
Eating Disorders Fewer Women In The Already Becoming Mother

Women have fewer eating disturbances after having children compared with those of the friend who has no children. Mostly because they stop drinking alcoholic beverages, and stop at behave itself, so the new findings from Norway.

Findings that may hold true for women who live in countries with systems that are less friendly to support parents who have young children, said Tilman von Soest of Norwegian Social Research in Oslo, and Dr. Lars Wichstrom from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, the study's author.

"In the environment that supports the less, I suspect many parents more open to pressure, such as, psychological and financial condition," said von Soest via electronic mail (email).

"Conditions open to such pressure may prevent the influence of positive lifestyle changes when a mother," she added.

Von Soest and Wichstrom the first 1206 women who do not have children for six years to determine whether a mother has to eat on the pattern.

Women are showing less interference to eat after the children, who according to the researchers due to the reduction of behavior that is only based on their own and a decrease in the use of alcohol. However, although women who have children do not show increased satisfaction with their appearance, women who become mothers do not show these symptoms.

Based on these findings, von Soest said it may be a reduction in the use of alcohol and other actions to create a lifestyle that is more stable may help to overcome the interference eat.

Cancer in Indonesia Penganggulangan The 'Living'

Trends in treatment of cancer developing in Indonesia towards the friendly treatment, that means the only treatment is to kill the cell nucleus kankernya only without killing normal network which is also developing around the cancer cells.

"Treatment of cancer is now often carry side effects on patients," said Chairman of the Doctoral Program Biomedik Science Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) Mohamad Sadikin after Biomedika Forum Seminar on FKUI, Jakarta, Rabu (20 / 5).

He explains that the treatment of cancer, with surgery, elektrokimia, and consumption of drugs to kill the focus to the nucleus of cancer cells.

"So if there are patients who feel sick once when treated, because the cells that normally die also," said Sadikin.

He also added that now the medical treatment of cancer is being put forth that not only focuses on the development of cancer cells with a radical way, but in a way that selectively disrupt the metabolism of cancer cells, avoiding trigger cancer with healthy lifestyles, and is the latest treatment with cell primer.

In Indonesia, including cancer in the five major causes of death as cancer, especially breast and womb cancer more diidap cancer in Australia than most other types of cancer.

Cancer cells in the body in all can not become violent because the cells can be triggered by the violent substance-specific substances. Substance can be derived from what we consume every day.

About the treatment of cancer with traditional plants, Sadikin Mohamad said there is need to further research on traditional medicine is.

"Medicine should it need to be able to be scientifically," said Sadikin.

Sadikin added if the plant material in a traditional material that can be consumed directly, such as garlic, turmeric, ginger, and consumed in a reasonable measure, it will not bring a significant impact on health.


Fisheries, Marine and Food DKI ensure pork is still safe for consumption but only a cut in the animal house cut (RPH) Kapuk, West Jakarta.

"There are three stages of the examination quarantine inspection, antemortem and posmortem. So in general examination pork stricter than the others," said Head of Fisheries, Marine and Food Edi Setiarto in DKI Jakarta, Friday.

Besides, the Edi RPH Kapuk have adequate quarantine facilities and can easily make a case of isolation of cases of disease.

"If we have the disease isolation. If you pass the examination early, go to stage two to the cage in, then checked again before the cut," he said.

Edi explain in Jakarta have not found that pigs carry the H1N1 virus are a source of spread of swine flu and bermutasi has been spreading among humans.

"Until now there has not been," said. so, he says his side will still be overseeing the circulation in pigs, including a cut out for RPH Kapuk.

"Pig-pig small usually shipped from the North Sumatra that is used in traditional ceremonies. But it is also prohibited. Kapuk outside cutting pork is also prohibited," he said.

Two areas have been successful according to the Edi sterilize cutting pork from the region of East Jakarta and West Jakarta while the other areas follow.

