
Low Calorie Diets Make Slim Faster

There's another study that proves that diet is the best way to lose weight.

Book of Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults states that the best way to lose weight is to adopt a low-calorie diet, a number of 800-1200 kcals per day. This diet proved to be able to lose weight as much as 10 percent for six months. While the speed of weight reduction is 0.5 to 1.5 kg per week. This fact was presented during book launching Sure-You-Can-Do-Fx Diet in Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (05/27/2010).

However, before beginning to implement a diet with whatever model you know, should you need to know what the true meaning of the diet.

"The so-called diets are not really losing weight.'s Diet food. So, the diet here is how to implement a healthier diet," said Susana STP CSN CWN PDEng MSc, Head of Nutrifood Research Center Division.

So, if you do the diet to lose weight is simply eating less (eg no breakfast, or dinner), do not be surprised if you feel only hunger of whack. "Skip eating it would only inhibit the burning of calories," said Susana.

To lose weight, you need to do is reduce your calorie intake (accompanied by increasing physical activity or a combination of both). Calories derived from nutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. As already mentioned above, the recommended limit is 800-1200 kcals per day. You can still eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but with reduced portion.

For example, a scoop of white rice contains only 24 calories, 34 calories Uduk rice, and fried rice 36 calories. Just count how many spoons which you can consume if you want to restrict your calorie intake per day. Do not forget, you're still going to add side dishes and vegetables into your diet.

Food Synergy, Disease Go

Foods that synergy will increase the absorption of nutrients which of course beneficial to health. "The synergy that occurs when two or more nutrients work together to obtain health benefits that can not be generated when the nutrients alone," said David R Jacobs, PhD.

Professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota, United States, it then gave an example of synergy between tomatoes and broccoli in the soup. Combined the two disease-fighting chemicals from the food to help prevent prostate cancer more effectively than when they consumed on their own.

There are about six pairs of foods that can provide optimal health benefits for us.

1. Calcium and vitamin D, Spouse of the healthy bone
We already know that calcium can strengthen bone. Only, calcium can not work alone. To be able to generate healthy bones, vitamin D is needed, phosphorus, or phosphates.

"The formation of bone with good will happen if the ratio of calcium to phosphate balance, and vitamin D. All of these substances present in foods, "said Dr. Abas Basuni Jahari, MSc, nutritionists from the Ministry of Health Nutrition Research Center.

Without the presence of excess calcium phosphate will only be discarded useless. And vice versa. When excess whereas calcium phosphate content is less, the shortcomings will be taken from the bones so that the amount in the blood balanced. This condition is certainly not good for the bones.

Steven Pratt, MD, author of SuperFoods HealthStyle: Proven Strategies for Lifelong Health mentioned that vitamin D is a major regulator of calcium absorption. This means, without the availability of vitamin D, bones will not get maximum benefit from calcium-rich foods. According to Susan E Brown, PhD as Director of Osteoporosis Education Project, without enough vitamin D, calcium the body absorbs 65 percent less.

Fortunately for Indonesia, which gets sun all year round. Exposure to sunlight for 10-15 minutes could help processing provitamin D in our body to vitamin D so the need for this vitamin is fulfilled. Sun exposure is best at 6 a.m. to 09:00 o'clock.

Unfortunately, this lifestyle make Indonesian people tend to avoid sunlight. Indonesian people are afraid to linger in the sun. As quoted by Dr. Bambang Setiyohadi, SpPD-KR, konsulen Rheumatology at the RSCM, "The Indonesian population is now more often to avoid sunlight for fear of black."

Try a combination of salmon and yogurt. Carol Fenster, PhD, author of Gluten Free Quick and Easy, recommending a combination of calcium-rich yogurt with salmon which is a source of vitamin D to help the formation of bone.

2. Carbohydrates and protein, couples the restoring muscle
Monique Ryan, sports nutritionist and author of Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes, explains that research shows that eating foods containing carbohydrates and protein, followed by sports will speed up muscle repair and healing. "It also prevents decrease in body resistance," Ryan said, as quoted Alternative Medicine.

Synergistic effect that makes the higher insulin levels that make your muscles quickly suck nutrients such as amino acids and glucose, so ready to be used to run on the treadmill or practicing yoga.

Try tempeh and potatoes. Potato is a high glycemic index foods. Thus, said Ryan, the compound would be transported by muscle cells to enhance the recovery process faster.

