
Coffee is a favorite drink a lot of people

Coffee is a favorite drink a lot of people. Start from the roadside stall to five-star hotel provides beverages that taste delicious and so this. Gynecology caffeine in coffee can raise trusted freshness and fitness. But on the other hand many people are still afraid to drink the coffee because of health reasons.

For the controversy at this time is to hold a variety of research done to know the benefits of coffee and savor the body. As one of the main coffee exporter in the world, Indonesia's coffee famous high quality. Plus other reasons below, it seems if I have to skip a cup of coffee.

Against obesity
People who drink coffee are often known more stable body weight for 12 years compared with those who stop drinking coffee. Therefore according to research conducted by a team from the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA.

Drinking coffee disela time work that can help us stay in shape and concentrate. Research shows that athletes mengonsumsi drink that contains carbohydrate cafein after cycling have more glikogen (energy reserves) in ototnya when compared to athletes who do not mengonsumsi. Glikogen will help us more nimble and quick in the next session.

Reducing the risk of disease
Increase consumption of coffee according to research The National Institute of Environmental Medicine in Sweden, we can avoid the risk of liver cancer. Self-two cups per day coffee and cancer risk will be reduced 43 percent. Another study showed women who drink coffee is exposed to the risk of heart attack decreased by 24 percent. Antioxidants found in coffee supposedly protect us from diseases that.

A study reported in the Journal of Nutrition says that teenage girls often drank coffee daily the risk of breast cancer affected 40 percent decrease. Gynecology polipenhol caffeine in coffee and protect the body against breast cancer.