating bule-bule, and behavior of some of us too, who eat not because they are hungry, need, need, but because indulge passions, seeing good food, no food is available, to the satisfaction , entertainment, prestige and so forth. And, we forgot seola though, that eating well can be the culprit of disease. We like also do not realize that eating will shape and define who we are.

Religion commanded, "eat, and drink, but do not overdo it." God does not like it. And, "Eat foods that are not only lawful, but also good." Unfortunately, once again we often ignore this commandment of God. It is not surprising, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus pose a threat and cause of death we are now.

Antibiotics are not the Super Drug

Some studies show, tend to excessive use of antibiotics and is generally given to diseases or conditions that do not require antibiotics.

Antibiotics are powerful drugs and have saved many lives. But the point is well known, antibiotics are not cure all ills. Antibiotics can only cure the diseases caused by bacterial infection.

"Use antibiotics appropriately to prevent immune germs," ​​says Prof. Iwan Prahasto, Professor of University of Gajah Mada in Farmakolgi workshop and briefing the media about drug prescribing patterns in Indonesia, especially antibiotics, Saturday (26 / 3) on the campus of the UI Depok, West Java.

In society, antibiotics are often purchased without a prescription and explanation. Communities often bought with a prescription antibiotic that had previously obtained, taking antibiotics for coughs, fevers and colds.

Furthermore, Iwan explained that the inappropriate use of antibiotics could endanger public health. A result that can be generated is the bacteria mutate so that it becomes resistant (immune) to antibiotics. Bacteria that are resistant or immune to these difficult attenuated by the usual antibiotics.

Iwan admitted, information on antibiotics so far not spread to medical personnel. "The unavailability of adequate information about drugs that are neutral is also one big problem for medical practitioners. Meanwhile, the information submitted directly by the pharmaceutical industry through dutanya is often misleading or misleading," he added.

Dr. Sharad Adhikary, representatives of WHO, emphasized that the treatment of infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria that normally would be very expensive. This is because what is needed is an antibiotic that is more up to date with the possible side effects of drugs is greater, and longer duration of treatment.

According to Sharad, the problem of resistance to antibiotics is not a new problem, but more and more alarming and dangerous. "We can go back to the era before antibiotics," he said.

Why can bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? Every time someone taking antibiotics, the sensitive bacteria will be killed. But resistant bacteria will continue to live, grow and reproduce.

The use of antibiotics repeatedly and incorrectly are the main cause of increase in the number of bacteria resistant to drugs. So, for those of you who have cough, flu and fever do not have to consume antibiotics. Because, by frequently taking antibiotics will not make you healthier, and will not make you better.