Meanwhile, Tempe derived from fermented soybeans became a very good source of protein. In Tempe contained essential amino acids that can improve the muscle, such as those found in meat. However, tempeh has a surplus, which contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium more.
Furthermore, as a product of fermentation, tempeh contain intestinal bacteria that benefit the most similar to yogurt. These bacteria improve digestive system and endurance.

Fenster said, "For me it was like a meat tempeh. My coating with spices and then baking it. "When served with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes and salad, this could be the food after exercise.

3. Iron and vitamin C, the pair vegetarian
If you are a pure vegetarian vegan alias, you must rely on knowing, legumes, and spinach for iron. On the one hand, you save yourself from saturated fat from meat, but actually only 20 percent of the body absorb iron from plant nutrients called nonheme. This absorption can be improved if you ask for help.

"Ascorbic acid which is popularly known as vitamin C to improve the availability of nonheme iron two-to three-fold. This vitamin plays a role in producing an enzyme associated with the change of nonheme iron into a form that is more easily absorbed, ie, ferrous iron, "says Georgianna Donadio, PhD, Program Director for the National Institute of Whole Health in Massachusetts.

Because of the good iron status may improve memory, increase foods rich in vitamin C in food that has been enriched in iron to help you have a better memory.

This pair can be obtained from quinoa and bell pepper. George Mateljan, author of The World's healthiest Foods, explained, "quinoa not only unique, but also a good source of iron containing proteins terkonsentrat and complete."

Quinoa is a kind of whole grains, like wheat. Add the peppers are rich in vitamin C when cooking quinoa will increase iron absorption.

4. Fat and carotenoids, the prevention of cancer
Do not directly accused ringleader of fat as a health problem. Not all fats are bad. Unsaturated fat, according to Donadio, facilitate the growth of healthy cell membranes that make life easier for carotenoid vegetables to enter the cell.

Studies at the Ohio State University and Iowa State University showed that adding good fats, such as olive oil, into the salad bowl you can increase the number of cancer-fighting, namely carotenoids heart-protective antioxidants, such as lutein, lycopene, and carotene.

To obtain the lycopene content, you can eat pizza. This is because there are tomatoes in the pizza packed with lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant that decreases the risk of prostate cancer, breast, lung, and others. Lycopene also has a protective effect against heart disease. Research shows that lycopene absorption is best when cooked tomatoes with olive oil.

A study proves, the combination of tomatoes and broccoli is more effective in slowing tumor growth than the consumption of tomatoes or broccoli alone. To obtain more benefits, try to reheat the pieces of tomato and broccoli with olive oil.

Alternatively, try flax oil and tomatoes. Green oil is excellent thanks to a balance of omega-6 fatty acids, omega-3, and some vitamin E. Add flax oil on pieces of fresh tomatoes to absorb the entire likopennya.

5. Folate and vitamin B6, couples in a healthy heart.
Both folate and vitamin B folic acid include, namely B9, soluble in water. Both were the same. What distinguishes only bentukannya. Folate is found naturally in green vegetables and fruit. Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate which is used as a supplement or added to food.

"Every day, every person needs a 600 meg folic acid," said dr Noroyono Wibowo, Sp OG (K). According to the obstetrics and gynecology specialists from the Faculty of medicine, about 200 meg of folate obtained through food intake, namely vegetables and fruit. Unfortunately, only about 45 percent of folate are absorbed by the body. The rest must be met through supplements or fortified foods.

Folic acid deficiency affects not good, especially in pregnant women. According to Division Chief of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fetomaternal FKUI / RSCM, the fetuses of pregnant women at risk of deficiency of folic acid neural tube defect (NTD).

By nature, women can mengasup folate than green leafy vegetables, nuts, grains group, oranges, bananas, and liver. Beef liver contains the highest folate than other sources. In 84 grams of beef liver contains nearly 200 micrograms of folate. This is because according to Dr. Joseph Bernard Venn, a senior researcher from the Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago, New Zealand, the heart is a place of deposit of folate in animals.

Only, more than 80 percent of folate in foods is often lost during cooking and can not be easily absorbed than synthetic folic acid. Not to mention the content of folate in vegetables is not too high. This differs from folic acid which can be found in milk and supplements.

In order to obtain better results, folic acid must be supplied with vitamins B6, B12, C, E, and zinc. Combined folate and vitamin B6, B12, and other components will reduce the elevated levels of homocysteine.

