
G Index is titled Test Glikemik Different Light Food

Recently published results of research on the IG Index is titled Test Glikemik Different Light Food circulating in Indonesia by Made and colleagues. This is the first research in Indonesia.

In research, food is grouped into three, namely food with IG low (less than 55), moderate (between 55-70), IG, and high (more than 70) based on a scale of 0-100. Food that quickly raise blood sugar shortly after consumption means having a high value IG.

Of the four snack types tested, ie, wafer chocolate, biscuits, chocolate batangan, and fruit snack bars soy (soybean flour and dried fruit), known stem chocolate and fruit soy bar has a low degree IG, ie, 42 and 25. While the biscuits have a high degree IG (62), as well as potato chips (70).

However, chocolate also contains fat and sugar content is high. Instead of fruit soy bar the womb sugar will rich but low-fiber and vegetable protein.

"Besides kadar IG, note should also support the composition of a product. Find out the calories, sugar and dry fat," said Made. Because, some type of snack that has a low degree IG generally contain a high sugar. If consumed excessively it can affect bad for health.

IG is very useful information for diabetes patients and those who are maintaining body weight. However, not many products that include IG degree in composition in the packaging material. "In some countries, such as Japan and Australia, already have a logo that says IG a degree of food.