
Is Main Factor Activity and Sports

Calcium is only 10 percent influence as a determinant of bone strength back. The main factor is the human habit of activism, whether or not inconveniences bone, also sports. Unfortunately, people rarely comforting bones and rarely exercising.

This was stated Tedjo Rukmoyo, a specialist orthopedic (spine surgery), on the sidelines of Events Seminar handling Spinal Pain, at the University Club Building, University of Gadjah Mada.

"Do not believe the ad explained that by drinking enough milk, then the bones and spine We'll be strong. Akitivitas determined bone strength of human small impact since the new look when the old," said Tedjo.

Activities and habits that do not make pleasant one bone, especially spine, easily observed from a sleeping position. The position of the spine is not straight and not parallel with the neck bones, certainly not the ideal position.

"That's because the mattress foam or uneven, use a pillow is too thick or too thin. In other words, is not okay we have a habit of sleeping on your back, stomach, or side. But do not let your spine tortured," he said.

In addition to these examples, many other activities that are wrong. For example habit when riding bent and bowed as he sat. Too bent and forced himself when lifting heavy objects on the floor, also the wrong activities.

"When lifting heavy objects off the floor, so do not jump up. But first straighten your body position to the upright, a new lift. If too heavy, so do not be forced. Spine, ligaments (bone bonding), or muscle, can be broken," he said .

Tedjo added, estuaries bone problem solving, is to change habits so that activities do not suffer the spine, plus regular exercise. If it was done early, saving humanity's future health investment.