
Oranges "Grapefruit" Help Drug Absorption

Grapefruit can inhibit the enzyme in the intestinal wall that slow the entry of the drug into the bloodstream. Consumption of grapefruit with drugs for cholesterol (statins), psychiatry (valium, zoloft), pain reduction (methadone), and cancer drug (sirolimus / rapamycin) causes the drug gets into the bloodstream faster so be poison in the body of the patient.

A recent study by researchers at the University of Chicago Medicine (UCM), the United States, finding the positive side of grapefruit. Consumption of citrus fruits can reduce the dose of sirolimus to minimize the side effects of drugs.

The study, reported in the journal Clinical Cancer Research and quoted by LiveScience, Tuesday (7/8) and then, led by cancer expert UCM, Ezra Cohen. The study involved 138 cancer patients were divided into three groups.

The result, which only needs to take sirolimus dose 90 mg per week. Who drank grapefruit juice only need 25-35 mg of sirolimus per week. Sirolimus and ketoconazole groups need 16 mg of sirolimus per week. However, grapefruit juice is recommended because it is natural and cheap.

Prevent Pollution Effects with Vitamin C

Antioxidants have been shown to be an agent effective free radical fighter. In a small-scale study revealed that the habit mengasup foods containing vitamin C can protect the heart from the effects of air pollution.

Researchers from Imperial College London found that people with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease more commonly referred to hospital when high levels of particulate matter (pollutants) in the environment outside is high. High particulate matter are the pollutants that cause oxidative stress in the body and in the long run lead to a heart attack.

The good news, the researchers found that in people who have high levels of vitamin C in the body, they are rarely referred to the hospital when the weather is polluting than those having low vitamin C levels.

The results of the study add to the evidence that the impact of air pollution can be reduced by antioxidants. Previously, research in 2001 showed that supplements of vitamin C protects the lungs from ozone.

Interestingly, humans are not the only ones who benefit from vitamin C. The research team from the University of California, Riverside, found that plants are also protected from the adverse effects of ozone if the levels of vitamin C in plant leaves was enhanced.

To find out what fruits are high in vitamin C,

6 Food That Can Help Sleeping Beauty

Sleep well at night for some people is not a problem. But, for those who still carried the stress of work and other issues, sleep hard to come by. Esther B. Horn, a registered dietitian and nutrition in New York City and the manager said EatDrinkandbeGorgeous.com page to get restful sleep, the need to avoid caffeine and sugar a few hours before bedtime. "Caffeine and sugar will make someone awake longer. Caffeine and foods that contain sugar can disrupt body rhythms. Both these may be useful for those who stayed up late, but it will disrupt sleep well," he said. Well, six of the following foods is actually good, as well as helping you to sleep more soundly. Banana contains melatonin and tryptophan, which signals the brain to sleep. This fruit also contains magnesium, which makes the muscles are not tense. Turkey is rich in the amino acid tryptophan which helps you sleep more soundly. The content of the turkey also helps the brain produce serotonin for sleep, neurotrasmiter for relaxation, as well as the neural hormone melatonin recently found in many sleeping pills. Warm milk is a source of tryptophan, which provide a calming effect and keep your body relaxed. Potatoes include tubers that will not cause an increase in blood sugar. When consumed, low-carbohydrate potatoes and rich in tryptophan. Yogurt. All foods that help you sleep soundly should not be filling, one yogurt. The content of the yogurt is similar to but lower milk fat. Oatmeal. A bowl of cooked oats are a good source of melatonin. Plus milk, oatmeal will help you sleep more soundly. These foods are also rich in addition to warm the stomach and filling fiber.

