
5 Signs You Eating Enough Vegetables

In addition to a macro nutrient intake, consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, we are also encouraged to meet the micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals) which among others can be obtained from vegetables and fruits. Consumption of fruits and vegetables also can meet the needs of fiber in our bodies.

Vegetables are consumed in order to give maximum benefit, ideally there are 5 servings of vegetables in menus child, or about 400 grams a day. How to assess the consumption of vegetables that you've met?

According to Harry Apriadji Wied, Nutrition Consultant and Natural Healthy Cooking, for simplicity, adequacy of vegetable consumption per day can be seen from the indicators Chapter 5, SECTION yakti (bowel movement) is characterized by:
1. Can be done every day.
2. Out automatically (no need to push so hard).
3. Two minutes is complete.
4. There is a feeling complete.
5. Floating stools.

If the indicators are met, certainly in question has been eating fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities to him every day. There may be a person who was already eating lots of vegetables in a serving, but the body still think less, because the indicator has not happened CHAPTER 5 as mentioned above.

Which also must be remembered, the recommended consumption of vegetables each day a minimum of three colors, namely green, orange, and white. Example: soup containing beans (representing the color green), carrots (orange), and mustard (white). Only eat one color of vegetables, such as green only, although every day still less balanced.

Someone mentioned the consumption of green vegetables every day can cause uric acid. Is this correct? "Obviously wrong," Wied said.

It may be that the person has had gout before, but certainly not the cause of green vegetables. Indeed, green vegetables which contain purine accused as ringleaders rise in uric acid levels in the body, but the purines contained in the amount of green vegetables "modest" until he can raise uric acid levels significantly.

In addition, there is also the opinion of vegetables consumed in large quantities can cause constipation. "That's not true," Wied said.

This can happen if the consumption of vegetables every day is not matched with the consumption of sufficient amounts of fluid. Because vegetables generally have high fiber content, if not balanced with the liquid will be "hardened". This is what causes constipation.

Water is a vital mineral for the human body.

What are the functions of the body of water? Here are 10 important functions of water according dr.Tan Shot, Yen, M. Hum, medical doctor and author of the book.

- Water prevents DNA damage and make repairs more efficiently.

- Water increases the efficiency of the immune system in the bone marrow, including against cancer.

- Water is the main solvent of all foods, vitamins, and minerals; used to break down these materials and metabolism and asimilasinya.

- Water gives energy to the food, so that food particles could provide energy during the digestive process.

- The water used as conductor of all substances in the body.

- Water increases the efficiency of red blood cells capture oxygen in the lungs.

- Air cleaning toxic waste from different parts of the body and took it to the liver and kidneys to be excreted.

- Water is the main lubricant in the joint cells and helps prevent arthritis and back pain.

- Water cooling system is important for the body (through sweat) and heating the body (electrical).

- Water helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

8 Healthy Diet Tips for Brain and Heart

Apparently the food is good for the heart, better for the brain. Gary Small, director of the UCLA Memory Clinic in the United States, provides tips on getting the best nutritional benefits to the two important organs in our lives are.

1. Limiting the number of calories
Excess body fat increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Both these degenerative diseases risk of causing a mild stroke in the brain that can make your memory loss, dementia and even Alzheimer's.

2. Eat more good fats
Essential fatty acids that we found in fish help prevent heart vessel blockage. These fatty acids are also found in nuts, avocados, canola oil, olive oil.

3. Choose lean meat
For example skinless chicken meat and beef tenderloin. Saturated fat-rich meats such as beef burgers are the cause of heart vessel blockage.

4. Concentrations of the complex carbohydrates
Such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and wheat. These foods beneficial to good cholesterol guard our heart health. In addition, this type of carbohydrate also helps maintain appetite and help burn fat. Vegetables and fruits are also brightly colored antioxidants brain health guardians.

5. Add the turmeric!
Yellow color in the dish that comes from turmeric menyedapkan besides food, is also beneficial to health because the content of curcumin in it. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric is useful as antipembengkakan and antioxidant substances.

