
Sausage Increase Heart Disease Risk

You like hot dogs or burgers with two slices of bacon or a sausage? The value of each type is on average only 50 grams, but if consumed every day the results really do not want to hear.

Recent research from the Harvard School of Public Health in the U.S. showed that those who ate meat every day that have been processed (such as ham, sausage, and bacon), will increase the risk of heart disease (42 percent) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (19 percent). The definition of a processed meat here is all kinds of meat that is processed by way of smoked or marinated.

However, still according to the same research team, if that is consumed is not yet processed meats (such as beef, lamb, or pork), not seen the same increase in risk even if you eat twice as much.

The content of cholesterol and saturated fats in processed meat or not actually the same, but the processed meat has a higher salt content and preservatives. That salt increases blood pressure in some people, and an increasing factor for heart disease.

"The consumption of processed meat, and instead of red meat, often associated with incident coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus (type 2) is higher," wrote the researchers in the journal Circulation.

On average, according to them, processed meats contain four times as much salt and preservatives nitrate 50 per cent more. This is what explains why the salt and preservatives further increase the risk of heart disease than fat. Results of this study need to convey a better understanding about the potential bad of processed meat, and how the recommended intake.

According to the research team, if you want to eat meat, choose lean meats, and though in a more healthy, such as boiling, roasting, or burn them. For flavor, use fresh vegetables or as dried. As a substitute for salt, use spices and chillies.