Myths and Facts Olive Oil

Savor olive oil is well known for heart health. One is because the content of the olive oil low fat and cholesterol. Good for improving poor digestion and eases constipation. Despite the many benefits, but still there are many people doubted the excess olive oil as affected myth wrong. Myth: Olive oil has a high fat content Fact: There are two types of fat in food, which is good fats or unsaturated fats and bad fats or saturated fats. Olive oil is a source of polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Such fats are good for the heart because it reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. If dionsumsi regularly, olive oil can lower bad cholesterol oxidation. Consumption of this oil will not make you fat and damages blood circulation. Myth: Olive oil does not have the nutrients and vitamins Fact: There are many rumors of olive oil is not good for the body because it is full of fat and has no nutritional value. Actually, this oil is rich in vitamin A, E, B1, B2, C, D, and iron. Vitamin E and fatty acids can help moisturize the skin and prevent wrinkles. So, in addition to the health benefits, you get a wrinkle free skin. Myth: Olive oil is hard to digest Fact: Not all oils can be digested. However, for olive oil has a low calorie content and unsaturated fats which makes it easy to flow in and out of the digestive tract. In fact, your bowel movement can be helped because of the olive oil. Myth: Olive oil should be refrigerated Fact: If you store oil in the refrigerator can damage the consistency and taste of oil. When storing olive oil in the refrigerator it can crystallize and form a solid. If later on you want to use again, olive oil can. Olive oil can be reused as durable kept for two years. Myth: Olive oil just for the food Fact: From the previous exposure, the content of olive oil has benefits for beauty. With the consumption of olive oil and applying, the skin will be more radiant and shiny. vitamin E in the oil can reduce fine lines on the skin. Well, if you still doubt the facts and benefits of olive oil?

Strawberries, Natural Sunscreen

Beside rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and B, the research shows potential to be a strawberry fruit skin protection from the sun.

Researchers from Spain and Italy found that skin cells are given extracts of strawberries will be protected from UV damage A. The protective effect comes from anthocyanins which give the red color in the small fruit is sour. Previous research has also linked anthocyanins with a reduced risk of diabetes.

"The content of anthocyanin has an important inflammatory effects, antioxidant and antitumor. In addition, the content also has the ability to modulate the enzyme," said Sara Tulipani of the University of Barcelona.

Yet researchers have not found a direct link between anthocyanin with protection against ultraviolet rays. According Tulipani, they are essentially new research conducted in the dermis and epidermis of human skin, the skin cells in culture.

Pending the results of subsequent research, do not hesitate to eat strawberries. some research suggests this fruit provides health benefits and beauty.

8 Foods to Boost Immunity Body

There are many factors that can make the immune system weakens, call it lack of sleep, stress, eating haphazardly, until exhaustion. By the time this Lebaran forth, lest you developing the disease because the immune system is weakened. Increase the following foods: A. oyster Seafood is more famous as an aphrodisiac sex drive enhancer alias. In fact, the mineral content of zinc in it is also beneficial for improving immune from the disease. Zinc is shown to have antiviral effects. 2. watermelon In addition to refresh and relieve thirst, red fruit is rich in powerful antioxidants known glutahione against infection. 3. cabbage These vegetables are a source of glutamine immune boosters. Various types of vegetables, cabbage also contain good nutrients and antioxidants. 4. almonds Want to reduce stress? Consumption of only a handful of almonds. Dose of a quarter cup of beans has been able to meet 50 percent of vitamin E daily, which can boost immunity. Almonds are also rich in riboflavon and niacin, vitamin B which have the effect of reducing the symptoms of stress. 5. Low-fat yogurt Consumption of yogurt each day reduces the risk of contracting the flu. Immunity comes from good bacteria contained in it that will trigger the immune system. Addition of vitamin D in yogurt are also shown to increase immunity. 6. garlic Spice this one is also popular as a drug. He is rich in antioxidants and proven to kill H. pylori, the bacteria that trigger ulcer and gastric cancer. 7. spinach Also known as super foods, spinach is rich in nutrients such as folic acid that helps the body produce new cells and repair of DNA. Cooked spinach should not be too long before consumption. 8. tea Green or black tea? Both contain polyphenols and flavonoids that are effective against free radicals.