6. Green tea and black
Make tea without sugar for the two types of tea are free calories and rich in antioxidants.

7. Wine
Of course as long as you do not have health impediments to drink this style. A glass of wine a day can help protect the brain from decline. So according to studies written in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Red wine also contains antioxidants known.

8. Avoid junk food
Especially snacks that contain high sugar and processed foods. Both cause inflammation in the body and increase blood glucose levels in our

it can also help you lose weight

What do you eat it can also help you lose weight. Want to know what food? Check out below:

Adults who ate two eggs for breakfast can eliminate 65 percent of body weight (and feel more energetic) than those who ate bread with the same calories. Another discovery claimed, those who ate eggs every day, lower caloric intake of 300 cal (if the total, equal to 1.5 kilos per month) than those who do not eat eggs. "Eggs help balance blood sugar levels, providing support protein energy, and full of nutrients," says fitness trainer, Jessica Smith. "If you can not eat eggs in the morning, eat at night," he continued.

Potatoes are often used as a substitute for rice. However, for those that carbohydrate diets, potatoes were avoided because both contain carbohydrates. In fact, potatoes are really good food to reduce weight. Potatoes have a mixture of nutrients, fiber, and protein, but with low calories. A baked potato (with skin) of medium size has 6 grams of protein, more than 1,500 mg of potassium, and calories below 300. Add the vegetables or low-fat cheese to serve as a complement or snack servings.

Plain yogurt
Greek society like eating yogurt. If you hold a sense she offered, store food in the fridge for snacking fulfill in the morning or evening without having to feel guilty. Yogurt with 2 percent fat content will give a sense of full longer, high calcium, protein, and good bacteria for the stomach.

Artichoke is a food reliever good weight and have enough fiber. One artichoke stew has 150 calories with 10 grams of protein, calcium, and folic acid. For snacks, eat artichokes with additional flavorings, mayonnaise, hummus, or Italian dressing.

Canned tomato paste is a food that can help you lose weight. Canned tomato paste has 5 grams of fiber per half cup. Use canned tomato paste to taste the spaghetti sauce or tortillas.

Eat less food, but often is one strategy to reduce body weight. However, notice the food consumed. One of the foods are safe to eat almonds. At least 10 grains almonds in certain hours, in between big meals, can help meet the desire to chew, but not damage your diet. Almonds contain fiber that can make a full and easy to carry.

Prevent Obesity, Instill Healthy Living Since Early!

Parents should be wary of ancaman overweight (obesity) on their children. If the child's food consumption patterns are not controlled, not only disturb the appearance, at age adults likely these children will suffer from coronary heart disease.

Studies show that approximately 30-40 percent of obese children will also be transformed into obese adults. Therefore, parents need to instill healthy habits in children as early as possible.

The recommended healthy habits such as eating together, sleeping enough, and watching TV less than two hours each day. "Children aged four years taught healthy habits by parents risk 40 percent lower for obesity," said Sarah Anderson of Ohio State University in Columbus, USA, in the journal Pediatrics.

Anderson added, until now scientists have not found a way to cure obesity in children, because it is wiser to prevent it.

Control the child's diet, if followed through with eating habits. Activities ate together at the table not just to fill a hungry stomach, but also the event for parents to teach about nutrition and discipline. Another benefit is to increase the bond between parent and child.

Another way to tackle obesity is physical exercise. Children with less physical activity would tend to become obese when eating excess. Watch TV for hours can be reduced and replaced it with fsik activity.

Parents should introduce a variety of enjoyable physical activity, like playing a bike, swimming and so on. Physical exercise in children will be able to improve aerobic endurance, muscle strength and bone density. The children will also be more nimble and not lazy than the children who sat in front of its frequency tv.