High homocysteine levels contribute to the incidence of heart disease, macular degeneration, Alzheimer's, and osteoporosis. Folate and vitamin B6 plays an important role in solving these metabolic byproducts. The results from the Nurse's Health Study showed that higher intake of both nutrients is associated with the incidence of heart disease and breast cancer is lower.

Try the spinach and avocado. In spinach contained folate and vitamin B6 quality and substance called betaine and homocysteine can be lowered.
Add the avocado in a spinach salad. You will get an extra folate and vitamin B6. Avocados also contain monounsaturated fat that will help absorb the beta-carotene and lutein spinach eye protection.

6. Elagik acid and quercetin, the prevention of cancer (again)
Gee, what's this? Do not wince once. He did sound a little strange. However, modern science has actually identified more than 5000 different bioactive phytochemicals in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Research shows that cancer-fighting chemicals will work better together. Investigation Journal of Nutrition showed, the more acid elagik strengthen quercetin, the killer of cancer cells.

Try apples and raspberries. According to Mateljan, apples and raspberries contain quercetin and acid elagik very large. When you've put in spinach and avocado salad, Fenster recommends that you also add a sweet taste with apple slices and fresh raspberries. "You can add this fruit when making muffins so sweet," he said. @ Diana Yunita Sari

Adult Immunizations When!

Did you know that it also requires immunization of adults? Yes, not just children who need immunizations. Not many people know that any adult individual should be immunized.

Besides functioning as one of the most successful disease prevention and effective, the immunization was also shown to decrease morbidity and mortality in society in general.

Immunization policy in Indonesia is still prioritizing infants and children that makes the role of adult immunization became neglected. In addition, lack of socialization to the community caused the lack of public knowledge on adult immunization.

For that, since 2003 the Association of Physician Specialists Internal Medicine (PAPDI) has resulted in consensus on immunization of adults so that it expects to improve the health of the individual's socialization on adult immunization.

Hopefully, with immunization against certain diseases immunity is formed so that in future no longer the disease globally.

The purpose of immunization is to provide a memory of the existence of a specific pathogen or toxin that can increase the level of immunity and immune protection.

American Society of Internal Medicine states, actual adult immunization can prevent the death of ten-fold compared with the children. Yet it is unfortunate that the administration of adult immunizations are still many obstacles experienced.

Actually, why adults still need immunizations? This is caused by several things. One of them is because small gift at the time of immunization can not guarantee the existence of immunity for a lifetime.

In addition, according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC), immunization makes us healthier and just as important as diet and exercise in maintaining health as well as safe and effective. Thus, immunization can take care of health so that disease treatment costs would be cheaper and productivity is maintained.

Some facts that support the importance of immunization can be seen from the high number of deaths caused by influenza and up to 360 000 200 000 inpatient cases that occurred in the United States. In addition, two strains of human papilloma virus (HPV) causes about 70 percent of cervical cancer, even in the hepatitis B virus infection and its complications have caused 5000 deaths each year.

Actually, what immunizations can be performed on adult individuals? Some of whom influenza vaccine, pneumococcal, hepatitis B, yellow fever is also HPV. In addition, there are still many that are being developed in order to be useful for joint health.

To that end, redeeming the benefits of immunization for your adult individuals so that you also feel the benefits of immunization against your health.

Sausage Increase Heart Disease Risk

You like hot dogs or burgers with two slices of bacon or a sausage? The value of each type is on average only 50 grams, but if consumed every day the results really do not want to hear.

Recent research from the Harvard School of Public Health in the U.S. showed that those who ate meat every day that have been processed (such as ham, sausage, and bacon), will increase the risk of heart disease (42 percent) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (19 percent). The definition of a processed meat here is all kinds of meat that is processed by way of smoked or marinated.

However, still according to the same research team, if that is consumed is not yet processed meats (such as beef, lamb, or pork), not seen the same increase in risk even if you eat twice as much.

The content of cholesterol and saturated fats in processed meat or not actually the same, but the processed meat has a higher salt content and preservatives. That salt increases blood pressure in some people, and an increasing factor for heart disease.

"The consumption of processed meat, and instead of red meat, often associated with incident coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus (type 2) is higher," wrote the researchers in the journal Circulation.

On average, according to them, processed meats contain four times as much salt and preservatives nitrate 50 per cent more. This is what explains why the salt and preservatives further increase the risk of heart disease than fat. Results of this study need to convey a better understanding about the potential bad of processed meat, and how the recommended intake.

