
Avocado, Healthy Fat Source

Many people who want to lose weight away from the avocado fruit. Indeed alkpukat is one of the fruits that are high in fat, about 16 percent. But the fat contained in fact safe and even healthful. That's because 63 percent of the constituent elements are unsaturated fatty acids, particularly monounsaturated fatty acids.

According to experts, the food is most effective to reduce fat-containing MUFA (mono unsaturated fatty acids) such as avocado. In addition to helping lose weight, a diet rich in MUFA are also able to shed fat in the abdominal area. Efficacy of other avocado that is not less great is the lower cholesterol, prevent blood vessel blockage and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

In the 100 grams of avocado also contained about 300-400 IU of vitamin A and about 165 micrograms of carotene. Also contained thiamine, riboflavon and niacin, which is classified as vitamin B complex. Avocado vitamin C levels are also quite good, about 14 mg per 100 grams of avocado.

For those of you who have problems with digestion, fiber-rich foods of course highly recommended. You can get it by eating avocados. Avocado is also high in fiber is about 1.6 g. gram/100 It is useful to help the digestive system and remove the remains of a toxic digestion.

11 Green Beans Recipes For Healing

Unlike other vegetables that the longer boiled efficacy will be reduced, green beans instead unaffected by the heat. Besides containing many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, green beans can also help cure the disease.

Green beans are a source of vegetable protein, vitamins (A, B1, and C), as well as some minerals. Excess green beans are kecambahnya (bean sprouts) contain vitamin E that are not found in peanuts and soybeans.

According to Ir I.G.A. Supreme Ari M., lecturer Studies Food Technology and Nutrition University August 17 (UNTAG) Surabaya, the nutrients contained in 110 grams of green beans, among others, 345 calories, 22.2 grams protein, 1.2 grams of fat, and the rest of vitamins A, B1, 1.157 IU, minerals phosphorus, iron, and manganese.

Various diseases and disorders that can be overcome by mengasup green beans, among others, beri-beri, kidney inflammation, aid digestion, high blood pressure, alcohol poisoning, pesticides, lead, reducing the itching due to prickly heat, diarrhea and vomiting, strengthens spleen and stomach function, impotence , pulmonary tuberculosis, acne, dealing with black spots on the face, and others.

In addition, green beans can also reduce fever. Even according to the results of research, green beans are lowering a fever best when compared with other traditional ingredients. Terrible, let boil a long time, until destroyed, green beans remain efficacious, is not affected by heat. Unlike beans, vegetables, fruits, and other traditional ingredients which, when boiled too long, will reduce the efficacy of treatment.

Various Potions Green Beans There are many kinds of diseases that could be assisted mengasup healing with green beans. Here are some green bean concoction that can be used to treat various diseases. From various sources of ingredients is taken, one from Drs. Educate Gunawan, Apt. SU, a lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

1. Peluruh piss

Ingredients: - 30 grams of green beans - 30 grams of leaf spoon - 400 cc of water - honey to taste

Directions: Boil the green beans with a spoon leaves in water 400 cc. Boil the ingredients in the pot soil until cooked. When cold, add honey to taste. Drink this concoction on a regular basis until the urine is not halting again.

2. Stomach ache

Ingredients: - 60 grams of raw green beans - 15 peppercorns - 3 grams of cinnamon - 3 grams of nutmeg - 3 grams cardamom - 3 grams of cloves - 2 segment ginger - 1 liter of water

Directions: Boil the green beans, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, ginger and two segments with one liter of water. Heat until the solution became 1 / 2 liter. After a cold, drink the cooking water.

3. Prickly heat children

Ingredients: - 60 grams of green beans - 50 grams of purslane plants - enough water

How to Make: Minced or mashed green beans to a powder. Boil green beans together powder with enough water purslane. Once cooked, strain and drink three times a day.

