
The Young Coconut

DIRT CHEAP and was easy to be gotten. Apart from comfort to pelepas the thirst, the young coconut juice contained isotonic natural, that very important returned stamina and body fluids that were lost. The coconut juice, especially the young coconut juice, since long before had been known as the healthy drink. His location that was most protected by the hard coconut shell and the coconut husk that were thick, caused the coconut juice to be the sterile drink, free from all the forms of contamination (physical, chemistry, and microbiology).

The young coconut juice also was believed had the effect of medical treatment against the kidney and hipretensi (hypertension). Aside from true or not this view, there is good him was studied by us the content of the available nutrient to water and meat the young coconut. The amount of water per the item of the young coconut very varying, depended on the measurement him. Generally the level of him not less than 250 ml per the item.

The young composition of the coconut juice nutrient very varying, depended on the variety of the coconut and the age. Generally, the coconut juice contained 4.7 percent of the total solid matter, 2.6 percent sugar, 0.55 percent protein, 0.74 percent fat, as well as 0.46 percent mineral. The nutritive composition like this good caused the coconut juice to be able to be used as the growth media of the microbe, for example Acetobacter xylinum for the production nata de coco. The coconut juice could be also made use of as the production material of various drink kinds, beautiful, alcohol, dektran, the vinegar, and soy sauce.

The isotonic drink could it was hoped replace the body mineral that was lost through sweat, while the activity played sport or the other hard work. In the level of the industry, the isotonic drink is generally made by mixing water, sugar, various minerals (electrolytes), pencita the feeling and colouring agent. Apparently the coconut juice memilki the big potential to be developed as the isotonic drink natural that was dirt cheap, moreover when fasting. The intense weather during the day and the physical activity that was abundant in the fast month, will drain sweat that enough. On the other hand, liquid revenue was not completely.