According to the research team, if you want to eat meat, choose lean meats, and though in a more healthy, such as boiling, roasting, or burn them. For flavor, use fresh vegetables or as dried. As a substitute for salt, use spices and chillies.

White Water and Diet with Fruit

White water has a myriad of benefits to your body. As against the toxins in the body, preventing dehydration, as well as nutrients and oxygen filling the body needs to function optimally. Even plain water can be a solution to a diet to lose weight.

The more frequent drinking of water, can help you resist hunger and reduce eating because the stomach has been filled. But do not also drink too much water. Excessive drinking in a day can affect the kidneys. Give time for the body to filter the water that comes in, before you fill it again.

You need to set the proper fluid intake to lose weight, such as the following:

Drinking while eating
Before dining with simple servings, drink one glass of water to reduce hunger. A full stomach will reduce the portion of food. If you eat a large meal, drink water between meals occasionally. Water intake will reduce your desire to continue eating.

For the purpose of weight reduction, reduce and replace soda with water. Besides reduced sugar levels, reduce soda are also meant to prevent you from dehydration. Maximum working metabolism when the body does not dehydrate. That means your body burn fat faster. Asupa enough fluids also helps the body absorb nutrients more optimal.

Combine with fruit
In addition to water, consumption of foods containing too much water. That way, you do not need to be constantly drinking water. You can combine the fluid intake of fruits. Watermelon, apples and pears are fruits that contain lots of water. Fruits can also be overcome hunger in between meals.

Caffeine Make Workers More Focus

Good news for you all the coffee lover. A recent study says caffeine intake will help workers time shifts (shift) evening to avoid a mistake.

Working overtime or night shift work done a lot of workers. In the long term this can disrupt the biological clock. Not a few of the "flying fox" who used to sleep outside the normal hours of this sleep disorder. Starting from the time of sleep is reduced, or sleepy while working. As a result, the likelihood of errors when working is also higher.

In an analysis of 13 studies of the effects of caffeine on the ability of workers working the night shift, known caffeine will make workers more alert, focused, and enables them to face the challenges so that errors can be minimized.

Respondents in the research in a variety of caffeine, like coffee, pills, energy drinks, food, and others given a placebo. The result, those who consume caffeine have a better performance than that received placebo.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, resulting in increasing ability to recall, concentration, perception and opinion. However, too much caffeine is not without side effects. In excessive doses, between 2-7 cups of coffee or more than 250 mg, can cause restlessness, nausea, or headaches. If the higher dose, can cause emotional disturbances.

Folate Not Just for Pregnant Women

The word "folate" seems synonymous with pregnant women. In fact, folate actually needed by everyone.

Folate, which is a form of vitamin B which is soluble in water, is required for the development and growth. He helped grow new cells, so that was especially needed by pregnant women and their babies. In pregnant women, folate is needed to help reduce the risk of defects in the brain and spinal cord in infants.

Even so, children, adolescents, men, and elderly people also need a sufficient intake of folate, because basically everyone will make new cells every day. Folate is needed to make red blood cells healthy. If you lack folate intake, red blood cells can not divide perfectly, which can cause anemia.

How much folate intake is needed by humans according to age?
* Infants 0-6 months: 65 micrograms / day, 7-12 months: 80 micrograms / day
* Children 1-3 years: 150-300 mcg / day, 4-8 years: 200-400 mcg / day
* Men 14-18 years: 400-800 mcg / day, 19-70 years: 400-1000 micrograms / day
* Women 14-18 years: 400-800 mcg / day, 19-70 years: 400-1000 micrograms / day
* Pregnant women, 600-1000 micrograms / day
* Breastfeeding mothers, 500-1000 micrograms / day
Source: Dietary Reference intakes

All women of childbearing age need 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams / mg) or folic acid each day. It means, adolescent girls whose body began to change also need folic acid (synthetic form of folate, vitamin) to prepare to become a mother someday.

Another benefit of folate
Research shows that folic acid may help reduce the risk of other birth defects, such as heart, face, urinary tract, and other limbs. Folate helps reduce the risk of some conditions and diseases such as:

* Cardiovascular disease such as coronary heart disease and stroke.
* Some types of cancer such as breast cancer and cervical cancer.
* The disease affects the brain and mental functions such as Alzheimer's, dementia, and depression.
* The benefits of folate were also seen in women who have risk factors for diseases, such as family history (breast cancer), high alcohol intake (breast cancer), or infection with HPV (cervical cancer).