4. Ulcer

Ingredients: - 50 grams of red beans - 50 grams of green beans - black beans 50 grams - 2 segment ginger - honey to taste

Directions: Boil the red beans, green beans, and black beans together. Meanwhile, the ginger is boiled separately. After that, the water decoction of ginger mixed into the stew of beans. This concoction is only for ulcers that have not matured. If the abscess is ripe, should add more honey.

5. Improving men's sexual arousal

Ingredients: - 30 grams of green beans - 2 segment ginger - 15 grams of pepper - 15 grams fennel - 15 grams pulosari - 15 grams chives - 15 grams of beans pariah - 15 grams coriander seeds - 600 cc ginger

Directions: Boil the green beans together ginger, pepper, fennel, pulosari, Leek seeds, beans pariah, and coriander seeds with water 600 cc. Allow it to water to 300 cc. After chilling, drinking regularly until proven usefulness.

6. Hair loss

Ingredients: - a handful of green beans - one cup of water starfruit

Directions: Green beans boiled with water. Notice when boiling the beans do not get broken. Having looked a little mature and do not break, immediately lift the containers to boil. Once cool, green bean cooking water is used to moisten the scalp while a massage. Let dry, then shampoo.

7. Ulcer

Ingredients: - 1 / 4 pounds green beans - just enough warm water

Directions: Dried green beans until dry and then pounded into powder. After that, take a tablespoon of powdered green beans. Seduhlah with warm water as much as one drink to taste. After that drink regularly once a day.

8. Varicose veins

Ingredients: - a handful of green beans - 2 cups water

How to Make: Acang green boiled in two cups of water. Allow the water to decrease approximately as much as one glass. Drinking this decoction twice a day, morning and before bed. While drinking the potion, you also must do the following.

When going to sleep, lift the leg and place it in a place higher than his head. Let stand for 10 minutes. Perform a position like this every day while drinking green bean stew.

9. Baby fever

Materials: - glass of starfruit green beans - one tablespoon honey

How To: Make a stew of green beans. Drinks suapkan cooking water or green beans on your baby spoonful after spoonful. Previous enter a tablespoon of honey on green beans that have been placed in a glass.

10. Headache

Ingredients: - 1 cup green beans - 3 cups water

Directions: Green beans are washed and boiled with three glasses of water to boiling. Leave for 15 minutes. In the state of lukewarm, water is taken and peanuts eaten twice a day.

11. Sprue, beri-beri

Drink green beans every morning. The content of vitamin water green beans can increase your endurance. Warmth can be soothing mouth and throat.

Beverage Probiotics Not Proven health Intestine

European food safety authority said the claims of probiotic drinks which can nourish the digestive tract and immune system has a less strong scientific foundation. Therefore, probiotic drinks manufacturers are prohibited from using the word probiotics again in sales.

Officially, the European food safety authority, EFSA, conduct a study of 800 health claims of probiotic drinks are often advertised probiotic drinks manufacturer. Health claims report was filed by the food industry and member states EFSA.

From independent research council panel of EFSA scientists concluded that probiotic drinks are not proven to provide health benefits as long as it is believed many people, which strengthens immunity, improves immune system, and reduce digestive problems.

Separately, the council panel also examined 12 studies conducted by Yakult as the owner of the patent on probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus casei Shirota. The researchers found, is not enough scientific evidence that the content of these probiotics can enhance immune system to fight the flu.

Currently, nearly 60 percent of households in Great Britain bought the probiotic drinks on a regular basis. However, consumer groups asked the competent authorities conduct independent research for food and beverage manufacturers do not casually use health claims in marketing their products.

Since 2007, authorities in Europe prohibit food companies to use health claims in marketing their products unless scientifically proven. The new regulations also require the countries in Europe include health claims made by food producers, as well as with 12 scientific evidence to be used as an independent research materials EFSA.

Danone, the market leader in probiotic products, decided to withdraw its claim that the two products, Actimel and Activia, boost immunity and healthy digestive tract. Currently, Danone is also still awaiting a decision EFSA to the statement "fermented milk containing probiotic Lactobacillus casei reduce Clostridium difficile toxins in the colon causing acute diarrhea."