Complex carbohydrates Keep Blood Sugar levels

For years people with diabetes are encouraged to avoid sweets, cakes and other sugary foods that will more quickly assumed elevate blood sugar levels. However, research shows that it is not true. All carbohydrates, including sugar kitchen, affect blood glucose with almost the same way.

The most important of carbohydrates is not dependent on the type of food, but more on diasup portions. If you consume more carbohydrates than usual, you probably do not have enough supply of insulin to bring the excess sugar into the cells, which can result in increased blood sugar levels.

One way to help control blood sugar is to eat the same amount of carbohydrates at specific times each day. It's best to consume a mixture of complex and simple carbohydrates.

Benefits of complex carbohydrates (flour) is that the body takes longer to describe it into sugar. Thus, the sugar enters the bloodstream at a rate of speed that is more stable. Include carbohydrate foods in a high-fiber mixture. The more fiber a food contains, the more slowly the process of digestion and also the slower increase in blood sugar levels.

Source of complex carbohydrates include whole grains (rice, corn, wheat), tubers, sago, and sebaginya. Simple carbohydrates are sugar product itself or the easily digested into sugar, such as honey, syrup, cakes, and jams, much faster to use the body as an energy so fast cause hunger.

7 Liquid Natural damping Dengue Fever

Apart from lemongrass oil to ward off the danger of DHF, people often use function guava. Understandably many people who claim to successfully rescued from dengue fever because of guava juice.

DHF patients to help guava blessing, may be not because jambunya, but because the liquid juice into the patient's body in large quantities. The liquid, especially if taken up to 5 or 6 cups a day, much needed patients who have lost a lot of blood plasma due to decreased platelets.

Any liquid, either plain water or water solution of salt or sugar and other fruit juices can help the healing process of dengue fever patients, if consumed in large quantities. Drinks in cans containing electrolytes is also recommended given to patients.

Here are some types of liquids that can be given to people with dengue fever to avoid dehydration:

1. Air Kelapa Muda
The UN World Food Agency (FAO - Food & Agriculture Organization) recognizes that the properties of young coconut water as a thirst-killing substances rich in natural electrolytes. Electrolyte and nutritional substance more than just drink the thirst-killing factory production. Mentioned in the FAO official website that the young coconut juice natural, delicious, rich in salt, sugar, and vitamins needed Olympic-class athletes and amateurs. In fact, the UN agency has patented a young coconut water is efficacious.

In the young coconut water contains minerals potassium, sodium, chloride, and magnesium. These substances are electrolytes the body needs to help overcome the threat of shock in dehydrated condition. Besides potassium, also contains sugar, vitamins B and C and protein. The composition of sugars and minerals contained in water is so perfect, that mentioned a similar balance with human body fluids.

2. Hexagonal Water
Chinese traditional medicine, always advocated the consumption of water "live". Is never mentioned mean "life" is. In Korea, people who diligently take waterfalls in the mountains maintained their health, according to Yunjo Chung, MD, a doctor from the University of Korea. Water "live" may be a water rich in oxygen content as the waterfall.

Korea has recently successfully patented a technology called Actimo to make water "life" that contains oxygen and sold throughout the world. According to them, in the human body there are two forms of water compounds, pentagonal (pentagons) and hexagonal (hexagonal).

Hexagonal and pentagonal distinction was only based on its structure. Pentagonal water molecules form a series of water with a large group of bonds and unstable. As usual white water, hexagonal water is not tasteless and odorless. (see rubric You Need to Know in the 290th edition SENIOR)

3. Fruit juice
Lack of fluid because of dengue fever can also be overcome by water juice. Not always have guava juice. "Can papaya juice, orange, or mango juice, as long as the patient likes," said Dr. Irawan Hindra Satari, Sp.A (K) M.Tro.Pad, a pediatrician.

Water content in the fruit high count, which varies between 65 to 92 percent, so that it can cover the lack of fluid from blood plasma merembesnya out of the vessel.

