Chicken liver are included in processed foods that often by the people of Indonesia. In addition to delicious, chicken liver apparently has a number of good nutrients.
Chicken liver high in protein and rich in folate, which is good for improving fertility and prevent defects in babies. Besides chicken liver has a high content of iron and some B vitamins, especially B12.
Essential nutrients such as chicken livers make the right choice for anemia, pregnant or breastfeeding. Chicken liver is also known to be rich in vitamin A.
You can turn into many different types of chicken liver dish, ranging from a slurry mixture of chicken, sambal goreng, to the delicious satay.
One of the things that must be considered in processing the chicken livers are cooked until done to prevent food poisoning from campylobacter bacteria. To turn off the bacteria, cook in a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Celsius for two minutes.
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