In response to EFSA's official statement, the party said the industry objected because EFSA scientific standards that are too rigid in examining the health claim. They also requested a meeting to discuss the criteria and standards used.

Meanwhile, Yakult plans to further discuss the results of research conducted by the EFSA. Yakult says, a claim rejected by EFSA is only one aspect of the research he was doing.

European food safety

European food safety authority said the claims of probiotic drinks which can nourish the digestive tract and immune system has a less strong scientific foundation. Therefore, probiotic drinks manufacturers are prohibited from using the word probiotics again in sales.

Officially, the European food safety authority, EFSA, conduct a study of 800 health claims of probiotic drinks are often advertised probiotic drinks manufacturer. Health claims report was filed by the food industry and member states EFSA.

From independent research council panel of EFSA scientists concluded that probiotic drinks are not proven to provide health benefits as long as it is believed many people, which strengthens immunity, improves immune system, and reduce digestive problems.

Separately, the council panel also examined 12 studies conducted by Yakult as the owner of the patent on probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus casei Shirota. The researchers found, is not enough scientific evidence that the content of these probiotics can enhance immune system to fight the flu.

Currently, nearly 60 percent of households in Great Britain bought the probiotic drinks on a regular basis. However, consumer groups asked the competent authorities conduct independent research for food and beverage manufacturers do not casually use health claims in marketing their products.

Since 2007, authorities in Europe prohibit food companies to use health claims in marketing their products unless scientifically proven. The new regulations also require the countries in Europe include health claims made by food producers, as well as with 12 scientific evidence to be used as an independent research materials EFSA.

Danone, the market leader in probiotic products, decided to withdraw its claim that the two products, Actimel and Activia, boost immunity and healthy digestive tract. Currently, Danone is also still awaiting a decision EFSA to the statement "fermented milk containing probiotic Lactobacillus casei reduce Clostridium difficile toxins in the colon causing acute diarrhea."

In response to EFSA's official statement, the party said the industry objected because EFSA scientific standards that are too rigid in examining the health claim. They also requested a meeting to discuss the criteria and standards used.

Meanwhile, Yakult plans to further discuss the results of research conducted by the EFSA. Yakult says, a claim rejected by EFSA is only one aspect of the research he was doing.

Banish Belly Fat with Whole Grain

Raw foods made from whole grain Cereal or known as whole grains, is a suitable source of complex carbohydrates to lose weight. Not only that, specifically proven whole grains effectively expel fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Adults who consumed three servings of whole Cereal each day and limiting consumption of milled Cereal (refined grains) only once every day, has a size of abdominal fat is 10 percent smaller than that do not adhere to that diet.

Research conducted by experts from the USDA Human Nutrition Researcher Center on Aging, involving 2834 men and women aged 32-83 years. They were asked to fill out a daily diet. The researchers also do a scan to determine body fat distribution, including measuring the amount of visceral fat or abdominal fat that triggers the metabolic syndrome.

Several studies have shown people who have more abdominal fat are at risk of suffering from diabetes and heart disease despite normal weight.

People who eat whole Cereal more than 2 times a day had less abdominal fat than people who eat more serelia the ground. On whole-grain foods, whole grains, ranging from the outer grain (bran, rice bran), institutions (endosperm), and embryo (germ), is used.

"This study shows that more effective is to change our diet with Cereal whole, not just add it in the diet," said Nicola McKeown.

When it was rather difficult to find whole grain sellers who are still in the form of seeds. Whole grains instead of processed products which are sold in the market, ranging from flour to form processed foods (like whole wheat bread, biscuits, oats, wheat crackers, and cereal oats mixed with milk).

Chlorophyll, Si Green Disease Prevention

Fortunately for those who love to eat green vegetables. Source of food low in fat and rich in fiber has many health benefits because it contains nutrients and non nutrients that are needed body, one of which is chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants giver.