Mag Cincau banish pain

Or peptic ulcer disease kambung seem trivial, but often troublesome. Speedy recovery, but also easy to relapse. The appearance of symptoms characterized by abdominal pain because of increased gastric acid. Cincau was able to finish Mag which will cause pain relapse on epigastrum (upper abdomen) with reduced appetite, even anorexia (loss of appetite). If it were so, there is a sense that a sudden fever accompanied by nausea vomiting. Some plants used by communities to reduce this mag. In whom plant grass jelly. Based on research, it efficacious to prevent inflammation and reduce the production of stomach acid. Well, what was the substance that makes grass jelly efficacious to have an ulcer? Said Dr.. Florence C. Amato in the Fundamentals of Medical Science for Medical Record Personnel (1985), ulcer disease usually starts from consuming contaminated food bacteria or germs that cause infection. Under conditions of mild attacks, the diagnosis of the cause is often unclear. But it could also be marked by vomiting of blood (hematemensis) are black because of the influence of gastric acid. L.B. Cardenas, Lemmens, and Horsten in Medicinal and Poisonous Plants 1 (1999) Leaf said a number of compounds are flavonoids prevent inflammation (anti-inflammatory) and reduce levels of gastric acid. Flavonoid compounds found in some herbs, such as grass jelly (Premna serratifolia), camcau (Cyclea barbata), and also the relatives of the family Menispermaceae. Various people were already familiar and use of plant medicine. Sundanese people, for example, knew him as grass jelly. Plants of the family Verbenaceae (teak-jatian) includes shrub or small tree that reaches 10 m. In Indochina, the leaves and roots as a traditional medicine for the launch of urine (diuretic), upset stomach, and fever. People in India use the leaves for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, abdominal pain or colic (colic), and gas in the stomach (flatulence). Decoction of the roots and leaves used for fever medicine in Peninsular Malaysia. In Papua New Guinea leaf juice is used as a cough, headache, and fever. While the people in Guam utilizing bark tea decoction for treatment of nerve pain (neuralgia). Leaves of grass jelly contain the active compound in the form of chemicals and Phenyl butazone Premnazole. Premnazole (isoxazol alkaloid) isolated from leaves of grass jelly as a result of anti-inflammatory compound that can reduce the formation of granulation tissue tumor that attacks the items in the protoplasm (granuloma). Phenyl butazone are compounds that have the same activity with Premnazole with lower levels of the adrenal glands and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). In the same study, both compounds were also able to decrease the activity of the enzyme thus indirectly on the gastric acid formed in the wall of gastric cardia also declined. Camcau is one type of plant that is often used instead of grass jelly. In Java, leaves for the jelly material called camcau ijo. This jelly as food and beverage repellent abdominal pain and fever. Plants store camcau alkaline mixture of compounds including the compound S, S-tetrandrine (as the main alkaloid of more than 3% in roots). This compound, based on research, working mengalangi development of malignant tumors of the kidney (neuroblastoma). Also have activity in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (cardiovascular), including high blood pressure (hypertension) and upset stomach due to the absence of the gastric rhythm (supraventricular arrthythmia). The compound was also influential as an anti-inflammatory, relieving inflammation (prostaglandins), collecting the blood clotting substances, suppressing arthritis, and prevent the production of nitrixc oxcide. There are also other active compound is R, S-isotetrandrine, R, Schondocurine, homoaromoline, and fangchinoline. Other active ingredients Several plant species of the family Menispermaceae (sirawan-sirawanan) are known to have used local people as traditional medicine. Philippine society and Peninsular Malaysia using stem decoction sirawan (Arcangeiisia flava) as stomach or intestinal disorders medicine. In Indonesia stems sold as "wood thrush" for drug fever and thrush. Sirawan alkaloid known to contain a mixture of compounds (bis)-benzylisoquinoline, as a kind of active ingredient berberine (more than 5% in stem dry weight) and palmatine. Berberine as active antibacterial compound. Berberine is also influential in broth supplement with blood. Berberine (as sulfate) with a concentration of 35 ug / ml can destroy bacteria (bactericidal) in Vibrio cholerae. As well as prevention of bacterial growth (bacteriostatic) in Staphylococcus aureus with a concentration of 50 ug / ml. Both compounds berberine and palmatine are specifically working to prevent the enzyme in the blood, liver, and pancreas. In Java, the use of leaf jar stopper (Stephania capitata) in lieu camcau to expel stomach upset. Camcau alkaloidnya same content, with the S, S-tetradrine as major compounds (between 0.7 to 1.3%). In the same area, root tuber kepleng (Stephania japonica) is also used sebgai preventive medicine stomach pain, dysentery, fever, urinary disorders, and hepatitis. Scours the leaves are usually used as a poultice medicine breast infection. Good luck.