Susu Cow Making Baby Allergies

Child specialist doctor immunology expert Dr. Zakiudin Munasir said, milk cattle and beef products derived susu other is the biggest cause of allergies, especially in infants.

Dr Zakiudin Munasir, in the seminar "Are Allergies revealed the genetic" in Jakarta on Tuesday, said, susu cow protein that is a foreign key for the baby in the early months of life can potentially cause allergic reactions the first time, with symptoms of indigestion in the channel such as diarrhea and vomiting.

According to him, the foreign protein in the body of the baby and the added condition that the channel pencernaannya not perfect, so that babies are prone to allergies caused by cow susu this.

"Food that is suitable for a baby is breastfed (breast milk). That is, given the suggested breastfed babies (breast milk) exclusive, at least until age 6 months," said Zakiudin.

ASI function in preventing allergy because it contains more vitamin needed a baby, including protein "Hypo allergenik", DHA, and probiotik colostrum can protect babies from allergies.

Allergies are the body's immune reaction to the change or deviate from the normal symptoms that may cause harmful interference from the body's respiratory, skin and eyes.

Besides milk cow, Zaikudin also mentions other food, such as eggs, seafood, nuts and many more macamnya trigger allergies.

Zakiudin explained that the numbers continue to increase allergic events in line with changes in the pattern of life that the modern society.

He mentions, many substances in the food and beverages, besides the high pollution at this time is the cause of the occurrence of allergy.

Info about laughing Reduce Heart Risk & Diabetes

This has not been long, the research team from Loma Linda University, California, said that laughing can be a therapy for a number of diseases, including heart attack and diabetes.

As is known, a lifestyle can be a trigger the emergence of a disease. However, if someone good psychological condition, the research team believes all kinds of diseases can be.

"Most medical experts understand that the psychology of someone in good condition can be established that positive emotions are also, for example, with the cheery laugh, be optimistic and have hope that can help the process of healing a disease," said Lee Berk, who is involved in research.

In this research, the research team analyzed 20 patients who contract the disease, and diabetes also have hypertension and high cholesterol. Then the research team share in the two groups, where each group given standard treatment of diabetes the same.

But the difference, in the first group were given routine therapy such as stimulation humor. They are required to watch a comedy program or film that deems funny for 30 minutes every day.

While the second group, laughing therapy is not given. The twenty patients are then monitored and supervised its development for 12 months.

For one year after they undergo therapy, the research team found that patients in the first group showed an increase both cholesterol (HDL) of 26%. Whereas in the second group, the increase in cholesterol increased only about three percent.

Not only that, patients who were laughing therapy also decreased levels of C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation of a heart disease up to 66%. Proportionate to the distance the second group, where levels of infection diseases are only down 26%.

Results of research that has been presented in the Experimental Biology conference in New Orleans also found that this therapy can also reduce the laugh level stress on the patient

Pig breeders expect

Pig breeders expect, the public does not believe and so only the issues of the swine flu. This is important because some media proclaim already excessive. Breeders assert, pork safely consumed.

"Media, such as television, broadcast excess. They say, eating pork is not safe. They can be from where the information?" Maryo says Kusdiarto, pig breeders in the Hamlet Kwaron, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Bantul, Fri (1 / 5), with a dejected.

Fisheries, Marine Resources, Animal Husbandry and Bantul, Thursday nights ago, is the dialogue with a number of breeders. Essentially, breeders are required to improve hygiene and health, cattle pens. One of them, be put on breeder protective hand, foot, and the mask in contact with livestock and again.

"We can understand, but we feel that theory. Meanwhile, we apply directly to the field. Perternakan far I opened, in 1974, never happens to any. Wear masks, for example, only when we do spray the enclosure with a disinfectant," he said.

Maryo sell to traders 30-35 pigs per week. Traders that distribute pork to big cities like Jakarta and Surabaya. "Hopefully when deposited to the merchant next month (mid-May), the price of pork anjlok not," he said.