
Vaccine Safety Back asserted

Scientists re-affirm the safety of vaccination. Some mild side effects can indeed occur after immunization, but they claim to date there is no evidence that the vaccine will cause autism or type 1 diabetes.

The report was submitted by a panel of scientists in the United States after an exhaustive review of 1,000 studies. Research is regarded as a side effect of vaccine research's most comprehensive since 1994.

Fear of vaccine side effects has led many parents to spend her child immunization schedule. It also makes some of the reformulated vaccine.

"We have studied more than 1,000 evaluation reports from epidemiological and biological evidence about vaccine side effects. The result is clear that the majority of side effects are mild and self limiting. Few serious side effects," said Ellen Wright Clayton, professor of pediatrics and chairman of the panel of scientists.

The panel of scientists that examined eight types of vaccine, ie MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis), varicella, influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal, tetanus and HPV vaccine.

These vaccines protect the host from diseases such as smallpox, mumps, whooping cough, hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, smallpox fire, and pneumococcal meningitis and cervical cancer.

Sekaligi again, the scientists found no evidence MMR vaccine causes autism or type 1 diabetes.

"DTaP vaccine does not cause type 1 diabetes and the flu vaccine does not cause Bell's palsy (temporary paralysis in the face) and does not cause asthma worse," said Clayton.

He added that the side effects that occur are usually temporary, such as spasms in the MMR vaccine but only in children who are suffering from high fever and then vaccinated. But the side effects briefly.

"The side effects are not long term and not a sign that the child will suffer from epilepsy," he said.

Meanwhile, the MMR vaccine is also known to cause inflammation in the brain when given to people who suffer from severe immune disorders.

In the varicella vaccine to prevent smallpox fire, some side effects that can arise include pneumonia, hepatitis, meningitis, or swelling in the brain but rarely and is found only in people with impaired immune systems.

Six types of vaccines (MMR, varicella, influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal and tetanus) can also cause an allergic reaction after the injection. Therefore patients are advised not to immediately leave the doctor 15 minutes after immunization to ensure there is no reaction to al