Michael T. Murray, ND, in his book The Complete Book of Juicing, writing juice is easily absorbed body for its smooth and fluid. Known nutrients such as the intestine is absorbed in the form of juice. Means juice helps the digestive process by accelerating the body's absorption of nutrients high quality contained in the juice.

4. Guava
Khasiatnya Although not medically proven, it never hurts to give the guava juice for dengue fever patients. Therefore, this exotic fruit contains vitamin C which is very high.

Vitamin C is found in the flesh. Seeds are often not consumed also contains vitaimin C. Mentioned in the book Foods that Heal, Foods that Harm, 90 grams of guava fruit is more than enough to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C in adults. The book also mentions, though it lost nearly 25 percent of the vitamin because the process of processing, packaging guava juice box is still a source of vitamin C is good.

Thanks to contain high doses of vitamin C is, immunity against bacteria in the body will increase. Any wound healing process go faster. In addition, blood pressure is also getting better because of this fruit is a good source of potassium.

To get the maximum benefit, select fruit that had just ripe and still green and yellow. When fully ripe, store in the refrigerator. Do not forget to wash before made juice.

5. Alang-Alang
Wild plants named Latin Imperata cylindrica (L) Beauv has been frequently studied. According to Drs. Dalimartha Setiawan in the book Traditional Remedy for the Treatment of Hepatitis, foreign weeds have made patent medicines.
Research on this plant says, reeds contain mannitol, glucose, sakharosa, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, cylindrin, fernenol, simiarenol, anemonin, grit acid, resin, and alkali metals. Judging from the contents, the weeds are antipyretic (reduce heat), diuretics (urine shed), hemostatik (stop bleeding), and eliminate the thirsty.

Traditional Chinese Medicine says, the weeds have a sweet and cool properties. The effect of this treatment plant enters the lung meridian, stomach and small intestine. With the launch diuretic properties urine, reeds useful to treat acute renal inflammatory disease.

Diuretic properties which remove useless body fluids is useful for controlling blood pressure is likely to be high. Hemostatik properties that can stop the bleeding can also be used to overcome the nosebleeds and internal bleeding.

These herbs in the body will infiltrate into the organs of the lungs, stomach and small intestine. Therefore, weed herb should not be given to those who are weak stomach functions and urinary frequency.

Part reed plants that can be used as traditional medicine is a rhizome, either fresh or dried. Reed materials can be obtained in the Chinese medicine shop. Now readily available even reeds drink instant hot efficacious in eliminating. This instant beverages are available in herbal shops or Chinese medicine shop.

How to utilization, take one bunch or roll roots of the weeds. Wash and boil in three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Mix the juice of one lime juice with three tablespoons of water weeds such. Use as needed. Add sweetener if the herb is intended for children.

6. Angkung
Angkung believed to help cure the disease meningitis, stroke, brain inflammation, liver disease, seizures, and lack of body fluids as well as in the case of dengue fever. However, unfortunately angkung very expensive price. Price one pill angkung reached USD 250 thousand. Angkung usually sold in packs of pills in Chinese medicine shop.

To buy have to be careful because the market angkung identified many false. The characteristics of the original angkung including pills wrapped in gold paper after opening the box. Angkung pill form like porridge or lunkhead, flexible but easily broken. Other characteristics, very quickly dissolves when brewed with hot water, even in less than 1 minute. Characteristics that are easily recognized the authenticity of the outer packaging is the hologram label and sign manufacturers.

In addition to the expensive cost, the benefits are not immediate angkung after drinking one or two eggs. "Just felt Khasiatnya Angkung to overcome severe illness taken regularly after 6 to 8 pills every day," said John Sinse, who practiced at East Kalibesar area, West Jakarta.

7. Daun Dewa
God leaves of plants can also be used as a substitute angkung. This plant-shaped bush. Leaf is part of the plant which is used as a medicine.
This herb is rich with various chemical ingredients such as saponins, ASIRI oils, flavonoids, and tannins. With the chemical content of the plant are useful as an anticoagulant (dilute blood clot), stop the bleeding, remove the heat, clean toxin.