
Risks Behind Energy Drinks

The fans of energy drinks should be more careful to choose products on the market. A study showed that the caffeine in energy drinks can be much higher than a cup of coffee. In addition, the caffeine in energy drinks is also potentially a greater risk, especially when mixed with alcoholic beverages.

"What we know now, energy drinks can contain a quarter cup of sugar and contain more caffeine than a cup of black coffee," said John Higgins, a researcher from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Texas, Houston, USA, which includes research in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings November issue .

Levels of caffeine in energy drinks can be very diverse, ie between 70 and 200 milligrams per 16 ounces of presentation. In comparison, 8-ounce cup of coffee contains 40-150 mg of caffeine, depending on how the coffee is brewed.

"Another issue the spotlight is not all ingredients in energy drinks listed on packaging labels. The materials of herbal stimulants like guarana, amino acid taurine, as well as herbs, minerals, and other vitamins that may interact with caffeine escape the label, "Higgins said as quoted by Reuters.

Concern is, how to mix these materials will affect heart rate, blood pressure, and even mental condition, especially when consumed in large quantities with alcohol or when consumed by athletes.

Higgins and colleagues reviewed the medical literature about energy drinks and its constituent materials between 1976 and 2010. Tim Higgins found only a few studies on the effects of it.

Several small studies, which are usually done on young adults who are active in physical activity, suggesting that energy drinks can increase blood pressure and heart rate. However, evidence of more serious effects such as heart attacks, seizures, and death is still considered as anecdotal.

Norway, Denmark, and France has recently banned the circulation of energy drink Red Bull after a study on rats show, "The rats were given taurine showed bizarre behavior such as anxiety and suicide."

"We are not rats. However, the consumption of these beverages has shown a positive relationship with high-risk behavior," wrote Higgis and colleagues.

Energy drinks are often promoted and used by athletes to get "extra boost". However, Higgins and his team said that energy drinks cause dehydration serious risk to users. It's based on how caffeine and other ingredients in affecting the human body.

"Water or low-octane sports drinks that contain electrolytes, minerals and carbohydrates to be a better choice," he added.

Higgins said, those who are not athletes should not drink more than one energy drink servings per day, do not mix with alcohol, and drink plenty of water after exercise.

"Those who have hypertension should not be guzzling energy drinks, and who have diseases such as heart disease should consult a doctor before taking them. Rule of energy drinks can be a long-term way to overcome problems that might occur," adds Higgins.

"The industry can mix anything in the drink, make ads attractive as possible, and people can mengonsumi anything. But if the situation continues like this, you will get into trouble," he said.

Stokperdjie-Risk Drinking uriensuur Orange Juice

Siektes van uriensuur (jig) is meestal ervaar deur mans. Dit beteken egter nie dat vroue is vry van siektes wat hierdie gesamentlike pyn veroorsaak. Een faktor wat die risiko van hierdie toename is die gewoonte van drink lemoensap (oranje sap), twee glase per dag.

Benewens lemoensap, ingemaakte soet drankies het ook dieselfde gevaar as twee keer per dag geneem. Die navorsers van die Boston Universiteit gesê, drink 'n hoë suiker inhoud van vrugte of fruktose kan veroorsaak uriensuur deposito's wat opbou in die gewrigte en veroorsaak pyn.

Die studie is uitgevoer deur 80 000 vroue het die dieet vir 22 jaar. Diegene wat twee glase lemoensap gedrink het elke dag op risiko van 40 persent blootgestel aan uriensuur. Intussen het die verbruik van die drank is meer as dubbel die risiko verhoog 2,4 keer.

Blikkies is hoog in suiker, soos koeldrank, het ook 'n hoë risiko van die ontwikkeling van jig, wat 70 persent. Daarom, het die navorsers aanbeveel vir aanhangers van soet drankies begin met die vermindering van hierdie gewoontes.

Om te verhoed dat die siekte word aangeraai om uriensuur voedsel wat purien verbindings, soos spinasie, boerenkool, blomkool, sampioene, aspersies, melinjo, vleis, sardyne, orrel vleis, krap, oesters, garnale, en grondboontjies te verminder.

