
Eliminate Sleepiness Without Caffeine

Eliminate dependence on caffeine. We can eliminate sleepiness and fatigue following ways:

- Eat a healthy balanced breakfast with a menu to keep your metabolism and concentration.

- A time to eat a healthy snack between breakfast and lunch. For example, a mixture of salad vegetables and fresh fruit (complex carbohydrates). Type of carbohydrate is not easily converted into sugars and longer provide energy for the body, so that its performance remains optimal.

- Lots of moving and stretching. It is important to help the body overcome fatigue.

- Reduce fat intake at lunch so not sleepy in the afternoon. Consumption of excess fat at this time will make the body work longer to digest food, causing fatigue.

Nuts Lowering Blood Sugar

Nuts are a healthy intake that should be part of the diet. In those with diabetes mellitus, regular chewing foods that have a low glycemic index such as beans proved to lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure.What is important for patients with diabetes mellitus is not what they eat but how much diasup- Marion Franz nutritionist

Nuts are known to contain nutrient dense, rich in fiber and protein. Because nuts contain low glycemic index or slower to raise blood sugar, peanut snack is the right choice for diabetics."Beans and legumes are known for good for the heart. However it turns out, he is good for the heart in a way that was unexpected," said Dr.David Jenkins of the Canada Research Chair in Nutrition and Metabolism are doing this research.

For people with diabetes, legumes not only glucose control but also have a significant impact on blood pressure.Unclear how the scientific mechanism of nuts in controlling glucose and blood sugar, but according to Jenkins it may be due to protein, fiber, and minerals in it. "Make beans and legumes as part of your diet because it's not just keeping blood sugar and blood pressure, these foods can lower cholesterol," he advised.In Jenkins observations are randomly asked 121 patients with type 2 diabetes to consume one cup of nuts every day or Cereal products intact.

After three months, the group turns mengasup nuts had improvement in their blood sugar levels than those who ate Cereal intact. The other bonus is uncontrolled blood pressure levels. These benefits are not just making diabetes under control but also prevent cardiovascular disease. Responding to the results of the study, nutritionist Marion Franz Minneapolis, USA, said that nuts are good for diabetics but also note the number.

"What is important for patients with diabetes mellitus is not what they eat but how much diasup. Healthier food if too much is also not recommended," said Franz.Samantha Heller, clinical nutrition coordinator also suggest eating nuts for patients with diabetes. But you should also be balanced with weight management.
Because the Canadian study involved few patients, the diet can not be applied in general. Setting diabetes diet should be tailored to the patient's lifestyle. Therefore remain necessary in consultation with the treating doctor.

Stress Can Make Stomach Always Hungry

Do not rush to find food if your stomach often feels hungry. Try telisik back if lately you are facing the brunt of the work or problems.Stress is known to cause stomach often hungry. Not when we are under stress due to work or personal issues, we are often looking for a snack or meal.Granted there are people who actually lose their appetite if spring has the burden of thinking, but most people just make the food as an escape to get a sense of comfort.  

No wonder the difficult weight down."Many people realize the importance of addressing negative emotions and they get comfort from food," said Martin Binks, PhD, director of behavioral health research.He explained that, if we grew up in an environment where food is used to manage emotions, then we tend to be a satisfying themselves through food when stressed.Food as an escape can also be triggered by stress hormones that cause hunger.

 "There is research evidence that says that complex hormonal symptoms include hunger and satiety, as well as the desire to eat is influenced by stress and sleep patterns," says Binks.The combination of coping or problem solving with earlier biological mechanisms cause why anyone would automatically search for food to relieve stress while there are people looking for other solutions.If we always respond to emotions with food, then it will become a habit.

 "The more often we do it, the more it becomes a pattern, then a habit," says Anne Wolf, a nutritionist.Therefore, according to Wolf, to overcome this we need to find a new habit. For example, if you are stressed you usually go directly to the drawer to look for a snack, this time postpone. Try to sit quietly, set his breath and see what happens."It is important to stop and think about it. Whether we are hungry or just wanta eat in response to stress?," Said Wolf.If we want to briefly resisted the urge to eat is usually a sense of stress will be gone and we no longer feel hungry. Do this until eventually replace the habit of overeating when stressed.

5 Unexpected Food Rich Sugar

Predicate as Sugar FOOD INGREDIENTS FOR A less Rama initials Keep your body strong lately. In addition to causing obesity, Sugar ALSO called damage body organs to create addiction.

Speak Sugar, usually referring ON kita Sugar, but actually form Sugar Review Very diverse, START Natural Language Of The properties in the rice or fruit Padian, until such additional sugar syrup.

Recognize some hormone hormones ALSO FOOD The actual store sugar.

1. milk

Drinking milk is easy way to get calcium paled, but really milk contains Sugar High, which is enough 12 grams per serving. When Andari Want * Reduce your intake of sugar without compromising the needs of calcium, dipake New Articles Broccoli or green leafy vegetables Before.

