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Good sleep habits optimization support the developing baby grows. There are several steps to create a good sleep patterns for children, among others:

- Center your child's activity during the day
If more toddler bed in the morning and afternoon, create uncomfortable situations so that he woke up. For example, do not turn on the AC in the morning and afternoon, opened the windows so the sunlight entering the bedroom, set to music with the volume loud enough, and do the show room tidying up a bit of a shock and noise.

If a child is allowed to sleep longer in the morning and afternoon, he will carry over to sleep late, then wake up at noon the next day, and so on. After the kids woke up, arrange activities throughout the afternoon to evening so that fatigue and sleepiness came right on time a reasonable night's sleep.

- Familiarize the same pattern
In order to create a regular sleep pattern, apply the hours of sleep each day and night. Nap until 13:00 pm for example, every 1-2 hours later. Similarly to sleep at night, familiarize children went to bed at 20:00 to 21:00 until 10 hours later, not long after the parents woke up today.

- Give a nap opportunity
Siesta really a habit in the family. However, a nap also provide benefits like sleep that night, namely to restore stamina and assist the process of child growth and development. 1-2 hour nap is enough to maintain fitness until the night before the main sleep period. Before you take a nap, make sure the child is eating and drinking sufficiently.

- We woke up the night, meet the needs of the child only as necessary
If in the middle of the night or early morning waking the child because he wanted to urinate or thirsty, fill this need immediately. After that, tidurkan again the little guy. If the child is then invited to play, give the sense that the sky is dark is a sign that people have to sleep.

Parents need a little heart to meladeninya not play. Create conditions that can make it sleepy, like patting your thighs or rubbing his head, wearing a dark room lights, adjust the faint soft music, and parents pretended to be asleep with your eyes closed.