10 Ways to Problem-Free Digestion

Perut kembung, sembelit, atau mulas merupakan jenis permasalahan pencernaan yang pernah dirasakan hampir semua orang. Mungkin terlihat sepele, tetapi jika sering dialami, tentu hal itu dapat menghambat aktivitas Anda atau bahkan membahayakan kesehatan. Penting artinya bagi Anda mengenali permasalahan pencernaan yang sering terjadi dan melakukan hal-hal yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan. Dengan begitu, Anda dapat memiliki sistem pencernaan yang baik sehingga hidup menjadi lebih sehat. Berikut ini problem pencernaan yang sering muncul. • bersendawa. Hal ini disebabkan oleh udara yang masuk ketika makan atau minum dengan cepat, permen karet, makan permen keras, dan minum minuman berkarbonasi. Untuk mencegah agar tidak bersendawa, makan dan minumlah secara perlahan dan santai. Hindari mengunyah permen karet untuk jangka panjang, minuman bersoda, dan permen keras. • Kembung. Mengkonsumsi kembang kol, kol, brokoli, kacang panjang, dan minuman berkarbonasi dapat menyebabkan terjadinya perut kembung atau ketidaknyamanan perut. Cobalah berjalan selama 5-10 menit dan tidak berbaring / tidur setelah makan untuk membantu meringankan masalah ini. Mengurangi asupan garam juga dapat membantu masalah ini. • Gas dalam perut. Gas terbentuk dalam usus karena adanya aksi dari bakteri yang kemudian keluar dari dubur. Keluarnya gas sebesar 10-15 dalam sehari masih dianggap normal. Pembentukan gas dalam perut dapat terjadi karena terlalu banyak serat dalam diet serta mengonsumsi beberapa makanan, seperti hasil olahan dari susu, brokoli, kol, dan kembang kol. • mulas. Mulas atau refluks asam disebabkan asam lambung tumpah ke esofagus (kerongkongan / pipa makanan) dan mengiritasi lapisan yang tak terlindungi dari esofagus. Kondisi mulas ini biasanya terjadi setelah mengonsumsi makanan pedas, makanan goreng, dan makanan cepat saji. Berbaring segera setelah makan, dehidrasi, merokok, dan minum alkohol juga berkontribusi memicu timbulnya rasa mulas. Ada beberapa cara untuk mencegah timbulnya rasa mulas, seperti mengurangi konsumsi makanan yang dapat meningkatkan kadar asam dalam perut (misalnya tembakau, cokelat, kopi, minuman berkafein, tomat, makanan yang digoreng, dan makanan berlemak), tidur dengan posisi memiringkan badan ke kiri , dan mengangkat (meninggikan) kepala di tempat tidur. • Sembelit. Ini menunjukkan suatu kondisi di mana produksi feses atau tinja jarang terjadi (kurang dari tiga kali dalam seminggu) sehingga menyebabkan tinja keras, kecil, dan sulit dikeluarkan. Hal ini dapat disebabkan kurangnya serat atau cairan dalam makanan, faktor medis, atau efek samping dari obat atau akibat dari akumulasi stres fisik dan mental. Berikut ini tips untuk meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan. 1. Makanlah dengan perlahan. Makanlah dengan perlahan dan kunyah makanan dengan baik. Jangan telan makanan dengan terburu-buru. 2. Konsumsi makanan yang mengandung serat tinggi. Tambahkan serat yang cukup pada makanan Anda, termasuk gandum, kacang, dan sayuran (buncis, paprika, wortel), dan buah-buahan dengan kulitnya sebisa mungkin. Konsumsilah serat dengan jumlah minimal 25-30 gram per hari agar menjauhkan Anda dari sembelit, penambahan berat badan, diabetes, dan masalah jantung. 3. Kurangi konsumsi daging. Tidak terlalu banyak memakan daging juga dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan. 4. Cukupi kebutuhan cairan. Penuhi kebutuhan cairan tubuh dalam bentuk air, jus, dan sup. Cairan terbukti efektif dalam mengatasi masalah sembelit, di samping berguna meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan secara keseluruhan. 5. Berjalan sebentar setelah makan. Hindari berbaring segera setelah makan dan jika mungkin berjalanlah sebentar selama 10 menit. Hal ini akan membantu makanan dicerna lebih baik, selain menghindari beberapa masalah pencernaan, seperti kembung, makanan sulit dicerna, perut begah, dan mulas. 6. Konsumsi makanan probiotik. Makanan probiotik sangat baik untuk kesehatan pencernaan. Penelitian menunjukkan, makanan probiotik, seperti dadih (susu yang digunakan untuk membuat keju), idli, dan yoghurt, mungkin dapat membantu ketika Anda sedang terkena diare, sindrom iritasi usus (IBS), dan penyakit radang usus (IBD). Namun, para peneliti masih bekerja untuk menentukan dampak organisme probiotik tertentu pada kondisi kesehatan tertentu. 7. Hindari stres. Stres dapat memperburuk masalah-masalah pencernaan, seperti mag, wasir, dan sindrom iritasi usus. Kegiatan fisik, seperti meditasi dan yoga, bisa membantu menenangkan saraf sehingga dapat membantu meringankan masalah pencernaan tersebut. 8. Hindari rokok dan minuman keras / alkohol. Menghindari rokok dan minum minuman keras selama terkena permasalahan pencernaan dapat mempercepat penyembuhan. 9. Kurangi asupan garam, gula, dan tepung terigu. Hindari tiga bahan makanan "putih" ini, garam, gula, dan tepung terigu, sebanyak mungkin. Sebab, bahan-bahan ini adalah penyebab dasar dari banyakn masalah pencernaan. 10. Bersihkan sayuran secara menyeluruh sebelum dimasak atau dimakan. Membersihkan sayuran dan buah-buahan secara menyeluruh sebelum dimakan serta menjaga kebersihan dapur dapat menjaga Anda tetap jauh dari bakteri, yang mempuyai efek langsung pada perut. (M10-11)

