
Prevent Obesity, Instill Healthy Living Since Early!

Parents should be wary of ancaman overweight (obesity) on their children. If the child's food consumption patterns are not controlled, not only disturb the appearance, at age adults likely these children will suffer from coronary heart disease.

Studies show that approximately 30-40 percent of obese children will also be transformed into obese adults. Therefore, parents need to instill healthy habits in children as early as possible.

The recommended healthy habits such as eating together, sleeping enough, and watching TV less than two hours each day. "Children aged four years taught healthy habits by parents risk 40 percent lower for obesity," said Sarah Anderson of Ohio State University in Columbus, USA, in the journal Pediatrics.

Anderson added, until now scientists have not found a way to cure obesity in children, because it is wiser to prevent it.

Control the child's diet, if followed through with eating habits. Activities ate together at the table not just to fill a hungry stomach, but also the event for parents to teach about nutrition and discipline. Another benefit is to increase the bond between parent and child.

Another way to tackle obesity is physical exercise. Children with less physical activity would tend to become obese when eating excess. Watch TV for hours can be reduced and replaced it with fsik activity.

Parents should introduce a variety of enjoyable physical activity, like playing a bike, swimming and so on. Physical exercise in children will be able to improve aerobic endurance, muscle strength and bone density. The children will also be more nimble and not lazy than the children who sat in front of its frequency tv.