Benewens sy dieet faktore, verhoogde produksie van uriensuur in die bloed kan ook te wyte wees aan bloed siekte (beenmurg siekte, polycythemia), dwelms (alkohol, kanker dwelms, vitamien B12), ander oorsake is vetsug, velsiektes (psoriase, vlakke van hoë trigliseriede).

Prevent Diabetes with Milk

Your doctor diagnosed diabetes? Recent research has suggested that we should consume dairy products with low fat content, such as smoothies made with low fat yogurt. But do not also forget to equip it with regular exercise.

This conclusion is derived from the 10-year study of 3,000 respondents. They were then divided into 2 groups. First is the group who consumed various types of dairy products and the second group did not consume dairy at all. As a result, the first group have insulin resistance 70 percent lower.

What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition in which decreased insulin sensitivity and makes our blood sugar levels are not balanced or excess blood sugar. General obesity or obesity, marked by increasing insulin resistance.

"All content in milk, such as lactose, protein, and fat has the potential to increase the sugar content," said Mark A. Pereira, PhD, one of the researchers from Harvard Medical School. But the milk sugar (lactose) is converted into blood sugar is processed more slowly, so it is good to control blood sugar levels and lower insulin levels.

Protein in milk helps keep our immune. While the fat content will make us also feel satisfied. Enjoy also the other nutrients from dairy products are also useful, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Let's fight diabetes by:
1. Consume 2 servings of low-fat milk every day. Each portion will be cut resistance insuli excess up to 20%.

2. Do exchange. Choose dairy products, snacks instead of high carbohydrate and low in fiber, such as soft drinks, candy, or fast food.

3. Accompany the milk with fruit, vegetables and whole grains. We can add fresh fruit pieces in yogurt for breakfast. Or low-fat cheese melted on whole wheat bread.

9 Drankjes Verset Hepatitis

If not addressed, inflammation of the liver which is popular with the name of hepatitis can cause death. Hepatitis is an inflammatory process in liver tissue. Thae disease is more commonly known as liver disease or jaundice. However, the term jaundice can lead to confusion because not all jaundice caused by inflammation of the liver. 

Of the many factors, the virus that was ranked first as the cause of most disease hepatitis. Others may be caused by bacteria, parasites, Of the many factors, the virus that was ranked first as the cause of most disease hepatitis. Others may be caused by bacteria, parasites, drugs, chemicals that damage the liver, alcohol, worms, or too poor nutrition. 

By DR. Dr. Julitasari Sundoro, based on the course of the disease, hepatitis can be divided into acute and chronic. Called chronic hepatitis is still there after six months. There are five types of viral hepatitis, namely hepatitis A (VHA), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV or non-A non-B parenteral), viral hepatitis D (VHD), and viral hepatitis E ( vhe or non-A non-B enteric). In addition to some virus, now there's even a virus that causes hepatitis AE F and G. 

Prof. H. Ali Suleiman, Professor of Medicine Faculty of medicine, says that people with hepatitis who have been in the prodormal phase (before the body becomes yellow), usually experience symptoms of weakness, tired, lethargic, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, feeling uncomfortable and pain in the abdomen, fever and sometimes chills, headache, pain in the joints, stiffness in the whole body, especially hips and shoulders, and diarrhea. Sometimes people like to colds and cough with or without sore throat. 

When you have reached the phase of yellow (jaundice), the patient will see a yellow urine is concentrated, such as tea. In addition, the whites of the eye ball, the mucous membrane of the palate, and skin turned yellowish. And when there are barriers to the flow of bile into the intestine, feces will pale as putty (stool acholis). 

However, not all hepatitis have symptoms, as already mentioned. There are people with hepatitis with no symptoms at all or maybe only with mild symptoms, and there are really serious in a short time later terminated death. 

If so, we must be careful. Besides always used to lead a healthy lifestyle, do regular checks to the doctor. If it was known to suffer from liver disease, usually the doctor will give medicine. 

Treatment by doctors, according to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, generally symptomatic, ie, to relieve symptoms of diseases that arise other than as a therapy that helps the continuity of liver function. 

