

Remover food lemak Add this food in the daily menu to control appetite, burnt fat, and eradicated selulit. Oatmeal. The study in 2006 found fibre in oatmeal could satisfy appetite without asupan calorie excessive. We will then eat fewer. Vegetables juice.

Currently has been heterogenous juice was made from vegetables with the feeling that was enough to be good on the tongue. Drink 1 glass before time to eat to reduce asupan calorie as far as 135, according to the experts from Pennsylvania State University. The legume. The content of fibre and good fat in peanuts made us fast was full, according to the researcher from Loma Linda University. Free milk fat. The study showed, during asupan calcium increased, body fat decreased. Moreover, milk processed food could reduce the risk of the rise in the weight as far as 70 percent. Green tea. Proven could help pushed body metabolism, explained the newest clinical research.

Lowered heavy at least half kilo a week. Or, if possibly sekilo a week. This was the method was best for eliminated body fat. The decline in the weight that happened slow could help made skin become more smooth and tight. Continue to in the slow lane, and continued to carry out the series of the exercise that could help eliminated selulit. So that more maximal, joined five programs of the fat eradicator.

Who The baby needed Probiotik ?

The micro-flora or the measuring microorganism small (the bacteria and the fungus) played an important role in the formation of resistance of the baby's body. However, to the baby who was born in a manner Caesar, the formation of the colonisation of the channel dissolved was postponed so as to increase the risk of the allergy and the infection until being five years old. Therefore, giving probiotik was needed to help increased resistance of the baby's body.

The domination bifidobakteria in the channel dissolved regarding the health of the good baby. The importance peranana this good bacteria explained why the baby who was born in a manner Caesar was reported had the figure and the infection of the allergic incident that were higher compared with the baby was born normal. Prof Bengt Bjorksten from Karolinska Institutet Sweden explained, pegnaruh the condition for the birth for the beginning like the birth method and the use an tibiotik, had the effect was very big against the pattern of the channel of the micro-flora of dissolving.

The micro-flora of the channel dissolved very important to stimulate the system of body resistance in the normal condition. The research that was carried out by Prof Bengt Bjorksten in 2001 proved, babies of the allergic sufferer terukti had fewer bifidobakteria to faeces or their excrement. This was still being seen until they were five years old. Several studies for the last 10 years also proved, the difference menyolok the healthy composition and the allergy of the baby's micro-biota in countries with the prevalence of the low and high allergy.


Chocolate was the descendants's product from his original cocoa crop came from American Tengah. The crop part that was taken to produce chocolate was the seed that was received inside cocoa. One cocoa contained 30 as far as 40 seeds. The chocolate seed that has dipanen afterwards difermentasi, dikeringkan, was roasted, and was pressed to be taken his oil. Fermentation was the treatment that was influential towards the typical aroma chocolate.

The main component that played a role in in the formation of the aroma being tannin. Chocolate oil was also famous with the term cocoa butter. The waste of chocolate oil that had the shape of paste afterwards was cooled down, was rolled, clan was sifted until being received the chocolate powder or cocoa powder. The chocolate powder was still containing quite complete nutrients, especially the carbohydrate, protein, fibre, and several minerals.

The chocolate powder also still was containing fat in a small number. The minor component other in the chocolate powder was teobromin, caffeine, polifenol, clan water. The chocolate powder was afterwards made the raw material in the production of commercial chocolate, that is as the framer of batter. So that the feeling and his aroma are better, in the chocolate powder it was added cocoa butter. The content cocoa butter in the correlated chocolate product positive with the quality of the product and of course with his price.

Fungus poison

The number of cases of food poisoning in the Sukabumi Regency year round 2009 this totalling four cases. According to him, most cases of poisoning were caused by the resident ate the fungus that contained poison, his article of some residents did not yet know that food that was eaten by him that mengadung the substance that was dangerous for the health, therefore the circular basically appealed to the community to not eat the fungus was accompanied with the explanation of his characteristics.

Officially Kesehatan (Dinkes) the Sukabumi Regency asked the resident to be on the alert against fungus food, considering the number of cases of poisoning that happened in the Sukabumi Regency, West Java, year round 2009.

In the meantime, the official PPNS Dinas Koperasi, Perindustrian and the Trade (Diskoperindag) the Sukabumi Regency, Iwan W, stressed, his side will do sweeping and seized the cake bolu that was sold by the traders, his article the cake bolu this became the cause of eleven residents in the Lemah Duhur Desa Cianaga Kecamatan Kabandungan Village experienced poisoning.

The benefit in Holistik Therapy

THERAPY holistik obliged the patient mengasup balanced food. As you know, the concept of the foundation of therapy holistik referred in the conduct of the not greedy life and in accordance with nature. It was just natural that therapy with this comprehensive method obliged the patient ate saban his day. Because contained many substances that were useful to the body. Apples for example, contained mineral salt, pectin, and acid oksalik.

Pectin dinyakini could unload the level of cholesterol and trigliserida that could disrupt the function of the heart. As for the avocado contained calorie, useful good fat reduced the level of cholesterol, and maintained the pliancy of foundation muscles. Whereas bananas that had tender meat could cover walls of the side and the intestines so as to be able to become the layer antiradang on the body. While pawpaws collaboration and mangoes had the content of the carbohydrate and the high enzyme. Pawpaws juice and beneficial mangoes dealt with the swelling and the inflammation, the disturbance of the digestion, and the fever

Most Coffee made the Hallucination?

The team of the researcher from the Dunham University concluded, the person who drank more than seven cangkir instant coffee a day tended three fold times more were easy to experience the hallucination than the person who only drank one cangkir coffee a day. This conclusion was taken after they surveyed 200 students concerning the habit mengonsumsi coffee and his experience saw mystical matters.

"This was the step" in "early to study factors that were connected with the hallucination in a wide manner," said Simon Jones, that led this research. He said in researches beforehand, it was known that the pressure, like the childhood trauma, was connected with the hallucination.

According to James, relations between coffee and the hallucination possibly were related to the hormone kortisol. The hallucination personally emerged during the body too many produced the hormone kortisol. This hormone was produced when someone experienced stress. Consumption of caffeine also triggered the production of this hormone.

Nevertheless, James stressed that these relations not cause and effect. Although caffeine triggered the hallucination, his influence possibly not of the other psychological factor. Moreover, not only influential coffee, but also tea, coffee, and the drink that contained the level of high caffeine. The direct research and the trial were needed to measure caffeine relations with the effect of the hallucination.