Avoid These 5 Foods in the Night

Go to bed with a full stomach will make you too uncomfortable and potentially dangerous to health. If you want a good night's sleep, then consider again the menu and hours of your dinner. To be comfortable, get your dinner over a range of time 3-4 hours before bedtime. This lag time will help the process of digestion. In addition to meals, notice your dinner menu options. Some foods contain high levels of acidity that can cause heartburn or a burning sensation in the chest like a burn from acid reflux into the esophagus. Heartburn is the main symptom of the disease GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) or inflammation of the stomach. Therefore, the following list of foods you should avoid at night or at least at dinner. A. Citrus fruit, pineapple, grapes, fruit, berries At night, you should avoid fruits as mentioned above. Citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple, and berries have a high acidity that affects the bile. Fruits are eaten more appropriate during the day at around 11:00 to 14:00. Avoid eating these foods on an empty stomach. 2. Pizza But avoid the pizza menu for dinner. Pizza filled with spices, tomato sauce, and cheese that can inhibit the process of digestion. Not to mention, that many servings of pizza can make a full stomach. In addition to inhibiting digestion, pizza also cause weight gain. 3. Cereals Cereals both served in the morning, not at night. On certain products, these foods may contain sugar and carbohydrates you tinggi.Jika sleep after eating cereal, fat deposits will increase. Different when taken morning cereal. Activities throughout the day will help burn fat in the body. 4. Red Meat Eating red meat for the dinner menu suggested in limited quantities. Red meat contains tryptophan and iron, which causes sleeping so soundly. When consumed in large quantities, protein and fat deposits will affect your weight gain. 5. Candy Eat candy after eating sugary foods is fine, as long as you do not apply at night. Especially if close to bedtime. Candy made with artificial sweeteners that can increase blood sugar levels. These artificial sweeteners can damage teeth, especially if you're lazy to brush my teeth at night.