The drugs are generally hepatoprotector (protects liver cells against the effects of toxic substances that can damage the repair and regeneration), lipotropik (increasing mobility of fat in the liver), Kholeretik (increasing the production of bile by the liver), and kholagogum (improves gallbladder emptying and running it into the duodenum). 

Medicinal plant materials to assist in the improvement of liver function is usually hepatoprotective. Materials that include curcumin can be obtained from ginger and turmeric, filantin from meniran, silymarin from widuran, aukubin of leaf spoon, glycyrrhisic acid from the saga, essential oils of garlic, krisofanol of rhubarb, gingerol from ginger, wedelolakton of urang -aring, andrographolide from bitter, and sianidol of tannic substances. 

Some Examples Potion 
Many medicinal herbs recipes, one from Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, useful for improving liver function. Some of them are presented because the materials are easily obtainable. However, patients should still consult your doctor when using these recipes: 

Remedy 1 
- One finger sticks brotowali 
- Three glasses of water 
- One tablespoon honey 
How to Make 
Wash brotowali stem and cut into pieces as needed. Boil three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and add a spoonful of honey. Drink twice a day, each half a glass. 

Potion 2 
- 9-15 grams of dried stem bugenfil 
- Three glasses of water 
- One tablespoon honey 
How to Make 
After cleaning, cut the stems thinly bugenfil. Enter your email in a pan while plus three glasses of water. Boil until the water remains one glasses. Once cool, strain. Drink filtered water after the added honey. Water filter is taken twice a day, morning and afternoon, each half a glass. 

Potion 3 
- A handful of fresh leaves of bitter melon 
- One cup of boiled water 
- Salt to taste 
How to Make 
Wash bitter melon leaves and rinse with boiled water. Beat until smooth leaves with a plus one cup water. Stir until evenly distributed and add a little salt. Strain the herbs and drink in the morning before eating. 
Note: This recipe should not be used when being pregnant because it can cause miscarriage. 

Remedy 4 
- Two ripe tomatoes 
- Sugar to taste 
How to Make 
After being washed, cut-cut tomatoes to be juice. However, if they do not have the tool, the fruit can be boiled with water to taste. After boiling, pulverized or milled, then squeezed. Add the juice of sugar a little bit and then taken twice a day. 

Potion 5 
- Three or a handful of ripe noni fruit noni skin 
- A piece of banana leaf 
- A piece of cloth 
- Vinegar to taste 
The way I 
Noni fruit are washed and rinsed with boiled water. Grate and peraslah with a piece of cloth. Juice drink. 
How II 
For external use, noni skin finely ground and then mixed with a little vinegar. Wrap the mixture with banana leaf. Heat briefly over a fire or steamed. In the circumstances, warm, attach the packing in the upper right abdomen, where the liver is swollen and sore. 

Remedy 6 
- One tablespoon papaya seeds 
- Three fingers mengkal papaya fruit 
- Honey to taste 
How to Make 
Papaya seeds and blend until smooth or mashed seeds while the fruit seeds and fruit, or mashed papaya seeds and blend until smooth while its fruit is grated. The dough will serve as an added honey to taste, then drink. 
Note: Pregnant women are forbidden to drink this concoction because it can cause miscarriage. 

Potion 7 
- Fresh carrot taste 
How to Make 
Carrots cleaned and washed with boiled water. Trim as needed and make into juice. Can also be shredded carrots and the results are squeezed, and then filtered to collect up to one glass. Carrot juice can be drunk directly. 
Note: Most eating carrots can cause skin color to yellow. When that happens, stop drinking potions for a while. Skin color will return to normal. 

Remedy 8 
- Two fingers of fresh ginger rhizome 
- Honey to taste 
How to Make 
Peeled ginger rhizome, and then washed clean. Rinse with water boiled and then shredded. Add half a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of honey. Stir evenly then squeeze and strain. Drink filtered water a day two times a day. 

Potion 9 
- One finger turmeric 
- One tablespoon honey 
How to Make 
Turmeric rhizome is washed and shredded. Add a little water on the grater. Grater then filtered and add honey. Drink three times a day