
Why People Should Limit salt diet? This reason!

If you want to be successful when dieting, not just any sweet foods that you should limit their consumption. Salty foods you must also reduce the portions.

From this statement many of which eventually questioned whether salt can make you fat? According to a study, salt is not good for heart health, but it does not mean eating high salt foods can make your body fat directly.

Indeed not the salt that makes you gain weight. A study done students of University of North Carolina found that salty food packaging most also contain a lot of fat and sugar. Well, the combination of salt, sugar and fat is what makes you gain weight.

A wide variety of fast food, chips, sausages, corned beef, and so it does contain a lot of sodium, but also contain simple sugars and saturated and trans fats which of course will increase your weight. Salt or salty foods cause an increase in weight of water in the body.

When eating salty foods, you will easily make a lot of thirst and drinking. Eating salt will not directly increase body fat, but it can increase water retention or water retention in the body, which of course will increase your weight. But keep in mind that it is not fat, but water.

Various health organizations ranging from the American Heart Association to the National Academy of Science in the United States recommends salt intake limited to no more than 2,400 mg a day. Not completely eliminated because the salt is also useful in maintaining nerve function.