Did you know that it also requires immunization of adults? Yes, not just children who need immunizations. Not many people know that any adult individual should be immunized.
Besides functioning as one of the most successful disease prevention and effective, the immunization was also shown to decrease morbidity and mortality in society in general.
Immunization policy in Indonesia is still prioritizing infants and children that makes the role of adult immunization became neglected. In addition, lack of socialization to the community caused the lack of public knowledge on adult immunization.
For that, since 2003 the Association of Physician Specialists Internal Medicine (PAPDI) has resulted in consensus on immunization of adults so that it expects to improve the health of the individual's socialization on adult immunization.
Hopefully, with immunization against certain diseases immunity is formed so that in future no longer the disease globally.
The purpose of immunization is to provide a memory of the existence of a specific pathogen or toxin that can increase the level of immunity and immune protection.
American Society of Internal Medicine states, actual adult immunization can prevent the death of ten-fold compared with the children. Yet it is unfortunate that the administration of adult immunizations are still many obstacles experienced.
Actually, why adults still need immunizations? This is caused by several things. One of them is because small gift at the time of immunization can not guarantee the existence of immunity for a lifetime.
In addition, according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC), immunization makes us healthier and just as important as diet and exercise in maintaining health as well as safe and effective. Thus, immunization can take care of health so that disease treatment costs would be cheaper and productivity is maintained.
Some facts that support the importance of immunization can be seen from the high number of deaths caused by influenza and up to 360 000 200 000 inpatient cases that occurred in the United States. In addition, two strains of human papilloma virus (HPV) causes about 70 percent of cervical cancer, even in the hepatitis B virus infection and its complications have caused 5000 deaths each year.
Actually, what immunizations can be performed on adult individuals? Some of whom influenza vaccine, pneumococcal, hepatitis B, yellow fever is also HPV. In addition, there are still many that are being developed in order to be useful for joint health.
To that end, redeeming the benefits of immunization for your adult individuals so that you also feel the benefits of immunization against your health.
Besides functioning as one of the most successful disease prevention and effective, the immunization was also shown to decrease morbidity and mortality in society in general.
Immunization policy in Indonesia is still prioritizing infants and children that makes the role of adult immunization became neglected. In addition, lack of socialization to the community caused the lack of public knowledge on adult immunization.
For that, since 2003 the Association of Physician Specialists Internal Medicine (PAPDI) has resulted in consensus on immunization of adults so that it expects to improve the health of the individual's socialization on adult immunization.
Hopefully, with immunization against certain diseases immunity is formed so that in future no longer the disease globally.
The purpose of immunization is to provide a memory of the existence of a specific pathogen or toxin that can increase the level of immunity and immune protection.
American Society of Internal Medicine states, actual adult immunization can prevent the death of ten-fold compared with the children. Yet it is unfortunate that the administration of adult immunizations are still many obstacles experienced.
Actually, why adults still need immunizations? This is caused by several things. One of them is because small gift at the time of immunization can not guarantee the existence of immunity for a lifetime.
In addition, according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC), immunization makes us healthier and just as important as diet and exercise in maintaining health as well as safe and effective. Thus, immunization can take care of health so that disease treatment costs would be cheaper and productivity is maintained.
Some facts that support the importance of immunization can be seen from the high number of deaths caused by influenza and up to 360 000 200 000 inpatient cases that occurred in the United States. In addition, two strains of human papilloma virus (HPV) causes about 70 percent of cervical cancer, even in the hepatitis B virus infection and its complications have caused 5000 deaths each year.
Actually, what immunizations can be performed on adult individuals? Some of whom influenza vaccine, pneumococcal, hepatitis B, yellow fever is also HPV. In addition, there are still many that are being developed in order to be useful for joint health.
To that end, redeeming the benefits of immunization for your adult individuals so that you also feel the benefits of immunization against your health.
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