7 Super Antioxidants

Antioxidants on the rise lately because of its ability to protect cells from free radical damage. Some chronic diseases such as heart disease or cancer has also been mentioned due to the act of free radicals.
According to dr. Noratus Horas, from Tirtayu Healing Center, an antioxidant can include vitamins, minerals or enzymes, which exist in certain foods and supplements. But unfortunately, still many of us that are difficult to implement dietary pattern (meal) as healthy as eating fruits and vegetables. When in fact many sources of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Here are 7 Super Antioxidants are good for the body:
Ellagic acid
These compounds, commonly found in red raspberries and can be regarded as one of the most potent cancer fighter because it has antimutagenic properties. A study at Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South California (MUSC) found that ellagic acid works to slow the growth of abnormal cells in the human gut and prevent infected cells from the human papilloma virus (HPV), associated with cervical cancer.
In fact, it was only attacking the cancer cells without harming healthy cells, a process that is useful in the fight against prostate, breast, lung, esophageal and skin cancers. Other studies have also shown that ellagic acid may fight heart disease, reduce the risk of birth defects and accelerate wound healing.
Sources: Raspberry red, pomegranate, strawberries, blueberries and walnuts.
This still includes a family of antioxidant flavonoids. Proanthocyanidins are the compounds that give red and blue colors in fruits, and has proven beneficial to strengthen capillaries, improve vision in the dark, to support the integrity of the walls of blood vessels and prevent blood clotting. Proanthocyanidins may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, and protect against urinary tract infections.
Source: raisins, grape seed, grape skin, bilberry, cranberry, black currant, green tea, black tea, pine bark, cocoa.
Glutathione is a very small molecule and is the most important antioxidant because it is in the cell. This molecule is able to neutralize free radicals, boosts the immune system and helps the liver remove toxins from the body. Glutathione is often called the "master antioxidant" because it serves as a regulator and regenerator of immune cells and the most valuable detoxifying agent in the human body. Low levels of glutathione in the body is closely related to hepatic dysfunction, immune dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, premature aging and death.
Sources: Goat's milk, whey protein, asparagus, avocado, parsley, broccoli. Polyphenols
This represents a large group of micronutrient antioxidants including flavonoids and anthocyanidins. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this compound has been shown to prevent degenerative conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.
Sources: Strawberries, green tea, black tea, grape skins, red wine, onions, broccoli, leafy greens, apple, blueberry, cocoa (fruits and vegetables all contain some of the most polyphenols)
Vitamin E
The most popular form of vitamin E is alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol in addition also. A study in the Journal of National Cancer Institute found that the risk of prostate cancer decreased significantly with high levels of vitamin E. It is known that men with alpha-tocopherol levels in the blood, 51 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer. While the high levels of gamma-tocopherol in the blood, 43 percent lower risk of the disease.
Sources: Nuts, vegetable oil, corn oil, green leafy vegetables.
Karetenoid is fat-soluble micronutrients, known as beta-carotene (which can be converted into vitamin A in the body). Mikronutien is believed effective against free radicals, inhibit and prevent cervical cancer, lung, prostate, colon, endometrial and esophageal cancers.
Sources: citrus, vegetables and fruits, dark green and yellow, such as sweet potatoes, apricots, turnips, carrots, melons, pumpkins and tomatoes. Egg and spirulina are also good sources.
Ozone: Ozone is a super antioxidant and super-detox that selectively removes viruses, bacteria, toxic metals, and other pathogens from the body. Ozone therapy is effective for treating various diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, eczema, acne, Lyme, chronic fatigue, and countless other conditions. Ozone has even been used to treat cancer throughout the world for 50 years, with an impressive success rate.