Cautious Trans Fats

New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, since the year 2002 has been banned smoking in bars and restaurants. Also restrict vehicle across Central Park. Now he began to spread to the trans fats in all restaurants in New York City.

What is trans fat? Trans fat is fat that makes delicious French fries, fried potatoes in fast food restaurants favored by many people. Fat should be avoided because, according to a report prepared at Harvard School of Public Health and Wageningen University, could prevent between six to 19 percent of heart attacks and deaths related to her every year.

Most trans fats are artificially synthesized through a chemical process that adds hydrogen to vegetable oil. In simple language, that means changing liquid oils into solid fats.

The result is a cheap product with a longer-term storage and are worse than saturated fat. Just like saturated fats, trans fats raise bad cholesterol and eventually clog the heart.

Where are the fats found in that trance?
Σ the United States has begun war against trans fat products. And is widely used by food manufacturers to list zero trans fat label. However, do not easily believe that label.

Σ According to the Food and Drug Administration regulations (FDA), trans fats need not be written in the packaging if the total fat in food is less than half a gram per serving.

Σ To be truly free of trans fats, do not buy food products that include partially hydrogenated and shortening sentences.

Σ The main source of trans fats:
1. Margarine
2. Fast food. Including potatoes and fried foods department.
3. Miscellaneous snacking chips
For example potato chips, cheese sticks or balls in the packaging of your children's favorite. These foods are rich in trans fats because the fats that serve as the glue that brings together food and contributed savory and delicious flavor.
4. Doughnuts, muffins, pancakes
Lately you may be happy to buy donuts. Be careful because this food is also a good source of trans fats.
5. Cake and pie
These foods are not only rich in sugar, but also contain trans fats

Cow Milk Allergy? Try Milk Goats

Compared with cow's milk, goat milk has several advantages as a supplementary food for infants and children. Besides being more easily digested, goat milk contains more minerals necessary for growing children.

Among the wider community, especially in developing countries, meaning more milk products based on cow's milk. In America alone no less than 10 million cattle reared and produced around 56.7 million tonnes of milk. In fact, besides cattle, other livestock are potential yield is goat milk. Currently goat milk became popular in Indonesia, although the provision has not been as many dairy cows.

If the known descendants of Holstein dairy cows as a major dairy producer, the "family" of goats known as producers of high quality milk with low fat content is the type of Saanen. Type Nubian produce little milk, but high in fat. Type of Toggenburg, LaMancha, Oberhasli, and Alpine including milk producing medium quality.

How does it feel? Goat milk with high fat content of course is much more delicious than the low fat. However, high-fat dairy consumption has the potential causes of obesity.

Goat's milk does have different characteristics with cow's milk or breast milk. Goat's milk have high protein digestibility and a very distinctive sour taste.

The smell of goats
There are people who argue that smelled like a goat's milk goat. It is not entirely correct. The existence of the disturbing smell depends on the way of processing the milk.

The smell of goats on the goat's milk is actually the impact of milk tainted with the scent produced by glands of goats. If the processing is done correctly, goat's milk will not have a scent that is too distracting.

Feed consumption settings also affect the quality of goat's milk. The same applies to milk cows. To add taste, especially for those who have a very sensitive sense of smell, the consumption of goat's milk can also be mixed with other flavors, like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry.

Goat's milk is best to eat is in the form of fresh (raw milk) because of its nutrient content has not been lost due to processing. Unfortunately, not everyone can eat fresh goat's milk. Form of other dairy goat is pasteurized milk, yogurt, ice cream, dodol, or kefir (sour milk).

Goat's milk has a fat structure and smaller size compared with cow's milk so easy to dissolve fat and more evenly mixed (homogeneous). That's what's causing the goat milk was more smooth and soft. On the other hand, goat milk has a relatively higher fat content than cow milk.

Easily digested
In some ways, goat's milk also has advantages over cow's milk. Fatty acid content in goat milk is much higher than in cow's milk or soy milk. However, compared with fatty acid in cow milk, goat milk contains more short-chain fatty acids and medium.

This causes fat goat's milk easier to digest the body to produce energy so it does not piled up as fat or cholesterol. Thus, fears of being fat or from diseases associated with cholesterol does not need to happen.

From the results of Mack's research in 1953 proved, groups of children who were given goats milk has a weight, the mineralized skeleton, bone density, blood plasma vitamin A, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and higher hemoglobin concentration compared with a group of children treated dairy cows.

Additionally, goat's milk also has a better buffer capacity so beneficial for children who experience indigestion. However, goat milk also has a weakness, namely folic acid and vitamin B12 was lower than cow's milk.