In everyday life, chlorophyll has become a familiar consumer products for our health. Starting from the vegetables we eat, a safe dye for food and traditional beverages, up to natural dyes for weaving and batik.

In the world of health, chlorophyll is now developed as one of the supplements to boost immunity. Even the role of chlorophyll is now being developed in tumors and cancer therapy. Many research results have shown chlorophyll antimutagenic properties (preventing the spread of cancer-causing genes).

According Prof.Dr.Made Astawan, Professor of Food Technology IPB, in his book Aneka Food Nutrition, chlorophyll binding of compounds to inhibit the reaction of a carcinogen (causes cancer) with DNA, and counteract the radical compound reaction. Chlorophyll can also protect the immune system through its ability to reduce the reactivity of radical compounds.

When we are exploring Internet sites, quite a lot of international research that proves the function of chlorophyll. Prominent function of chlorophyll is an antioxidant and clean intestinal system (digestive tract food from the abdominal cavity to drain or the anus). Chlorophyll also serves to neutralize bad breath, hyper blood circulation, to a natural brain tranquilizer.

Dr. Leenawaty Limantara, scientists who study research on chlorophyll, said the chlorophyll molecule has a structure similar to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. Therefore, chlorophyll a vital nutrient for the human body and is a molecule that can be accepted by the body naturally so that the potential increase endurance.

The ability of chlorophyll in strengthening the immune system is also caused by the supply of antitumor and antikuman to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and wound infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of oral
Actually, nature has provided the sources of chlorophyll a very reliable and can be consumed easily. The trick is to eat green vegetables on a regular basis. According Leenawaty, katuk an Indonesian native plants rich in chlorophyll.

However, the process of cooking and processing of vegetables that are not appropriate can also reduce nutrients contained in food. "Impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract can also make the absorption of food is not good. The sign can be seen from the remnants of food in the stool," said dr.Roy Indrasoemantri, product consultant PT.Synergy Worldwide Indonesia.

Technological developments have helped the creation of chlorophyll in the form of supplements in the form of capsules or chlorophyll. In Indonesia, enough liquid chlorophyll products sold in the market. According to Roy, every month of liquid chlorophyll products are marketed to thousands of bottles sold.

The nature of chlorophyll is not soluble in water requires special techniques for water-soluble chlorophyll to facilitate its distribution in the body. Therefore, only certain manufacturers are able to produce supleme liquid chlorophyll.

According to Roy, chlorophyll a good supplement products can mix with water without having to be shaken. If found instructions "shake it first" on a package of liquid chlorophyll, can be sure it is not pure chlorophyll supplements or are still mixed with other compounds.

"Beware of products that use fat solvent compounds. If consumed in the long run, long may accumulate in the body and interfere with liver function," said Roy.

Pure chlorophyll supplements also do not have the taste and aroma. It also does not cause a sense of bitterness on the tongue. To test the purity of chlorophyll supplements can be done by letting the product in the glass for a few moments. If the product is precipitate, that is not a pure product and if allowed to stand for several hours to be bubbly and fluffy, then the product is very dangerous.

Because of its nature as a supplement, then the main function of chlorophyll is the product for the prevention of disease. "In Indonesia, natural products such as these are often used as an alternative product for the treatment of disease, although its function to prevent the disease," said Roy.

For people who suffer pain, according to Roy products of chlorophyll may be consumed along with medical drugs. "Function as a supplement," he said. Although no promises of healing, but observed that if these products are consumed regularly can improve your fitness and progress. "For example, if before the road a few steps already felt tight, now it's chest could be better," he said.

Community nutritionist from IPB, Eddy Setyo Mudjajanto, saying basically chlorophyll supplement is safe for consumption. "If the product is consumed is pure chlorophyll, there is almost no side effects. If there is an excess dose was probably only 1-2 tablespoons," she said. Yet he suggested that every product supplement taken in accordance with the recommended dosage listed on the packaging.