Carefully, Less Can Vegetarian Nutrition

Vegetarian diets are considered by adherents of the healthiest diets in the world that someone could actually menyebabnya malnutrition, and even got sick. There is no doubt that a vegetarian diet is balanced and well planned can be healthy. "Research shows that adherent vegan to have a lighter weight. In addition, their risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer is also reduced," says Vandana Sheth, a spokeswoman for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. However, he stressed the importance of the word balance. Sheth said the most honest, the reason many women to abandon the consumption of meat, milk and derivative products is to reduce weight. Besides the lack of vegetarian eating plan that actually causes a lot of nutritional deficiencies. "There are some people who become vegan, but so much more to eat junk food," said Stella Volpe, associate professor and chair of the department of nutritional sciences from Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA. Volpe highlights the rise of specialty restaurants that serve vegetarian food with a flavor very similar to beef but is actually unhealthy processed foods. According Dr.Michael D.Gershon, chairman of the department of anatomy and cell biology from New Yorks Columbia University, also said that an unbalanced diet cause malnutrition vegetarian people, such as vitamin B12, omega-3, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamin D, which are all essential to the functioning of the body, energy sources, and also balance the mood. Despite soybeans, peas, or grains could replace animal protein, but still much less vegetarian nutrition. One is Devon Crosby Helms (30), personal chef and runner. During the first six months of the vegetarian diet he felt so fantastic. Prior to completely avoid meat, he was already away from gluten, nuts, and soy due to allergies. But after six months he often feels fatigue, muscle loss, and weight. By the doctor she was diagnosed with hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue, and anemia. "With a bit of food choices, being vegan sparked new concerns," said Helms. Be aware that changing the diet to the extreme need of mental adjustment. The whole diet that requires you to stay away from one group of foods will trigger a sense of craving or desire to eat. "As long as a vegetarian I can not focus on anything else other than to eat eggs or not," said Pamela Stubbart, who became a vegetarian since the age of 26 years. He was also an increase in blood sugar and an intense craving. Another example is Stella Susan Floyd (33) that for two years running a successful vegetarian diet lost 4.5 pounds in two months. But three months later her weight rose by more than 5 pounds. Floyd blamed the high-carbohydrate diet. He also increased cholesterol. Due to the lack of fat vegan diet either (omega-3 and vitamin B12), some people will experience a rise in the amino acid homocysteine ​​(associated with damage to blood vessels) and decreased levels of good cholesterol. Actually there is nothing wrong with being vegetarian. However, Volpe suggested that before deciding to change your total eating patterns, it is better to consult a professional nutritionist, who have expertise in particular fields of vegetarianism. A nutritionist will advise the importance of finding a replacement source of nutrients from other foods. After rearranging his diet, both Helms, Floyd, Stubbart, said it is now much healthier. They're back to eating meat or dairy products, but choose organic products. "After eating eggs and cheese again, I feel very satisfied and no longer feel the craving," said Floyd. Cholesterol values ​​also returned to normal, ironically after he came back to eat eggs and bacon.

Best Food for the Eyes, Skin and Hair

Every woman wants to look beautiful and charming. Glowing skin, thick hair, sparkling eyes and body fit into the dream of many women. To get all of that, you do not need to spend lots of money just to buy a beauty treatment or a variety of multivitamins. There are way more easy and natural with a little help from these super foods:
Green vegetables: Spinach, broccoli and cabbage contain caroteinoid called lutein and a pigment called zeaxanthinan. Both of these important compounds are able to maintain your cells from free radicals and help keep your eyes sparkle. Avoid overcooking the vegetables cook so that you obtain the best benefits of these vegetables. In return you can serve food in a way in stir-fry.
Yogurt: This drink contains good bacteria that help your skin look healthy. Those who suffer from skin diseases like eczema can get the most benefit from a daily intake of yoghurt.
Fish: Salmon, sardines and mackerel are rich in marine species of fish contain omega-3 fatty acids which can help reduce inflammation of the skin and keep skin moist. In addition, fish oil also helps promote skin elasticity, skin and prevent wrinkles.
Berries: Strawberries, blueberries and other berry products, contain potent antioxidant phytonutrients that remove free radicals in the blood and maintain collagen levels, thereby enhancing skin repair. Collagen makes skin supple, smooth and solid.
Poultry: Poultry meat such as chicken and turkey provide high quality protein, essential for growth, repair and maintenance of hair. Low-fat dairy products like skim milk, yogurt and cheese are other foods that are high sources of protein content. If you like the egg and do not suffer from high cholesterol, eat one egg yolk a day. One egg yolk mengadung Vitamin B-12 which promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.
Salmon: This fish is exposed because of the abundance of omega three fatty acids, B12 and iron are also good for maintaining healthy hair. If you are a vegetarian, you can choose flaxseed instead.
Oysters: Try oysters for faster hair growth, because they are rich in zinc content (zinc).