Goat's milk also contains less orotic acid. Relatively low content of these compounds affect both the prevention of fatty liver syndrome. That causes the goat milk is very good for maintaining liver health.

Higher calcium
Calcium content in goat milk is much better than cow's milk or soy, which is in a 100 gram each containing 133, 100, and 15 mg (see Table 2). Similarly, the levels fosfornya. Levels of phosphorus in 100 grams of goat's milk, cow's milk, and soy milk are 110, 1990, and 49 mg.

Consumption of a glass of goat's milk can meet 32.6 percent of the body's need for calcium and 27 percent of the body's need for phosphorus each day. Conversely, a glass of cow's milk only meet 29.7 percent of the body's need for calcium and 23.2 per cent of phosphorus each day.

Calcium is essential for bone growth. In addition, calcium is also essential for protecting cells in the colon (large intestine) to avoid cancer. Calcium can also reduce the incidence of brittle bones (osteoporosis), especially the mothers who had entered menopause.

Another benefit of calcium is to prevent migraine and regulate blood pressure. According to a publication in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a new girl menstruating goat milk intake should be given to maintain the content of calcium in the body.

Protein content of goat's milk is not much different from cow's milk. Consumption of one glass of goat's milk and cow's milk can meet their respective 17.4 and 16.3 percent body needs protein every day. Protein is a nutrient that is needed to support the growth process in children. In adults, protein is needed for network maintenance and replacement of damaged body cells.

Goat's milk is also believed to be able to overcome high blood pressure because high kaliumnya content. However, to note that cholesterol content is relatively higher compared with cow's milk. Therefore, goat's milk is not recommended for those who suffer from obesity and high cholesterol.

Like cow's milk, goat's milk also contains lactose which is quite high although slightly lower than cow's milk. Lactose content in goat milk and cow's milk reached 4.1 and 4.7 percent of total solids. Therefore, people with lactose intolerance should avoid the consumption of fresh goat milk in the state. Goat's milk can also be consumed in processed form, such as yogurt or kefir that has low lactose content.

Cow milk replacer
Often found in cases in infants allergic to cow's milk. Cow's milk is one food allergens most often occurs in children. Other potential allergens are eggs, shrimp, and fish.

Hippocrates first reported the existence of an allergic reaction to cow's milk around the year 370 AD. In recent decades, the prevalence of and attention to cow's milk allergy is increasing.

Some studies in several countries showed that the prevalence of cow's milk allergy in the first year of life of children around 2 percent. Approximately 1-7 percent of infants suffer from allergies to the protein contained in cow's milk. Keep in mind that about 80 percent of baby formula on the market was using the basic ingredients of cow's milk.

Allergy is a problem that should not be underestimated. Generated can interfere with the reaction of all organs of the body and the child's behavior so that it can inhibit the growth and development of children. In the first year of life of children, relative body immune system is still very weak and vulnerable.

Symptoms of allergies to milk protein usually occurs in infants aged two to four weeks and the symptoms will be more obvious when the age of six months. Parts of the body is attacked by the digestive tract allergies, respiratory tract, and skin. Symptoms that appear due to allergy to milk protein include vomiting, diarrhea, the absorption of nutrients is less than perfect, asthma, bronchitis, migraine, and hypersensitivity.

According Judarwanto (2000), 80 percent of cow's milk allergy will disappear or become tolerant before the three-year-old child. The handling of cow's milk allergy is to avoid the consumption of cow's milk and other foods that contain cow's milk. Instead, you can use soy milk or goat's milk.

Approximately 20-50 percent of the infants studied showed symptoms of intolerance to soy milk. Therefore, more goat's milk is recommended as a substitute for cow's milk in infants who suffer from allergies.

Goat milk is reported to have been widely used as a substitute foods or ingredients for making babies allergic to cow's milk. Infant allergy reported digestive tract gradually be cured after being given milk goats.

According to Noor (2002), about 40 percent of patients who are allergic to cow's milk protein has good tolerance to milk goats. Patients are most likely sensitive to laktoglobulin contained in cow's milk. It is inferred that laktogloglobulin (one component of milk protein) is the component most responsible for the occurrence of milk protein allergy.

According Judarwanto (2000), there are more than 40 types of proteins in cow's milk can cause allergies. Betalaktoglobulin addition, other protein components such as casein, alpha-laktalbumin, serum albumin, and immunoglobulin can also cause allergies.