
Want Longevity? Limit Processed Meat

Sausage, ham, bacon and other processed meats should stop consumption. According to recent studies, processed meats such mengasup habits contribute to death at a young age.

In a report published in the journal BMC Medicine, the researchers concluded that processed meat, which is closely related to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and death at a young age.

Who need to be aware of processed meat is a high use of salt and chemicals as preservatives.

Research on the effects of diets high in processed meats is done by following people from 10 countries for almost 13 years.

Those who ate more than 160 grams (the equivalent of two sausages and a slice of smoked pork) of processed meat per day, the risk of death during the period of 13 years 44 per cent more than those who only eat 20 grams of processed meat.

"Those who like to eat meat, especially processed meat, usually also have less healthy lifestyles," said Rohrmann Prof.Sabine of the University of Zurich.

Indeed, the people in the study in addition to love eating processed meat is also generally smoking, obesity, and had other bad lifestyle.

"Quitting smoking is actually more important than reducing meat. But I still recommend people to start limiting the consumption of processed meat," he said.

Previous research also links between processed meats, such as bacon, burger, or hot dog, increases the risk of colon cancer.

Dr.Rachel Thompson of the World Cancer Research Fund found that about 4000 cases of bowel cancer could be prevented if consumers limit their intake of processed meat less than 10 grams per day.

Nevertheless meat still advised to be consumed as part of a healthy and balanced diet. In addition to red meat, other good sources of protein are chicken, fish, and nuts.

Chicken Liver Nutrition

Chicken liver are included in processed foods that often by the people of Indonesia. In addition to delicious, chicken liver apparently has a number of good nutrients.

Chicken liver high in protein and rich in folate, which is good for improving fertility and prevent defects in babies. Besides chicken liver has a high content of iron and some B vitamins, especially B12.

Essential nutrients such as chicken livers make the right choice for anemia, pregnant or breastfeeding. Chicken liver is also known to be rich in vitamin A.

You can turn into many different types of chicken liver dish, ranging from a slurry mixture of chicken, sambal goreng, to the delicious satay.

One of the things that must be considered in processing the chicken livers are cooked until done to prevent food poisoning from campylobacter bacteria. To turn off the bacteria, cook in a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Celsius for two minutes.

High fiber foods nourish the Heart

High-fiber diet is believed to be very beneficial for digestion, but the food is also good for heart health, especially as lower cholesterol levels.
Nurse practitioner at the Heart and Vascular Clinic at the University of Alabama Birmingham Jody Gilchrist said, a diet high in fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans have been studied may help to lower cholesterol levels. "Almost all nutritionists say that one needs at least 25 grams of fiber each day as part of a balanced diet," he said.
American Heart Association (AHA) recommends for every 1,000 calories eaten should contain at least 14 grams of fiber consisting of 10 grams of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber that can make you full faster so that it can help control serapa much food you can eat. Research shows that soluble fiber can also help lower bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol by preventing the body absorbs from food.
Gilchrist said, foods with high soluble fiber include oatmeal, nuts, grains, rice, wheat, oranges, strawberries, apples and meat.
While insoluble fiber play a greater role in helping to prevent constipation and keep the digestive tract healthy. Foods with a high insoluble fiber include whole wheat bread, whole grains, cabbage, beets, carrots, turnips, cauliflower and apple skin.
Today many processed foods high in fiber are found, but Gilchrist suggested that more careful in choosing the longer these products. "You must be careful to read the labels of these products, as many products are said to contain oats or wheat, wheat actually contain very little, while the sugar content, sodium, and high in fat, such as muffins and waffles," said Gilchrist.
Another way to increase your fiber intake is to add fiber supplements to beverages, cereal, yogurt, soups, and other foods. "However, please be sure to increase your fiber intake slowly and drink plenty of water," he said.