2. yogurt

ON FOOD INGREDIENTS initially yogurt is healthy The recommended because it contains protein and calcium. But New Article yogurt flavor topping various initials Medium And The trend now contains up to 20 grams of sugar.

3. energy bars

Although claimed to be healthy because it is low fat snack And Higher, protein, snack bar contains 25 grams of sugar but a trunk.

4. red apple

ALSO Sugar apple contains so-called fructose to 20 grams. Even so the fruit is a source of fiber and vitamin A GOOD.

5. Sauces and salad dressings

It feels incomplete eat a salad without adding salad dressing, but do not go overboard because it generally contains up to 10 grams of sugar. Similarly, The New Articles contain a dip to 9 grams of sugar per ounce.

7 Food is Bantu Stay Focused Mind

Some of us may have had moments where it's hard to focus on the face of a job. A lot of the background to the emergence of the condition.
But you need not worry. To be able to focus and concentrate fully on the job, you do not need to consume drugs. There are some foods that are believed to help keep your mind focused:
1. Caffeine
Consumption of caffeine for some people may be perceived as a bad. It is indeed true. However, if used in moderate portions and moderation, caffeine can keep your brain to stay focused. But remember, too much caffeine will only make you become restless and unable to concentrate.
2. Sugar
This method is a little smell controversy, given the effects of sugar are bad for mengnsumsi kesehatan.Tetapi with one tablespoon of sugar is enough to help your mind is getting tired to stay focused. A healthy natural sugar can be your choice. Sugar can be obtained from fruits or other foods such as wheat are known to be very good for the brain to improve attention.
3. Fish
Fish is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows eating fish twice a week will give your brain a vitamin needed for brain development and function. If it is possible, choose fish that have low levels of mercury or better yet, if not altogether loga mengundung dangerous heavy. Some types of fish are good for konsentarsu like salmon, sardines and tuna.
4. Popcorn
Snacks from corn is rich in vitamin B6, B12, and E. Crunchy snack is believed to be able to improve your ability to focus, improve memory and brain power. In order to better avoid adding salt or other flavor enhancers.
5. Avocado
One fruit has incredible benefits, not only to lower bad cholesterol, maintain blood flow remains smooth and improve brain function, but also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Avocado is the best alternative for those who are not fond of fish food.
6. Nuts and seeds
In addition to a high content of antioxidants, nuts and seeds also contribute in providing long-term protection to the brain and prevent cognitive decline you.
7. Greens
Feasting green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, parsley and cabbage can keep the mind sharp. This benefit is due to present high levels of folic acid contained therein.

Fruit Cherries Prevent Gout Pain

Do not underestimate the red fruit is small. The content of antioxidants in it turned out to be quite effective in preventing gout pain.

Uric acid or gout is one kind of rheumatic disease caused by uric acid crystallizes in the joints, causing swelling and pain. Joints in the feet are frequently affected body part gout.

In a study of 663 patients for a year, found that regular consumption of cherries may reduce gout attacks to 35 percent. Cherries can be consumed in the form of fresh or extract three servings in two days.

Previous research suggests that chemical compounds in fruits can reduce the levels of uric acid in the blood.

In patients who combine medication uric acid from a doctor with the consumption of cherries, gout attacks they reduced up to 75 percent compared with patients who did not take medication or do not eat cherries.

"It's long been known that some kinds of fruit, especially cherries, can prevent gout and rheumatoid arthritis were included in the diseases caused by inflammation in the joints," says Prof. Alan Silman, medical director of Arthritis Research UK.

He explained that the content of antioxidants in cherries is an inhibitor (inhibitor) of natural enzymes that are targeted by several anti-inflammatory drugs.

"From this study proved that uric acid medication and regular eating cherries will significantly reduce gout attacks," Silman said.

Prevent Stomach Bloating and Gas Often Remove

- Certain foods can cause bloating so we often pass gas without knowing the circumstances. Of course, the effect on social life could be worse.

The good news, bloating and frequent complaints flue gas can be avoided. Find out what we can do:

- Avoid gas-producing foods such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower, eggs, and milk. The amount of gas produced in each person is different.

- Avoid it to reduce the entry of air into the stomach; eat slowly and chew well before swallowing, avoid eating while talking, avoid drinking through a straw, and avoid smoking.

- Sudden temperature changes in the stomach will also trigger the production of gas, such as hot and cold drinks in the space adjacent.

- Do not overeat. The food portions are too large can make the stomach feel fullness. Should try to eat 6 times in small portions rather than eating 3 times but the jumbo.

- Constipation or constipation also causes flatulence.

- Consumption of probiotics to improve digestive processes in the gut.

- Gas production can also be reduced by some medications antigas, for example, an enzyme that breaks down sugar in the diet petrified and beans. Ask your doctor for a prescription.

- Drinks that contain peppermint, ginger, or chamomile can also be overcome flatulence.